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Copy or move support topics to IPSB?

Guest sparc

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Would there be a way to move or copy support related questions over to IPSB? And then maybe have a link that points to the new location of the thread on IPSB? Perhaps include an automated PM to the OP telling them that they could also receive support by creating a ticket?

A lot of the support questions seem like valid questions.

It just seems to me that there has to be a smoother way than locking threads (in terms of customer support by a company that specializes in forums.)
The strings of locked topics seem a bit ugly.

Of course this could be implemented in a number of different ways. I just want to throw the idea out there and see if something could be done with it.


The easy solution is just to allow people on the company forums to completely filter out locked topics, but that doesn't really help anyone.


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We're going to be working on making this smoother with the relaunch of IPS Beyond we're planning.

Unfortunately, there is no faculty in IPB to move topics to a completely different site, and we do not apply custom modifications to our company forums, so until the relaunch I'm afraid there isn't a way to handle this "better" just yet.

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