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Everything posted by sadams101

  1. It is possible, I will run some tests to see if this is the case.
  2. Unfortunately my employer would not allow that, but when I say that I see no ads, I mean that I'm not seeing any paid search results above the organic ones. Also, I am not seeing any difference in the search results with your plugin on or off. Can you explain this?
  3. 1) Mine shows no ads; 2) It may be showing the regular forum search engine's results and not google's. I don't see any difference in results when I turn it off or on. For example 226 results no matter which I use: ON: https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/search/?q=cancer celiac genes&fromCSE=1 OFF: https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/search/?&q=cancer celiac genes I'm using the latest version of your plugin (DP42) CSE Google 1.0.5 [P] (en).zip) and am putting in my correct google CSE ID. Feel free to test: https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/search/
  4. This plugin no longer works for me. I'm using Invision Community v4.2.7. Is there an update?
  5. I wish I could understand what you mean here. Any chance you can just paste a copy of an example a mycustomsitemapupdater.php with this code in it, and then I'll set it up to run every second?
  6. So I am still 4 days behind on my last indexed item in my sitemap. When I run the command above I get: Do I need to run my cron on mycustomsitemapupdater.php more often than 1 minute? Also, even though this has been running for ~1 week, I've not seen any improvement in the google index graph shown above. Any idea how long improvement could take (if the issue is related to the sitemap)?
  7. Thank you...but isn't a better fix to make the link a rel="nofollow" Scott
  8. This could be totally unrelated, but shortly after making these changes I got a notice from google about an increase in crawler errors: When looking at the errors I see they relate to the Report Comments Link, for example: https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/topic/77816-is-kimchi-gluten-less/?do=reportComment&comment=676584 and https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/topic/29519-chocoholics-there-is-hope/?do=reportComment&comment=317896 Here is the error: Would your changes cause this?
  9. One last question...is putting this file in root ok, or should I put it in admin? mycustomsitemapupdater.php
  10. Thank you for this! I'll try the "ugly" method and report back. In my case it is very clear that something very bad happened to IPB's site map around the end of June 2017. See below if you doubt this:
  11. I have some questions: 1) Do I need to turn off the IPB's every 15 minute site map feature, or do anything? 2) I did set this up to run every minute: mycustomsitemapupdater.php. But I did not understand the improvements you mentioned below. Is this a code change in the file? Can you explain? 3) I could not find the code mentioned in this file: /applications/core/extensions/core/Sitemap/Content.php Is it located somewhere else, or has IPB changed it?
  12. I wasn't able to find this code in the file mentioned: Perhaps they included this in a recent update?
  13. Could you please tell me if these two plug ins will work in 4.2.x? (NB40) Ads After X Topics (NB40) Ads After X Posts
  14. Yes, they are correct...in any case, the switch to asynch worked...not sure why, but that was the cause of my recent issue. Thank you for your help!
  15. Ok, interesting. Around the same time I switched to PHP 7 I also changed some of the call tags I use to call the ads (I use Revive Adserver). The Iframe call is what caused the issue: When I switched it back to asynch call tag the problem doesn't happen: Any idea why?
  16. Update: Due to issues I had with the site menu and running Ajax Pagination with ads turned on, I have had it off for years. I just turned Ajax back on, and the Quote works, but I need to test for menu issues. I hope this is helpful. So your plugins used to work fine with Ajax pagination off, now they seem to require it after I switched to PHP 7.0 Very strange...this did not totally fix the issue. In any case it looks like the issue is still there, even with Ajax back on.
  17. Anyway, do you still need to test?
  18. They are now disabled. Be sure to re-load the page to test.
  19. If you'd like me to turn off the NB40 plug ins for your testing, just let me know.
  20. sure...I will leave this account for ~1/2 hour. Does the forum you just tested run PHP 7.0?
  21. As mentioned, I've tested extensively, and the only way to get the quote feature in topics working again is to disable both NB40 plug ins, not one, but both. Disabling the other plug ins doesn't affect this issue. Also, it is strange that you cannot see the Quote buttons in topics, as that is not a reported issue on our forums...only its functionality is the issue: https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/topic/118507-quote-feature-not-working/ Of course, to see that button you would need to create an account and be logged in...
  22. Sorry but our company policy would not allow that. If you doubt me I'd be happy to help you see this problem first hand...you could test this in our forum: https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/ I've done extensive testing and the issue is these plug ins when running PHP 7.0. Also, if there is anything in the ACP I can check, please share it. It may help others with this issue...
  23. It is breaking the ability to use the Quote feature...again, this started after I switched my forum to PHP 7.0, so it is likely a compatibility issue. I've uninstalled and re-installed the plug ins, and my Quote feature is broken unless I disable both NB40 topic and post plug ins...after they are disabled I can use the quote feature without issues.
  24. There is a bug with your plug in. After I updated to PHP 7.0 running this plug in now breaks the quote feature in posts...so you can no longer click quote and have it inserted into your post automatically. Please fix this bug.
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