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Brian Heg

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Posts posted by Brian Heg

  1. Hi Everyone - I use Invision Community as one part of my membership site. I was wondering if there are ways to take precautions so that there is no sharing of log in credentials. For example, I don't want someone to join the membership, and have them share their login credentials with their colleagues, etc. The board goes beyond discussion and includes access to lead generation information, which is why I only want paying members to have access. 

    I wasn't sure if there are certain analytics or plugins that can help with this additional layer of security. Any ideas would be appreciated. 


  2. Hi Everyone - I have a membership/subscription site that I use IP Board for. Is there a built-in feature or report, or even a plugin that helps detect or highlight where usernames and passwords might be shared between multiple people? For example—a user is paying for access for one member but is sharing with two other people?  I would imagine IP address could be one indicator, but wasnt sure how others handle this. 



  3. Hi All - Whenever I insert a hyperlink, I am trying to find a way where hyperlinks are automatically changed to the color blue. The way I am changing the color right now is manual, where I need to highlight the hyperlink in the post, and then use the color feature to change it—which is time-consuming.

    Is there a way to have it automatically set up so that all hyperlinks are blue? Wasn't sure if that was natively built-in or if there plugins. 



    Could contain: Page, Text

  4. Hi All, 

    Many times when my viewers are just perusing posts on the main page of my board, I noticed that they cannot click a hyperlink--if that hyperlink is shown in the view that shows all of the posts, and where first few sentences of the post show. (I show an example from this board in the attached illustration). 

    Is there are way to allow them to click that link in this view, or do they have to go directly into the post? 

    Also, I know that they can also hover over the title of the post, and then a dialogue box will appear where they can click the link there, but was wondering if there was a setting that could also make the link clickable in the view below. 




    Could contain: Text

  5. Hi - I am trying to use the alert feature, which I like, but I noticed the box in which the alerts displays cuts off the message. As you can see on this excerpt, the words get cut off by a few.  It also gets cut off at the bottom right--where there is the Dismiss Button and what looks to be another button to reply. Any ideas on how to make it show correctly? 





    Could contain: Text, Page, Word, Number, Symbol




  6. Hi All, 

    I have a membership site that has two subscriptions. The subscription level determines which forums on my IP board members have access to. 

    If I want to send a message via IP Board to members of both subscriptions--or even individual subscriptions--am I able to that? I do have them set up into two different groups, so I was hoping there was a way to send messages to the respective group members on topics that were group-based vs. individual member based. 

    I hope this makes sense and thanks in advance for any guidance!




  7. @Randy Calvert and @Jim M- first off, many thanks to the both of you for your quick responses! Secondly, thanks for pointing me to the options on default post order.

    I will consider that and will also look into the plugin that allows me to change the original post date. Changing the post date in the needed order and then pinning those posts might work as well. Regardless, you've given what I need to determine the best path forwards. Thanks again!

  8. Hi Everyone, 

    One of my forums is devoted to providing Helpful Tips on using aspects of my membership site. Typically I include short videos/screencasts that members can refer to as they use different features of my membership, etc. Said differently, each post is devoted to a short-topic. 

    Originally, I didn't posts these resources in any specific order.  However, I want them to now show in the order which I recommend that members view  the videos (e.g. Lesson 1, Lesson 2, etc).

    What is the easiest way for me to reorder these lessons in my desired sequence--so where lesson one shows as the first post in that forum, then 2, 3, 4, etc?

    I know there are plugins where I can change the post date so they show in the order I wish, but was wondering if there was an easier way. 

    Many thanks in advance for your help!


  9. Hi - One of my forums is just to share news announcements published by organizations on hirings of executive leaders within their firms.

    If I want to add old announcements to the archives, but not have them show as the new date of when I make the post, am I able to make the post announcement and change the date of the post?

    For example, if today I made a post hat reflects an archive announcements from 6 months ago, I would want the post date to reflect 6 months ago versus today--this way it doesnt show up in the post feed as a new announcement. 

    Hope that makes sense. Thanks!


  10. Thanks @Marc Stridgen for confirming and for mentioning the Wordpress SSO plugin. That is the plugin I was able to research before I made the post, and is included in the link of the original post--so it is good we are talking the same thing. I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. @Randy Calvert- I also appreciate you chiming in and confirming as well about this not being a standard feature. Thanks again!

  11. Hi - 

    1) I have a self-hosted IP Board license that I use for my Wordpress site

    2) I will have two membership levels, one of which provides access to the entire IP Board Forums, and another that provides access to only one Forum

    3) Am I able to restrict access to the forums based on membership levels assigned in Memberpress--which is the membership plugin I use within Wordpress?

    I did a search here and was only able to find this post from a few years ago and was curious if there were any recommendations on how I could solve for the issue above. 

    Thanks in advance for your help!


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