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Manuel Molina

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Everything posted by Manuel Molina

  1. Had to come back and set the record straight. Plugin works beautiful, It is one of my favorite plugins, thank you @Adriano Faria
  2. In AdminCP-->Appearance--> Icons & Logos there is an image upload for Application icon: It says the minimum size should be 512px x 512px, So I have donde 1024px x 1024px, and 1536px x 1536px, and... 1) Icon looks fine on homescreen... But when I hit the button, there is a logo screen that appears for a couple of seconds where my logo keeps looking blurry, it is a .PNG saved in .AI at 300 ppp The Invision community app logo looks just fine, so I am thinking I must be doing something wrong? Help appreciated.
  3. I would like to have the tagline: Green, smart, fair and global. centered in the area in red Help appreciated.
  4. Thank you, I can change the colors of that theme right? to make it look very minimalistic, twitter like. will ask IPS Focus if I can change the icons on mobile, and have clubs instead of forums on the bottom bar.
  5. @Nathan Explosion Yes, that one. But how do I set it up as a block, so community members have a feed of the things they follow on my community homepage. For example, right now I have an activity stream as the home of the community, but that includes everything that is public, not what members follow only. On top, activity feeds are not good looking, maybe a superblock from @opentype can improve it. This is the home of my community today...
  6. And a plugin to make it look like a social media stream, sort of like a facebook stream or a twitter stream, where you see photos, video, and nicely formatted text. And a text box on top of this stream so members can write status updates to the community.
  7. No problems at all, database is working fine, I dont know what the issue was but he says he is being able to publish just fine. Thanks
  8. Thank you, just asked the user... Idid a test my self and works fine. Just published the job board this morning and I already have two posts. Your superplugins rock.
  9. People are not being able to store more than one record per category, they get an error message, does this have anything to do with the orange sign?
  10. Anybody has done it? Can you share the CSS? It would be something like Twitter, where navigation is on the left... Help appreciated.
  11. Awesome, thanks! https://www.bisoncircle.com/clubs/?filter=mine For some reason I am not getting the clubs... I get this yes, it works, sorry mistake, i changed the word clubs for circles Works perfectly, thank you
  12. Is there a way to get a link to the clubs people have joined? I set up an icon on mobile bar and would like to point it to the clubs that person has joined. Help appreciated.
  13. I like the app of plugin approach. Thank you will contact Simonle.
  14. Thank you, I went over available themes and there isnt one with nav bar on the left side,I guess the only way is to make one. Anyone knows how much it costs to make on? I know it varies depending on what you need, but on average? Also,in your experience, a custom theme is usually a problem to keep updated because of invision system updates?
  15. Is this posible? I looked for that configuration in AdminCP but could not find it. Like twitter, that has the nav bar to the left.
  16. Every time someone posts an event on a calendar, it shows on the block feed with two different dates, in this case, the event date is set for march 17, why does it read march 16? help appreciated
  17. I was seeing it on home page. But it went away after almost a minute. All good thank you.
  18. thank you! it is kind of hidden. And in desktop you search a nameandit wont bring profiles as results. Only content the persona you searching for has participated in.
  19. Awesome, thank you. It worked, will do that. It would be ideal that members can search for other members directly in search field. But this works. thanks again.
  20. For some reason community members cant search for other community members in the search engine of my community. Is there a permission I need to give in AdminCP? Help appreciated
  21. I agree, we just need the sign in, sign up button, not the social log in links.
  22. @Randy Calvert you are right, display it is working, sign in and signup buttons work as well. Thank you. But social links to log in are not working (Linked in, Twitter, Google)
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