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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. ​You may want to submit a ticket for this one. Sounds like a possibility of a corrupt file
  2. ​Did you keep the pertinent files described in the original post?
  3. Hi B_U_R_I There are a couple of things to look for. The first check to make sure the conf_global.php is correct. Also look for odd characters namely the colon (:) that may have added itself... This happens to me frequently in Wamp during save. Next compare the database including physical size. It sounds as though the whole file did not transfer... This can be caused mainly from the server download. When exporting the original database, remember to export using the "Export Method". Make sure to select "Select All". Select your compression option then got to the bottom and hit Go. OK don't hit it I don't want you angry with me for breaking your monitor so select "Go" instead. I always take a minimum 3 backups. 1st 2 as a gzip to compare and make sure they are exact, and the 2nd without compression ( Just Habit).
  4. ​There are files being built in the background which can take some time. This most likely is what you have experienced.
  5. ​Yes I should have said something on how to remove any lanuage packs and keeping the default. Sorry about that! Setting up a 3.4.7 and earlier yes there are 3 areas where URL's that need to be modified to point to the correct uploads path. The 1st is found in System - System Settings - General configuration. There are 2 elements that need to be changed. Path to 'upload' directory and Upload URL These apply also to the blog and gallery setting if you have them. The both of these are found here. System - System Settings - IPS APPS.
  6. ​I have been using this method of upgradeing testboards from the previews (pre-beta) to now with no issues.... These same rules should apply to the final.
  7. ​So lets Spam unrelated topics because you can't find what you are looking for.... Makes perfect sense to me. And if Marcher's reply didn't help try this.
  8. ​Which is also a good point... ‌@Ocean West so far I would say I am one of the few lucky ones who have not needed that option (((YET))). But now that I said it... (((Jinx))). Watch now it will happen sure as the sun will rise in the morning...
  9. This is a work in progress for the less faint at heart this is for sure.
  10. ​ ​ ​CaptJeff is there some purpose that I missed here about the topic at hand? Just incase it has to do with upgrading a forum test board to IPS 4.0 betas and RC's not skins paid or free. You may want to look in the marketplace for that information. Not to be blunt but did I not explain clearly about removal and disabling skins and mods? If not let me know where I am unclear and I will do a rewrite. As far as this article goes it is written as a 3rd party "How To" article for those willing to take the time attempting a first hand test upgrade at this point.
  11. ​The new system I admit was a learning curve themeing in the begining just figuring out where everything went was a pain. Decissions whether or not to use designers mode, or even IDE's didn't need them before. Being used to the old ways and why change was my train of thought. Let's just say It didn't take very long to actually enjoy the new way or the speed of the IDE. HTML and CSS have been rewritten accross the board and not just at IPS level. IPS has rewritten this software to fit within these W3c guidelines. Not to make it harder to understand like some would think. Except for me. Lindy and Charles have something going on with my wife to find my hidden billions then have me locked up in the nut house so they can go off and spend it. OK so I stretched a little about my billions to everyone... Cough * Cough. (Trillions) IPS needed to make a choice. Go forward, or sit in the dust of others. This has never been an option. Some will also see the simplicity in this new generation and take hold where others won't and try and attempt forceing that wheel to conform to the new vehicle. Reading is the key, and I am not talking about skimming through a document. If people want anything to work properly it is always best to read and understand all documentation whether it is software or preping a boat for its first drop in the water. Because everything is not the same as it used to be, so it is the sole responsability of the administrators, new car owner, or new boat owner to get all facts and information prior to turning the key. All we can do to make it easier is to rewrite the documents for easier reading for the non developer lay people.
  12. ​Still waiting for what it is you are not understanding. I try and write all my articles some what like those Yellow and black "For Dummies" books where anyone from the Super Troopers down to the complete novice can understand. And Yes I bought the book "Windows 95 For Dummies" So don't laugh....... I found it very useful from the day I brought it home.... To this day its still keeping my bookcase level. The perfect height for this unlevel floor.
  13. It never hurts to stay on the good side of the techs..... LOL!!!!! (((((Ducking Ryan's Guitar)))))
  14. Yes for the time being until 4.0 retrieves what it needs... After the upgrade it can be deleted.
  15. No Doing this on a live board is not something I would advise quite yet. My question to you may not have been clear as I was asking if this test site was on a live domain somewhere or on your local machine in the way of Wamp or some other testing software. Glad to see you are getting this resolved. Good Luck! ​
  16. Are you doing this on a local test or live test? At first glance It would appear to be a php.ini memory setting need to be reset to minimum of 64meg. 156 prefered. You may want to submit a ticket seeing your error is memory related where they could give you better guidance.
  17. ​The only files yo need to copy over (If you do not have Downloads or Nexus) are the public, uploads and conf_global.php. If you have Downloads you will also need these folders to be added. downloads and screenshots. You will also need to re setup your (Nexus) Commerce Support settings If you have Nexus. All the rest are rebuilt from the Sql database.
  18. Seems you may be having an issue with permissions with IPS Licensing.... I would submit a ticket and have them look int this. I remember having this error in the beginning where my localhost was renamed testboard .com for web page design and the name testboard.com had their licensing bot in an uproar.
  19. This system will work as a site upgrade as well as using it for a test application. For most sites that have been around for a time still need to go through all the steps on skin and application removal / disableing. It is also good practice to do all the database updating steps as well Yes where Nathan pointed out, When converting / upgrading you need to do the upgrade in this fasion. (example) http://example.com/forum/admin/upgrade/. Never use install in an upgrade.
  20. Seems as you are good to go... Have fun with it and Good Luck!
  21. 1. It should work just fine... I have been using this exact procedure for years from 2.0 thru 3.4.7 and now IPS 4.0. 2. On mine I converted both ways and to be honest I am seeing no difference. But then again I am not using any of the apps and languages where utf-8 MB4 is actually needed. But just to be the devils advocate and to see if they worked I did them both then reported any and all errors I ran into.
  22. Glad to see you're up and running! As far as the Shout box you will need to see @‌Pete T ‌
  23. I can't do Cron Jobs on Wamp 32bit at the moment... All it does is destroys it. This version of Wamp that is which is their latest version.
  24. ​Just looked at these files and I believe this upgrade to be from an early preview
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