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John Horton

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Everything posted by John Horton

  1. I am in the IPS cloud and am not a developer. Any other suggestions? The current state makes mass mailing features of IPS basically useless.
  2. I migrated a little more than 8k users into IPS about a year ago. 7k of the 8k members are set as "Currently unsubscribed". I can only guess that this was done in the import process. Can I toggle all users back to "Currently subscribed"?
  3. Ok. I do not love it but as long as it is not something wrong with my community I will roll with it.
  4. As usual, I absolutely love everything about IPS except for the Admin level documentation and the search results here on the IPS site.
  5. Yours looks a lot better than the test stuff I have done. Is there something custom on your FDA Blood Guidances page? How did you do that? It is all in the stock page blocks I will figure it out. Also are you manually adding the file type thumbnails?
  6. Am I hopelessly old school or is this a good idea? I really do not like the Tile Directory style.
  7. Is there a plug-in or setting that will change the user interface of downloads to look more like a classic file directory?
  8. The help dialog for the External option says... This seems wrong. I have a cloud account & my domain is not with Google. I even created an second google account and followed the steps there just to make sure the issue was not some setting or thing I had done years ago. As I poke around in the google interface the IPS instructions really do not match. It is always possible I just have tunnel vision but anyway I am lost.
  9. This is making me feel pretty dumb. The options I am getting do not match the instructions. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/social-sign-in/google-r299/ When get to this step 3. Go to Credentials -> OAuth consent screen and fill out the form. I get the below page and am stuck. Ideas?
  10. Yeah, the conversion is easy enough to do manually but as you said we want users to have a seamless experience.
  11. So the bottom line is - Safari users can play MP4 and mov embeds. Chrome users can not play mov embeds. Mov files will upload & download inside IPS in the Chrome browser. There is no backend conversion to make the file types universally play. Is that correct?
  12. I need users to be able to upload .mov files from their phones and have the files play without being manually edited. Is there a solution?
  13. Just learning my way around commerce. Just spent a bunch of time following official instructions that told me I needed to set up a department. I finally figured out that support was deprecated. So does that mean that I just remove the support link from the menu manager and move on?
  14. Ok thanks. Had missed that. Was thinking that this forum was the point of contact.
  15. Ok @Jim M When you say open a ticket, do you mean send an email to support@invisionpower.com?
  16. @Miss_B I guess I am not as smart as you. Thank you for being so helpful
  17. @Miss_B as a non-programmer I did not understand that the plan I purchased would not provide the same functionality as what I had with self-hosted. When IPS did the conversion they imported my database content and it worked as I as it did self hosted for a month and then it stopped. A little pre-sales communication would have prevented the misunderstanding. I get it now and am fine with it but last night I was pulling my hair out because I had no idea what was wrong.
  18. faeces! Seems like they would tell me that when they did the import for me. That is crap. Super Mad. Not about the money but the lack of customer service.
  19. I switched a few weeks ago and everything was awesome and then this happened today or yesterday. I just switched so I sure expect IPS to fix this. How do I escalate this issue? Here is the database setting. IDK
  20. Database is there under Pages / Page Management I see the block manager but someone else set it up for me so I am afraid to poke around and make the problem worse. block manager shows the database as the only live block. this seems bad I just moved from self hosted to cloud. Could the page still be connected to my old self hosted database?
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