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Everything posted by sunrisecc

  1. My range is 30-60 seconds. When I am in the tracker, it is worse.
  2. I am seeing very slow response and lots of memory errors.
  3. I use bigdump to restore my test database which is a copy of my live site generated by Cpanel.
  4. The 1-800 was accessible from Canada a few years ago but access was dropped. Since LD is so cheap from Canada today, I pay Bell less than $10 Cdn per month for unlimited North American calling.
  5. It is a setting in the UCP.
  6. What options have you set for the custom fields? Is the admin option set to NO? It overides all other options if set to yes.
  7. My old private fields (from 2.3.6) display without moving them from the 'previous' group.
  8. How would you handl using a different browser? History does not follow between browsers.
  9. sunrisecc

    Top Button

    This might still be valid. http://forums.invisionpower.com/topic/281679-hey-wheres-the-top-button/page__view__findpost__p__1786906
  10. Yes, you did. I apologize. How often does that task run normally? I ask becasuse I do not use BLOG and it is still not updated for me here.
  11. Thanks for enlightening me.
  12. It does not show on this page (or am I blind). http://forums.invisionpower.com/forum/302-ips-company-blog/
  13. I assumed it does not show because of the bug that Charles reported. http://forums.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-14456-post-blog-entry/
  14. Because of some bug, the following is not displayed for me (on the index page). http://forums.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-3401-upcoming-release-candidate/
  15. Report the PM(s) by clicking the report button (bottom left hand corner of the PM) See also http://forums.invisionpower.com/topic/283831-spammer/
  16. You can ban the whole domain by using wildcards.
  17. http://forums.invisionpower.com/topic/283349-how-to-enable-furl/
  18. It is also included in the downloaded package from Invision. (ioncube folder)
  19. Please note that the correct English translation of 'demandre' (fr) is 'to ask' and not 'to demand'.
  20. I reported this to the tracker days ago.
  21. I really do not want to; but I did for this post. :blush: Rikki needs more on his plate. :lol:
  22. I have reported one issue with IE8 (still cannot select an emoticon in any editor) and there are others submitted too. The irony is that I have no problem on my live 2.3.6 board with IE8.
  23. I was not looking for anything more than your earlier post which I took as an apology for telling me that I was wrong. PS - I would have added an emoticon but cannot right now due to a bug with IE8 and the editor.
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