AlphaWulfx reacted to a blog entry: Marketplace Closure
Age Registration
and that is completed
Age Registration
Now that i can do lol
Age Registration
well since they cant register they arent a user. so i couldnt tell you that info
Age Registration
It is not happening all the time but this past 2 weeks 3 times already while others can still get through
Age Registration
AlphaWulfx started following Age Registration
Age Registration
hi sorry if there is a topic of this i couldnt find it.. Im getting alot of these this past two weeks... They are entering correct date for being over 18 and yet some cant register? Please help
AlphaWulfx started following DawPi
AlphaWulfx started following Michael.J
AlphaWulfx started following Crowdfunding
Hi @Adriano Faria i was wondering if there was a demo of this so i can be sure this is what i need? Thank you
AlphaWulfx started following aXenDev
AlphaWulfx started following Events update includes additional streaming platforms
New update Throws Script Error
now i am getting this when i received email from tech support to go to link to redo and those are right credentials i am logged in as admin as well
New update Throws Script Error
hi anyone run into this? i nee dhelp as my site is down now saying update in progress. when i continue or retry same error and then it goes to something saying redo upgrade when i dop it goes back to this
[IPS4] Tutorials
i am sorry but i did. I asked if could do videos and you said yes. Didnt say only links from Vimeo and you tube. So it doesnt take videos as i asked just linked from 2 specific places. But yes the rest i didnt ask about as it showe din pics so differently . But all in all ill take the loss. It is my fault for buying something that didnt come with Demo but only pics. Thank you for all you do. Great App otherwise
[IPS4] Tutorials
Then i cant use it - too many steps and not enough features to make each page block style and not list.. i apologize but when i looked at your pics it made it look like this did . Would like to uninstall and ask for refund please? i can show i did uninstall Thank you
[IPS4] Tutorials
Let me see if i can explain better sorry Default - you go to tutorials link- Theres Category - Then a list with sub catergories(have to click that) - then video Was wondering how to get it like this Tutorilas link / Category/ under that category all my videos in that section instead of another list to get to the video TWo steps instead of 3?
[IPS4] Tutorials
one more dumb question lol how do i get it to stop this Tutorials page Block Tutorials(Block)/World editor( List) Basics 1 then finally Video tutorial I was trying more for Turtorials Page Block with World Editor category/ Basics 1 Video ( Meaning all my basics under here but i have to click again on the list and then get video, Any way for me to do this?
[IPS4] Tutorials
i have to say i looked in all category for pic in ACP. Can be more specific? i looked everywhere and dont see any other way to set it up to look like your picture.
[IPS4] Tutorials
Hi if anyone can help. Yes i know was said earliar dont need a tutorial for tutorials but i kinda do lol/ I cannot for the liek of me get mine to look like this.... I added , changed, did everything and i have this grid but the pic is n o where to be changed i get a default Tutorilas pic for my category. Category does do a Block but only subcategories can have a pic change? then when click a sub category videos should be there but no i have to click again ? Kind o flike the forums do? Is there something i should be doing differently? ive looked in all settings, categories, and subs. If anyone has set this up as i have basic experience with these type plug in s would be a great help