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Moderator control panel?

Guest dg0896

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I think it would be a good idea for you guys to make a full moderator control panel for moderators like in vBulletin. It would be a great feature so you wouldn't have to make someone an administrator to ban people, or other administrative powers, but so they are higher up than a normal moderator. It would also be nice if you made it as customizable as vBulletin's. What does everyone else think of this idea?

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We don't need one.

All the moderation you need can be done inline (delete topics / move topics / approve topics ) without the need for a separate area. Also, the warning system (available underneath the user's details in a topic) can be used to suspend members.

Finally, in "My Controls" there is a section called "Moderator Tools" where one can perform basic edits on members and manage announcements.

We used to have a separate moderator center in IPB 1.3 but we decided that it was folly to force moderators into a separate area of the board when, with some neat GUI tweaks, they could perform all their actions within the normal flow of the board. I'm sure that other products will follow our lead at some point.

After all, when using your computer, you hardly have to go to a separate control panel to delete and move files, do you?

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It would be nice though, to enable the feature of banning IP's and users through the warning pannel. As administrator, you have to copy the IP-adress from a post, go to your ACP and ban the IP or user there. According to the in-line philosophy, that should not be the way to ban people.

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Well, one has to balance security with convenience.

We certainly wouldn't want a hacker to be able to do too much damage with a "stock" moderators account, or even with an administrators account without first logging into the ACP.

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We don't need one.

All the moderation you need can be done inline (delete topics / move topics / approve topics ) without the need for a separate area. Also, the warning system (available underneath the user's details in a topic) can be used to suspend members.

Finally, in "My Controls" there is a section called "Moderator Tools" where one can perform basic edits on members and manage announcements.

We used to have a separate moderator center in IPB 1.3 but we decided that it was folly to force moderators into a separate area of the board when, with some neat GUI tweaks, they could perform all their actions within the normal flow of the board. I'm sure that other products will follow our lead at some point.

After all, when using your computer, you hardly have to go to a separate control panel to delete and move files, do you?

No, but you do need one to manage your computer.
At the end of the day, the moderator controls in the UCP looks a bit out of place. It would be nice for the warning centre to have a centralised location (the warning centre does need a bit of an overhaul. You could make it automatically do things on x number of warnings, as 99% of sites operate something like 3 warnings = 2 week suspension, etc.) and you could also bung reports in there as well.

If you insist on inline moderation, why not inline administration! Why not have "Add Forum" buttons at the bottom of each category, hmmm?
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The area is called "My Controls" - how is it out of place that a moderators controls are there too?

Do we need an entirely separate control panel for three links?

No, but you do need one to manage your computer.

Of course, and IPB has an ACP too.

If you insist on inline moderation, why not inline administration! Why not have "Add Forum" buttons at the bottom of each category, hmmm?

Facetiousness aside:

Well, one has to balance security with convenience.

We certainly wouldn't want a hacker to be able to do too much damage with a "stock" moderators account, or even with an administrators account without first logging into the ACP.

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Matt, I think the main reson why people want one of these is that there is no way to communicate between mods on actions taken. For example, a post gets reported. The appropriate mods are PMed on the issue. The first one to see it deletes it, but there is no way to tell any of the other mods what happened without PMing them.

Another example On my boards I have to make a specific thread in the moderator only forum for each mod to tell the date/time and reason for warning a board member, so they don't accidently double warn someone for a single infraction.

A CP for this where all issues were tracked for the mod team to view would simplify things greatly. A place like this couuld also be useful to make mod conversations anonymus. They could send items out of the mod cp which could have a custom label so the offending user doesn't know who he is talking to.

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I think the inline moderation is enough.

Exactly. I thought the whole idea of inline moderation being introduced in IPB 2.1 was to do away entirely with the moderator center, as it was no longer needed. I think the current system of having limited administrators could use some fine tuning, but overall, still is more effectively than a whole seperate moderator control panel.
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Exactly. I thought the whole idea of inline moderation being introduced in IPB 2.1 was to do away entirely with the moderator center, as it was no longer needed. I think the current system of having limited administrators could use some fine tuning, but overall, still is more effectively than a whole seperate moderator control panel.

Alright, I'll agree with that as it's a very valid and good point. :) I believe the inline moderation system can always be improved upon, though.
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Well, one has to balance security with convenience.

We certainly wouldn't want a hacker to be able to do too much damage with a "stock" moderators account, or even with an administrators account without first logging into the ACP.

A hacker could still use the Prune tool to completely empty a forum with no backup couldn't he? Maybe moderator tools should require authentication to be used, like the ACP,
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A hacker could still use the Prune tool to completely empty a forum with no backup couldn't he? Maybe moderator tools should require authentication to be used, like the ACP,

Thanks for replying guys. By this I mean a seperate panel that would require a login like the ACP, and the admins would be able to set and restrict the features in the mod CP.
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Luke showed you his Moderator Center how come u didn't want to put that in every IP.Board and make an option in the Admin CP to disable it. The Moderator Center is really helpful because all forum reports go there and the moderators can make comments on it and it is a very helpful area.

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