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True multiple attachments yet?

Guest skysober

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Ah, as I was informed a minute ago, it is true, they do still use the OLDER version like I do.

And how do you know they use an old version? Well?

It is modded, much as Idol, SciFi.com, and NBC are modded as well, to add functionability to it.

Most boards are modded, no software provides "everything"

Ironically, all that in the previous was an obvious extremely frustrated customer, with voice not only for himself, but the many many many others whom also left or refused to 'upgrade'.

Yeah, you know a bunch of languages but you don't have the mental skills to form sentences that make sense in any of them it would seem.

Personally I HAVE the software corrected to work with true attachments and Video mods.

It's called "modding", not "correcting", look it up some time. :)

Yet I still make notes ansd pleas to try and help those many others whom may be new to what IPB claims, and the reality that they falsely advertise they have multiple attachments, and while they do have the best security, they have the least in real features.

They DO have multiple attachments, and they're easy as hell to use FYI, and they work FINE, it's not them "false advertising" that's the issue here, it's the fact you're a total dick because YOU want something, you don't know 200 people who agree with you, you didn't "push IPB to go commercial", you're just an attention whore and a liar.
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at Kaede. Hmmm how do I know they use the older version? Gosh, something as simple as going into the Skype Forum and asking the site tech? Doh... wow, using the internet... what a concept.

{Most boards are modded. no software provides 'everything" }

so true... I only speak of the software that most boards DO offer ;)

It's called modding when you add to... it is called CORRECTING when you FIX it to what should work already.

{They DO have multiple attachments}
wow, they do? they must have just added it... all I have seen since IPB blocked the Multiple attachment mod in version 2.1 is the means to upload ONE SINGLE FILE AT A TIME. Not 10 or 20 files my members can upload by simply pressing the upload button ONCE after selecting the files...
{easy as hell to use FYI}
members complained from day one about the new format that was so confusing, when they changed from the straight forward standard that IPB had, which matched the majority of other forum software, and members were used to and comfortable with.

and if you must degrade yourself and show YOUR intelligence with your profanity, slander, and ignorance, that is always your choice. Yet as quoted... you should not have even opened your mouth, for it has proved you the fool.

The topic is about multiple attachments and IPB's present limitations. Please take your flaming and opinions to one of your IPB Text only sites being run on some shared server... That is more to your level.


It DOES work! So you are MODDING the current capabilities to suit yourself. If this was a bug, then you'd be CORRECTING the code.

all I have seen since IPB blocked the Multiple attachment mod in version 2.1

They didn't "block" it, they upgraded their codebase, to allow for new modifications to be easier to create.

The topic is about multiple attachments and IPB's present limitations

IPB has no "limitations" in the attachment area imo, you want to upload a file, it uploads a file. Pretty standard and easy to use there...

Please take your flaming and opinions to one of your IPB Text only sites being run on some shared server... That is more to your level.

I actually think that Kaede is just speaking out what we all want to be saying.

i really want to see True multiple attachments
the current one big joke to call multiple attachments
in my board when i start topic i need to upload
10 - 20 images so it become annoying to use the
attachment system also for my members

so plz ips developer improve the current attachment system
to suit every single board the large and small one

  • 3 weeks later...

For anybody interested. :)

[b]Better uploading tools[/b]

In the past we've had numerous calls for [b]TRUE multiple attachments[/b]. You'll be pleased to know that we've fully integrated SWFUpload into IPB3 for webservers that support it (which should be most). For those unfamiliar with this tool, it allows users to select multiple files in the Open dialog, and javascript then manages the upload queue for you. Another cool improvement is we now support upload progressbars with no additional server requirements! In addition, if you upload images, you'll see a thumbnail immediately, making it easy to insert the right image to your post, right where you want it.


The response from Adobe on the Adobe Forms is that a security change in Flash Player 10 prevents indirect calls display to File Dialogs.

This means that the SWFUpload JavaScript API cannot trigger the File Dialog in Flash. Which means SWFUpload is permanently broken for Flash Player 10.

We have 4 options:

1. Hope Adobe will have mercy and roll back this change and save SWFUpload.

2. SWFUpload support ends at Flash Player 9 and is not moved to Flash Player 10 (in other words, the project dies in 6 months to a year after the release of Flash Player 10).

3. Change the SWFUpload whole design philosophy dropping the JavaScript API (at least the portion that triggers File Dialogs and starts/stops/cancels uploads) and forcing a Flash Movie UI on our users.

4. Try to implement a kind of mix of Flash UI and HTML UI and complicate things by making the Flash UI configurable enough to match the HTML UI.

Unless Adobe is going to take their FileReference APIs serious and fix the bugs that are plaguing us (mod_security issues, data return issues, IO Error issues, Linux compatibility, etc) then I don't see a very bright future for any Flash based upload component. Is it worth the fight?

This is a quote from the SWFUploader's forums. Here is a link for the topic: http://www.swfupload.org/forum/generaldiscussion/551
In brief this says that it will not support the new Adobe Flash Player 10.

The response from Adobe on the Adobe Forms is that a security change in Flash Player 10 prevents indirect calls display to File Dialogs.

This means that the SWFUpload JavaScript API cannot trigger the File Dialog in Flash. Which means SWFUpload is permanently broken for Flash Player 10.

This is a quote from the SWFUploader's forums. Here is a link for the topic:


In brief this says that it will not support the new Adobe Flash Player 10.

Posted as comments on the blog entry already.

It is a little up in the air right now' date=' however, personally I don't think Adobe would cut that functionality in the final release. YUI also have functions that rely on this now, Wordpress implemented it, and sites like Flickr use it. I think they'll realize this is a valid use of Flash, and keep it available.[/quote']

  • 1 month later...

nice and could you do this for those have gallery enabled already, so there won't be duplicated images

1. click "new post"
2. type text
3. choose photos from member's own IP.gallery with easy browsing(such as a pop up screen) system under postnig screen
4. drag-and-drop selected photos on right place

and done

easy browsing system:

*click "insert gallery photos" buttons when posting

*a new windows opened up with members' gallery

*members browse and select photos simply by clicking mouse

* image selected go inserted on post automatically

This is in practice pretty BASIC on all blog or facebook-like systems nowadays

Ip.Gallery is a add-on of IPB, so make it integrated better then :)

  • 3 months later...

I am glad Invision listened. Perhaps once the beta is completed and a stable version is out I will look at it. I would hate to again loose all the mods that have been made and the hundreds of dollars spent to make the software do what was requested years ago... Yet rumors are that the new 3.0 has finally added those 'mods' into it, bringing it up to customer needs and requests.

Thanks for listening.


Well, it seems to work quite nicely (with Flash 10) in IE - wont work in Firefox though (I don't have Flash for Firefox - I made my reasoning on that clear about a year ago when this topic came up). So now we can choose between "true multiple attachments" and "true multiple attachments" - just one of them sucks less than the other.


Well, it seems to work quite nicely (with Flash 10) in IE - wont work in Firefox though (I don't have Flash for Firefox - I made my reasoning on that clear about a year ago when this topic came up). So now we can choose between "true multiple attachments" and "true multiple attachments" - just one of them sucks less than the other.

Well supposedly swfUpload (what IPB is integrating into IPB 3) has a fix in place for Flash 10. They are in beta 5, so hopefully once they release itll be an easy to update IPB 3 to use the latest version and fix the flash 10 issue.

A friend let me view his beta IPB3, as I asked him how he liked the 'true' multiple attachments. He said he didn't know, as he had yet to figure out how to find it.

So I logged in as root admin and tried to make a post. Wasn't too hard. A bit confusing as the entire layout is now on the left, where everyone is used to it being on the right, but close enough that after a few moments I found how to add an attachment and make a post. Worked just fine.

Then knowing it just had to have a means somewhere and looking around, noticed that there was an option link under the attachment box, to go into the member control panel and turn on multi uploads. Did that, and returned to make a new post.

After about 6 attempts and almost giving up, finally figured out it wanted me to press Ctrl IN the tiny file search box to select more than one file. I couldn't browse to a different folder and add a file, like in the mod I paid xshadow to create for my sites. So the present means in this beta is limited to only the one folder that is opened in the search.

To resolve that, I made a new folder called 'ToPost' on my local drive, moved 100 photos into it. Held down the CTRL while selecting 90 photos. Then after all that choosing and selecting, I tried to upload and it gave me an error that I am limited to 10. That would have been useful information prior to all that time of picking and choosing specific photos I wanted to try.

So I retried selecting only 10 photos. The progress bar is quite a wonderful feature so welcomed!
Then once all uploaded, the page gives the appearance as if I had to manually attach them all into the post. (I didn't figure out until later that one could ignore all of that on the right and simply press submit...) so I went through and pressed Add To Post for each of the 10 photos. Submitted.

7 of the photos appeared and 3 gave the dreaded [attachment...] text instead of the photo. (which is why we have a pinned topic for all members to never use the [+ attachment option in IPB2. )
So I edit out all of the [attachment=...] and pressed submit. Then it said I must add a topic into the post before submitting. It still didn't auto add them into the post, as I had to write some text or manually attach something first, before submitting, (the same old problem in IPB2.) I just used a smiley face, as the photos are the topic, not some narrative I needed to type in. Submitted it, and all 10 photos appeared perfectly!

Voila'! It does work!!!

Invision will honestly be able to say they have a form of True Multiple Attachments after all these years!!!


Thanks for the feedback :)

Regarding not being able to navigate folders, this must be a Flash restriction on your end. The multiple attachment manager is handled via Flash and so is subject to any restrictions Flash imposes on it. This works fine for me, but may be causing that issue for you.

Regarding the [attachment... ] text being inserted into the post, it will do this whenever the attachment is not an image. Only image attachments will actually appear as itself in the editor box.

And regarding the other points, I will see if we can make the upload process clearer through the information we provide - unfortunately there's a lot to cover, and it's not particularly desirable to have a wall of text explaining it either, but we might be able to find a compromise.


Actually Rikki, I understand what he's saying.

Regarding navigating folders, he's wanting to go to one folder, add a file, then go to another folder, add a file, and so on. There's no way to do this in the Flash plugin (or probably at all with the method we're using), so this is probably not something we can do anything about.

As for attachment - I believe he's saying he clicked the link to add the [attachment:whatever] bbcode into the post for 10 images, and only 7 of the 10 images parsed (the other 3 just stayed as bbcode). I'll test this out locally and if I can reproduce will look for a fix.


(Repeating post because the blasted edit function doesn't work - it just sits there. Please delete my last reply)

They have had True Multiple Attachments for years. It was just, well, kinda unwieldy.

Also, I just tested in the test posting messages forum. You can indeed attach files from multiple folders. You just select all the files from one folder, and then click Open in the file dialog. Then, just click the "Click here to upload files" button again to find the rest.


Yes, all 10 test attachments were photo images of various sizes. We used to occasionally get the [attachment... ] even if all were photos, but once removed from manual inserting into the post, and just letting the software position them all at the end does show them as photos proper.

For 'security' our forums only allow jpg's to be attached to a post. Anything else (I know - lol, another mod,) goes into a second server which contains the RapidShareOpenSource area that we have incorporated into the site, and Videos of course go into the ttVideo area.

I checked and attempted to download the FF flash plug in again and it stated I have the latest version. Tested also in Explorer 7 and 8 for XP, and 8 for Vista. Tested in Linux Debian Firefox as well. I could not figure out a way to change folders.
(reasoning. Say a member wants to post 75 photos of cars, and he wants 25 out of his Ford folder, 25 from his Chevy folder, and 25 from his Dodge folder...)

I also didn't immediately see a way to increase the amount of uploads to 100. At this time we have ours limited to 100 - not because it will time out, but just that any more than 100 photos in a post, we ask they use the gallery.

One thing I did note, (and sure is handy, is that if I use the move your 'to post' into a folder first, and select the first photo and page down to the last and press the Shift, it does select all between as well. So this is using Windows type features, and a new member might find it even easier than the present X-Shadow method.

I would like to see where if there are any attachments, then nothing needs entered into the topic box, as the photos themselves will be the topic.

I did ask two of my more elderly members to try making a post - both of them had a difficult time figuring out how to use the multi, but once they got that, they also assumed the photos had to be manually attached. I'm sure it would also be this way for our many members whom use english as a second language and kind of use the 'style' of a place to move about and do things.

thanks for the replies!


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