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Guest TCWT

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This needs to be improved as well. It's mostly the same as 1.3, didn't really change much. IPB search is crappy compared with other boards.

Stuff that should be included in the Search Form:

- search titles/entire posts
- topics containing at least/at most X posts
- sort results by:
relevancy, title, number of views, thread start date
- find posts from:
since your last visit, yesterday
- find posts from user,
posts started by user, threads started by user

Lastly, the possibility to edit the posts/topics in the "search results" page instead of viewing the topic and clicking on EDIT. This would come in very handy.

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- search titles/entire posts

It's already there.

- topics containing at least/at most X posts

Could be useful, although I rarely want to find a topic with a certian number of posts.

- sort results by:
relevancy, title, number of views, thread start date

Sceptical about the use for number of views, though yes these could be useful in some situations.

- find posts from:
since your last visit, yesterday

View new posts?

- find posts from user,
posts started by user, threads started by user

Already there.

Lastly, the possibility to edit the posts/topics in the "search results" page instead of viewing the topic and clicking on EDIT. This would come in very handy.

I agree completly. +1.

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- search titles/entire posts

It's already there.

I don't see an option to select whether to search titles and/or posts.

- topics containing at least/at most X posts

Could be useful, although I rarely want to find a topic with a certian number of posts.

- sort results by:

relevancy, title, number of views, thread start date

Sceptical about the use for number of views, though yes these could be useful in some situations.

- find posts from:

since your last visit, yesterday

View new posts?

No, additional option in the drop down menu.

- find posts from user,

posts started by user, threads started by user

Already there.

Not on the search form


Lastly, the possibility to edit the posts/topics in the "search results" page instead of viewing the topic and clicking on EDIT. This would come in very handy.

I agree completly. +1.
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Going further on the search results page, it would be very useful if all [or most] moderator features were to be included there--edit/quickedit, delete, multi-select for moderation, as well as showing IP posted from. This would make me very happy. <3

Yep, sometimes I want to see which IP addresses a member used on which posts and that would come in handy!
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The thing I always found a bit disturbing with invision search is that we can not do a search when a word is less than 4 caracters ... That's a pitty :(

As it has been repeated time and time again: This is a restriction due to the way MySQL fulltext searching is designed. You can, if you want use the simple search function and hammer your server every time someone searches for 'a'.
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As it has been repeated time and time again: This is a restriction due to the way MySQL fulltext searching is designed. You can, if you want use the simple search function and hammer your server every time someone searches for 'a'.

I have found that adding a + sign works for 3 letter searches but only when you search for more than 1 term.
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That's great. If topic mutli-moderation ability were added to search results, it'd be awesome. :D

This is something I really wanted to address in 3.0, however with the complexity of the new search system and the fact that content can be pulled in from all sorts of areas, this isn't something that will happen in 3.0 unfortunately.

We need to figure out how we can allow multi-moderation when you can have access to gallery, blog, downloads, forums, john doe's awesome uber mod, and so on while still figuring a way to honor permissions and what not. ;)
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