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Ryan H.

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Posts posted by Ryan H.

  1. Good news, everyone:

    @Kevin Carwile will be taking over Advanced Tags & Prefixes going forward, including ongoing support and maintenance. Don't go too hard on him. I can't speak to what he has planned for the future, but if you've already purchased he should make sure you continue to be taken care of. Purchasing has also been reenabled, so if you've been waiting to buy it you can do that now.

    Thanks for all your support over the years.

    I'm out.

  2. FYI to existing customers, I've updated the file listing with the following message:

    Author note 2018-10: Support and maintenance will be limited going forward. This app works fine as of IPS 4.3 and may continue to work with new releases in the future, but when it stops working that's probably it. Thanks for your support over the years!

    I haven't invested much into the apps in quite some time (as I'm sure some of you realize). My forum has closed and other circumstances are changing, so I don't have much incentive to continue developing them going forward. I intend to leave the apps on the Marketplace as long as IPS lets them. I'll continue answering support questions as I'm able, but maintenance and changes will likely be minimal to nonexistent. Thanks for buying, and I wish you all the best going forward.

    (If anyone intends to yell, I'll point you to the license terms I've used since release: "I make no guarantee as to the future functionality or compatibility of this software package." It works today on 4.3, be happy.)

  3. FYI to existing customers, I've updated the file listing with the following message:

    Author note 2018-10: Support and maintenance will be limited going forward. This app works fine as of IPS 4.3 and may continue to work with new releases in the future, but when it stops working that's probably it. Thanks for your support over the years!

    I haven't invested much into the apps in quite some time (as I'm sure some of you realize). My forum has closed and other circumstances are changing, so I don't have much incentive to continue developing them going forward. I intend to leave the apps on the Marketplace as long as IPS lets them. I'll continue answering support questions as I'm able, but maintenance and changes will likely be minimal to nonexistent. Thanks for buying, and I wish you all the best going forward.

    (If anyone intends to yell, I'll point you to the license terms I've used since release: "I make no guarantee as to the future functionality or compatibility of this software package." It works today on 4.3, be happy.)

  4. On 8/29/2018 at 4:22 AM, mardiv said:

    Hi, I am using Pages and Allowed Prefixes or Default Prefix not working.

    It looks like it's not hooking onto the form at all for some reason. Not sure why that would be. If it was hooking correctly, you'd have a separate dropdown input rather than the gray prefix option.

    That being said, I don't own Pages and my ability to support it is limited at best. Per the listing:


    * These added settings should work for all tag-enabled content types. The focus of this application is Forums and topics, but it also supports Calendar events and any other tag-enabled content. That being said, I cannot guarantee compatibility with or support all possible applications and circumstances.


  5. On 8/4/2018 at 12:50 PM, Brainy S. said:

    Does anyone know: with Easy Pages, can I add a widget to them such that the widgets added only appear on an individual Easy Page?

    And/or only appear on (all) the Easy Pages made with this? (and not elsewhere on the site).

    I just want to have a page for all the miscellaneous of various widgets that maybe I do not care to have cluttering the rest of the site.

    I believe any widget setup would affect all Easy Pages pages simultaneously.

  6. On 7/17/2018 at 1:46 AM, mavis hsu said:
    Hi Support Team,
    This is Mavis from http://pdfelement.io/ 
    After we purchased and installed your plugins onto our forum http://pdfelement.io/forums , the threads are no visible, we want to know why? 
    The plugins we used below:
    • 1 x Advanced Tags & Prefixes 
    • 1 x Trophies and Medals
    Look forward to your reply soon.

    I'm not aware of any such bug nor any way this app could cause topics to disappear. Could you clarify what goes wrong, maybe add screenshots? If you disable this app, does the problem go away?

  7. On 6/18/2018 at 11:46 PM, motomac said:

    Was this problem fixed in the latest release (3.1.10)? I still see:


    The numbers being off, no, I have not addressed that. It'll just run until it runs out of tags/prefixes to process, the 'total' number is informational only.

  8. On 6/20/2018 at 8:25 AM, BostonBob said:


    There was an error when modifying a Member in the Admin CP -- Under Members > Moderators and then hit the EDIT of a moderator.  I had to turn Pages off -- in order to edit a Moderator.  I am running IPS 4.3.4.

    And that still happens after updating to the latest version?

  9. On 6/7/2018 at 1:25 AM, Daraesthetic said:

    A friend linked me to this plugin and when I try to install it I'm given this error besides the following error it'll say it's already installed

    I don't know what to say to that, sorry. Installer issues like that are really outside of my purview.

  10. 12 hours ago, Stormwolfe said:

    Yes, I have tried repeatedly! I honestly think I have something setup wrong, but I cannot find it or the issue. I followed the directions in the documentation and I've run the support tool on the site in case it was a caching issue.

    I will set up the admin account for you. The details will be sent shortly.

    Thanks. I'll take a look.

  11. 1 hour ago, Stormwolfe said:

    However, I am having an issue that I've not been able to get sorted out. Per the instructions, I have created the prefixes and added them to the forum (repeatedly). When I go to set up a topic and choose one, only three of them are offered in the dropdown.  I have looked through every setting I can find in the application, the forum settings, and system settings. I suspect a conflict somewhere, but I have no idea where and could not find anyone else having the same issue by searching the IPS forums and this topic. I confess, I did not try to read all 43 pages of posts so my apologies if this has been addressed already.

    To be clear, you added all of your prefixes in the forum's "Allowed Prefixes" setting, saved, but the save didn't stick?

  12. 1 hour ago, Towal Moore said:

    Hello! I'm trying to upgrade the version on my 4.3.2 site, and I'm getting an error about applications/advancedtagsprefixes not being writeable. That folder is 755, and as far as I can tell, all the folders underneath that are as well. What should the permissions be to successfully perform an upgrade?

    Can't say, could differ by server environment, that's probably a better question for IPS support.

  13. 7 hours ago, jmw253 said:

    I have things locked down to where if you post in that forum category as a member the default prefix for that category is automatically applied for a normal forum post and that's been working well.

    I've noticed when I've set a category in Pages to also post the article to a forum when the article itself is created, the prefix won't appear on the topic.

    It's like Pages is bypassing that/this application and no amount of configuration on the Pages category itself (Tage & Prefixes) tab yields any different result. I'm on 4.3.1 if that helps.

    Yes, topics auto-created by apps like that won't respect settings that manually-created topics would. You might be able to make something work with the Rules app (but I can't promise that).

    6 hours ago, Ocean West said:

    it would be nice to have a tag de-dupe option - i had a forum that got consolidated and before i move contents from one forum i tag them after consolidating some posts will have duplicate tags.

    I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

  14. On 5/18/2018 at 3:39 PM, hege said:

    I can not change anything at AT & P when I follow the club's main page.
    If someone follows the club's main page, you can not change anything in AT & P.
    The application is great. Thank you. However, when someone starts watching the club, I can not change anything

    If you disable the AT&P app, does the error still occur if you follow the club then save it in admin?

  15. 6 hours ago, Lilythe said:

    @Ryan H. Can confirm it was installing the version without the fix (or whatever version I managed to get if I had an old version as you suspect given the execution command in there) and then upgrading is what caused the issue.

    Glad to hear that. Thanks for the update.

    4 hours ago, ptprog said:

    This plugin seems to be adding some additional tag&prefix settings for blogs, which I'm trying to use.

    I want to override the "Minimum Tags Allowed" of a group blog in its "Blog Settings" (AdminCP).  I removed the check from the "Default" option, and put the value "1", for example, in the input field.  However, after saving and going again to the settings page, the value I set disappeared, and the "Default" option is checked again.

    So, it seems there is a bug preventing the changes made from being persisted.

    The app adds a selection of settings to all Node content types that should work in general, if everything's done the normal way. Unfortunately I'm not sure there is a 'normal way', I suspect every single app and content type is different in one way or another. All that to say: I don't have Blogs, so unless you can provide me site and file access I'm afraid I won't be able to help much.

    If you do want me to take a look, and you're self-hosted, feel free to PM me creds, send as a https://privnote.com link.

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