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Ryan H.

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Everything posted by Ryan H.

  1. Could you run the repair tool under advanced tools? I've had a few people say the upgrade process isn't migrating prefixes properly, but that should fix it.
  2. I took a stab at this one, but it should be fixed now. Fixt -- I just pushed out version 3.0.4 to fix some nagging issues. If your prefix formats didn't carry through the upgrade, you can try running the repair tool now to fix that. If there are no prefixes, it will look for old data. If you created new ones since, remove them for it to run. Also, I came across a likely bug in the IPS 4.0 tag system affecting certain configurations. Opened a report about it here: https://community.invisionpower.com/4bugtrack/408-cant-post-tags-if-global-mode-is-closed-but-none-defined-r6780/ What's New in Version 3.0.4Fixed forum 'defined tags' and allowed prefixes inputs not behaving well.Fixed forum 'default prefix' setting defaulting to the wrong value in some circumstances.Fixed blank tags in some circumstances.Fixed search results not linking properly if the content has a prefix.Fixed a permissions error on forum prefix selection.Fixed prefix formatting pre/post fields being required.Added a potential fix for lost data on upgrade via the repair tool.
  3. You're under no obligation to continue renewal after buying. Unless IPS makes big changes down the line to how things work, the version you buy will probably work for quite some time. That being the case, you're just missing out on support, new features, and possibly bug fixes after the year expires. Jujuwar, thanks, I'll look into that.
  4. Correct. Tags and prefixes would be retained, but it would fall back to default settings, and no formatting.
  5. Yes, to an extent (though note, I haven't tested anything beyond forums, I don't own other apps). All apps that support tags/prefixes should make use of the prefix formatting, and should have the separate prefix dropdown input, no changes needed. They will not have all of the special forum settings (tag mode, default tags/prefix, require, etc). I have plans to extend those settings to all tag-enabled containers, but that will be some time down the road. The app does not change sorting/filtering options at all. It'll behave the same way it does in a vanilla install. You can click tags and prefixes, and it will take you to a search for all content having that tag/prefix. It will not filter or sort within the forum directly. This app allows you to override the tag mode on a per-forum basis, so you can have it closed in one place and open in another, and it adds a 'prefixes only' mode. Currently it does not let you change the minimum/maximum tags per forum, but I'll take that into consideration. Thanks for the feedback.
  6. I was able to confirm, in SiLink's case the 3.x prefix formatting data was still there, but IPS lost track of it during the upgrade. If this happens, you'll still have all of your prefix data, but they won't be formatted, and the 'Manage Prefixes' table will be empty after installing. Fixing just requites moving everything from table 'topic_prefixes' to 'advancedtagsprefixes_prefixes'. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, I'll see about correcting that in the install/setup process going forward.
  7. PM, please. I'm at work, so I won't be able to investigate until this evening (another 6 hours or so). Yes, the topic prefixes are still there. That's good news.
  8. Okay. But topics still have their prefixes where they should? If you can, please PM me admin access and FTP if possible. It sounds like it might have treated it as a fresh installation instead of an upgrade, in which case the data might still be in the database, just not accessible. I can recover it if so.
  9. When you say prefixes, do you mean the formatting and settings? Or the prefixes assigned to topics? Or both?
  10. Just released a new version 3.0.3. Should fix the issues noted above. Thanks Jujuwar. You can download it on the marketplace. 3.0.3 Changelog: Fixed an error on forum save.Fixed an error on prefix table display, and quick search not working, in some circumstances.Fixed prefix and tag fields allowing invalid characters (", ', <, >).
  11. Correct. I just need to make sure to add that to my app input fields as well. Thanks for the screencast.
  12. That's probably correct. There was a list of disallowed characters in 3.x, but I didn't see that for 4.x so I didn't include any such filter. I'll take a closer look at that. Thanks again. I understand, and I expected that kind of feedback. You're right, it is a large increase. The way I see it, the price of the app for 3.x (along with many other resources) was well under value, and that's a hard cycle to break out of. I'm taking this opportunity to do so. If anything, having large-scale applications all over for $20 does a disservice to everyone, by discouraging talented developers from ever getting involved in the first place. The people capable of that kind of work tend to go where their effort is best spent. I also do work for another (much larger) software ecosystem, Magento. Plugins there average around $200 from reputable companies. Not entirely comparable, but still: A very different ballgame. If someone wants to undercut me, they're always welcome to try. The reality is I spent a lot of evenings for the better part of the last two months putting this together for everyone. (I'm also hoping it might help curb piracy. I've never seen it so widespread as for IP.Board 3.x. Doesn't make sense. Suppose we'll see.)
  13. Thanks for asking. I'm not opposed to the idea, but IPS doesn't give us any way to actually accomplish that. We can't do coupons or upgrade pricing or anything of the sort. I asked them about it a while back. That being the case, it's not likely to happen. I'll look into those, thanks. As far as the apostrophe, do you already have tags/prefixes matching that text? Just want to know whether the issue is with that 'allowed prefixes' input specifically, or whether the tag system as a whole does not allow that.
  14. Advanced Tags & Prefixes For IPS 4.x This application enhances IPS Community Suite 4's built-in tag and prefix system. It gives you custom styling and fine-grained control over prefixes, plus new settings, enhancements, and helpful moderation tools. Prefixes are explicitly created through the Admin CP, and can be chosen from a separate prefix dropdown when creating a topic or other prefix-enabled content. View the Marketplace listing for more info and available features. Please post any questions, feedback, or support issues here in the support thread. Go to the Marketplace listing
  15. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​Not easily, no. That might be something I can explore, but there's nothing built into the app for supporting IPS's comments feature at this point.
  16. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​Then it's a consequence of how it interacts with the IPB framework. Whatever the case, the problem lies within your code and your code is what would have to be adjusted. I don't want to seem hostile or evasive, it's just not my problem. I can't help you with errors being thrown in your custom code. I don't guarantee that all code will immediately work without modification. I just give you the tools to make it possible.
  17. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​That sounds like an error in your PHP code. I can't help with that, sorry. 'Call to a member function on non-object' errors like that mean you're trying to use a variable as an object when it isn't an object at all. Check the line the error is on and work back from there.
  18. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​Please do, that could help. Thanks.
  19. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​That doesn't give me a whole lot to go on in terms of what's actually going wrong internally -- but I'll try it this evening and see if I can reproduce, then go from there.
  20. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​Hmm, okay. That's an easy fix if you're comfortable editing a file by hand: File applications/easypages/sources/Page/Page.php public static $databaseTable = 'easypages_pages'; public static $databasePrefix = 'page_'; public static $databaseColumnId = 'id'; public static $includeInSitemap = FALSE; protected static $databaseIdFields = array( 'page_id', 'page_key' );Add the line in the middle with $includeInSitemap, then save, then no more errors. I'll make sure that's included in the next update. Thanks.
  21. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​Oh, okay. Good. Could be an issue with the app installer in the current rc then, but I'll still take a look at some point.
  22. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​I'll try to investigate that over the weekend as I have time available. Thanks. I wouldn't expect major changes, but I haven't tested installation since beta 5 or so.
  23. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​Yes, you'll have to buy it again for 4.x. Sorry.
  24. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​I was able to get both of these working on my install. The include worked for me right away. The JS took a little effort. Here's what I have: So: You should be able to include files fine. The path is relative to the forum root, as far as I know. (Or you could probably make use of the IPS autoloader--but that's much more advanced.) As for the JS, IPS 4.0 actually already includes jQuery--but it appears that's all the way at the page end. You can't use datatables unless you add it after that (possible, but involved) or include jQuery again, ahead of time, as you're doing. More to the point: I changed the [url=http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4472528/javascript-jquery-closure-function-syntax]jQuery closure, and it worked. Not sure what the cause of your error was; I didn't get that. Let me know if you continue having trouble. Seems like the app is working fine though.
  25. Ryan H.

    Easy Pages

    ​Reviews and support requests aren't really connected, but okay. I'm at work right now. I'll look at both of these and have an answer for you tonight. Thanks!
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