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Everything posted by LastPlay

  1. In admincenter I set the date of publication (page) **.**.2009 - after saving - date = today(now). Moderator on the site (permission to change the date - enabled) - adds a page with a previous date - the selected date is not saved! *To set the desired date, you need to re-edit the page and save! ** I think the rule is not handled when you create the page, when you edit the date...(the system doesn't remember your selection).
  2. I don't understand why support is silent? Several people have the same problem...
  3. Found the difference in the code... If you replace the code - it works! but not completely (( Photos are viewed - normally (the viewing window is not reloaded), but you can see only the first 3 photos... then again (in a circle of 3 photos) Help me solve the problem Edit Theme/gallery/view/imageLightboxFrame 4.7.2 <span class='elGalleryImageNav'> {{if $prev = $image->prevItem( \IPS\Request::i()->context )}} <a href='{$prev->url()->setQueryString( array( 'browse' => 1, 'lightbox' => 1, 'context' => \IPS\Request::i()->context ) )}' class='elGalleryImageNav_prev' data-action='prevImage' data-imageID='{$prev->id}' title='{$prev->caption}'><i class='fa fa-angle-left'></i></a> {{endif}} {{if $next = $image->nextItem( \IPS\Request::i()->context )}} <a href='{$next->url()->setQueryString( array( 'browse' => 1, 'lightbox' => 1, 'context' => \IPS\Request::i()->context ) )}' class='elGalleryImageNav_next' data-action='nextImage' data-imageID='{$next->id}' title='{$next->caption}'><i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i></a> {{endif}} </span> 4.7.4 <span class='elGalleryImageNav'> {{if $image->hasPreviousOrNext()}} <a href='{$image->url()->setQueryString( [ 'browse' => 1, 'do' => 'previous' ] )}' class='elGalleryImageNav_prev'><i class='fa fa-angle-left'></i></a> <a href='{$image->url()->setQueryString( [ 'browse' => 1, 'do' => 'next' ] )}' class='elGalleryImageNav_next'><i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i></a> {{endif}} </span>
  4. When I open a photo in the gallery (4.7.2) at the end of the address .........clejpg/?context=new and then when I click further, only the file name changes... but the end always = /?context=new 4.7.2 - the next photo (button - address): .................427jpg/?browse=1&lightbox=1&context=new - all OK! 4.7.4 - address: .........427jpg/?browse=1&do=next - slows down (it reloads/refreshes the preview window) Why.
  5. The problem with the gallery v. 4.7.4: Started to create a gallery ... Created a category, created an album and uploaded 30+ pics to it... I open the album/picture, a window with the photo opened (preview window) and when I click on the next one, it slows down (it reloads/refreshes the preview window)... What I saw: under the view window - the album page has changed to the photo that is in the view window and when I click in the view window, that photo on the page also changes. *Updates the view window and photo on the page... double update in one moment ((( (why has the album page changed to the photo page?) When I opened the album and clicked on the photo, the site path is like this: Home/gallery/category/album/ Changes to: ........./category/album/myimgname.jpg When I click to see the next photo in the view window, for a moment in the browser address bar there is an "addition": /gallery/image/myimg065jpg/?browse=1 *on 4.7.2 there was no such problem... Can someone check - v. 4.7.4 Thanks! *deleted categories/albums, all photos, re-created... nothing helped... updated the cache... deleted cookies... Checked in 3 browsers... ((
  6. Only 1 type can be selected in the counter... "Reports on the text content of the site. Helps you understand what kind of content visitors like. I'll think about it... ))) thank you!
  7. Hi! My question is probably for the developers... What type is used: Schema.org. microdata / Schema.org, json-ld or Open graph ? (I need to specify in a special counter, and I don't know what type)
  8. Yes, I have a 777. Do I understand correctly that only the logs folder (775)?
  9. If I create new folders for storage - do I need to change the permissions for them? (all rules-777 / all rules - rwx) Or can I leave the default (rwx/r-x/r-x)
  10. Self-Hosted Plan. First install: The license key supplied is not valid. Please check the provided key and try again or contact IPS technical support for more assistance
  11. I can't install on a new domain - "The license key supplied is not valid".
  12. Absolutely! But, then, the meaning of "limiting" the resolution or "weight" of the picture is lost... You mean that all the pictures on the site are valid... I understand! But limiting the size and "weight" - implies a limit. (eg 100x100 and 100KB)
  13. Sorry - I forgot: In the age of mobile devices - page load speed is important! Not in all countries/regions - 1 Gb/sec. And some projects cover different regions of the world... And most importantly - people leave when they wait 10 seconds or more for the page to load...
  14. If you have a user avatar size limitation on your site, it's easy to bypass! I originally noticed this on the trial version: If the site has an image gallery - open any picture (any size) and assign it as your profile picture (avatar). Is it a bug/mistake or what?
  15. Why is there no such important settings in the admin center? I'm sure many people don't upload a 5000x5000 cover-image for a calendar event! When the right column is enabled - image width = 970 pixels. Why would you upload a larger picture at that width? * 100 Kb VS 1-2 Mb / Who will win? Knows https://pagespeed.web.dev/ >>> About - https://web.dev/lcp/ The settings for uploaded picture size (cover), as for Posting and Pages - I consider necessary!
  16. Hello! What do I need to specify when converting a "WordPress" database? Convert Database Records>>> Location of files REQUIRED ???? What should I specify in this field? I've been entering data in there for 8 hours and nothing works! (((( is so ******** WP 5.9.4 If I don't specify this parameter - articles are not converted! Users, categories - there! But no articles ((! site.com - installed Invision sub.site.com - installed WordPress - all articles with pictures, I see! All files(pictures) are here: sub.site.com/uploads/post/ /uploads/post - The path entered appears to be invalid. /uploads - The path entered appears to be invalid. /wp-content/uploads - The path entered appears to be invalid. /wp-content - The path entered appears to be invalid. site.com/uploads - The path entered appears to be invalid. /uploads/post - The path entered appears to be invalid. /wp-content - The path entered appears to be invalid. /wp-content/uploads - The path entered appears to be invalid. What do I need to get the address correct? Don't talk about the database connection - it's correct! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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