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Posts posted by tzrtim

  1. If you attempt to upload Media, it uploads but preview doesn't show and the Tag fails to work too. 

    If you copy the image URL and delete the letters after the image finishes so .png - It finds it.

    <Message>Access Denied</Message>

  2. 15 hours ago, opentype said:

    You probably have code in your article, which forces the column to be too wide. You should correct that. (Has nothing to do with my templates though)


    I'll reinstall Pages then as It's just a blog post.. ill let you know how it goes. 

  3. It maybe to hard todo but here goes, On my site I have pages setup with a RSVP, Guests can fill in the RSVP, Could I some how make it so it creates or sends them after the submit it to the register page? or some how setup a account?

    I've used the "Redirect to another page" Action, and done that to a Manual config to URL (index.php?/login/ - That works fine, but soon as you login it shows the database (RSVP area) unfilled in, So it looks like it didn't work and they end up doing it again?

  4. Instead of using event data as the source of the email content, choose "Manual configuration" and you can type your email content. You can use any of the available event tokens in your typed text which will be replaced by the token content when the email is generated.

    Amazing!!! :) - Works great

  5. On the Actions tab select Email, if you go to 

    • Message Content

    • If you could select more then 1 Data To Use option would be great? - Unless i missed a option, As the email is very basic and I wanted 2 custom fields from RSVP db? 
  6. File Name: bfarber's 2.3.1 Portal Redirect
    File Submitter: tzrtim
    File Submitted: 23 Aug 2006
    File Category: Modifications

    A very simple Script for users to have the portal on there front page
    This is for users that have there Forum OUTSIDE the root directory!
    The File structure is showed below
    Root <-- add the index.php here
    /forum < your forum

    [26/8/2006] Update : uploaded in a zip to stop it being renamed!

    Click here to download this file

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