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Admin 1

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Admin 1

  1. I want to offer a free downloadable white paper relevant to my site's topic (college sports recruiting). The goal of course is to create a mailing list of people interested in the subject. I feel like this might be a laughably simple question, but I'm new to all of this. Is there a plugin for this, or does the system have the capability built in? I have a Mailchimp account and I suppose I'd want to integrate with that somehow, but I'm open to other options. - Pat
  2. Never mind! My guest blogger is apparently much better at this stuff than I am and she figured it out! Next question, is there a way for me to delete this thread so I don't waste anyone's time with it?
  3. I have a blog on my site https://www.recruitinginfo.com/ that is about college athletics and recruiting (both the site and the blog). I want to be able to feature guest bloggers on a regular basis and I'm not sure how to best achieve this. The first guest blogger posted in a way that essentially created a new blog. I don't think that really makes sense, because they are really only guesting on the main blog, not creating a whole new one. Also, as seen in the attached picture, when visiting the blog page you see the most recent post to "RecruitingInfo.com" blog, but for some reason the new one, "A Day in the Life", just shows a header. You have to click the header to see the content. So my questions are: Is there a way for someone else to post on the main "RecruitingInfo.com Blog", but their name and face will show up for that entry instead of mine? If not, perhaps I should create a separate "Guest Expert Blog" (or something like that). But can anyone recommend a better way to handle this? Why is the "A Day in the Life" blog not showing any content on the "Our Community Blogs" page? I should preface this by saying I am very new and inept with the forum software, and am generally not tech or programming savvy. So please use small words, lol. Pat
  4. Thanks once more Adriano, you have been a tremendous help!! Pat
  5. Thanks so much! Final question I promise... where to I adjust permissions so only I can add links? I've been poking around and can't find it anywhere.
  6. I'm probably using the wrong term. Right now I have a Links Directory, and under that is the category "Resources". I want to add an additional category called "News".
  7. Thanks for the guidance Adriano! That is the resource I have. I finally figured out the problem was: I hadn't added links to the menu manager so the page was essentially hidden (I'm REALLY new to all this). Two follow up questions... now that I have a links page, how to I add sub-menus. Like, I want one for resources, and one for news stories. And lastly, if I want to manage the links myself as admin and now allow users to add links, where do I adjust those permissions?
  8. Are their any guides or tutorials on use of the Links Directory? I'm fairly new to the IPS system so everything is a mystery to me. I'm not sure how to: 1) Add the Links Directory to my site 2) Add links to the page As an alternative to the links directory, I'm wondering if there is a "news" plugin of some kind that I could use to link to news stories relevant to my site's subject (college sports recruiting). And if there was such a plugin, I probably wouldn't know how to install it or place it on the site, lol. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! - Pat
  9. Thanks Simonle... this kind of guidance is invaluable. Much appreciated!
  10. Like, if I wanted the first 1,000 people who joint and post to be called "Founding Members" and have that appear under their name, how would I do it? I assume I create a new group and then somehow add them to the group? Is there a way to automatically assign the first X number of signups to the group? I realize these are probably a dumb/obvious questions... but I really have no idea what I'm doing. Here is the site: https://www.recruitinginfo.com/ I've populated it with a decent amount of content (videos mostly), and now I want to start to draw people in.
  11. Is there a way to select how many videos are included in the "latest videos" section? And in a related question, can I select videos to be featured, or are they always based on most recently added?
  12. I’m all set now SC36DC, thanks for your guidance!
  13. I’ll do that .... thanks!! Pat
  14. I would like to have a page where the videos live, and then a way to preview a handful of them on the main page of the site. I’m pretty inept at this, so could use very basic instructions. Thus far other than installing the plugin I’ve done nothing. Pat
  15. Does anybody know where I can find basic guidance on integrating the Videos plugin into my site? I’ve purchased and installed the plugin, but am not sure what to do next. The company has been completely non-responsive to my multiple requests for assistance.
  16. I purchased it in the MP. There were instructions for installing the software which I did. But there were no instructions as to what to do next. Part if the issue is my own general cluelessness... not knowing what to do with a plug-in once it is installed. But the lack of responsiveness from the company is really weird. I even posted to the company Facebook page and got no response. It’s like the lights are on but nobody is home.
  17. I purchased it and installed it, but have no idea how to actually use it on my site (I'm a hopeless newbie when it comes to forum development). I've reached out to the company twice via their online contact form and have received no response. Their web forum is strange, they have a tutorials section but when I click the threads there seems to be no content, and there seems to be no way to post (I've registered). It's bizarre, like I've purchased a product from a company that doesn't seem to actually exist. If anyone knows how to use the plugin, please let me know. Do I create a new page on my site for it? Is there a way to highlight some of the videos on my main page? This is my site: https://www.recruitinginfo.com/ I'm working on a number of videos (interviews with sports program administrators across the country) that I'm hoping to post soon.
  18. I just discovered a conflict within my settings (see error message below) that might have prevented registration emails from going out. I think I've fixed that problem, but now I realize there are a couple of dozen registrants (mostly friends) who may have never received registration emails. I guess I'll touch base with them and see if they received the registration email. If not, maybe there is a way to resend the registration emails? Being tech challenged really sucks in situations like this, lol. You have required custom profile fields set to show on a registration form. The quick registration form will not show these. We recommend that you either choose 'Yes, with full registration form' or set up profile completion steps for the required fields.
  19. Thanks for the detailed guidance! I've never blocked anyone, as the site isn't formally launched yet. I want the individual in question to help me seed the site with some content before I start marketing it. Mainly because at the moment I'm the only poster, so my face shows up all over the site and it looks pretty ridiculous, lol. At first he was getting an error about configuration or service errors. The guy who set up the site for me fixed that issue, but then the guy trying to post was not receiving the registration email (he tried to register a few accounts in succession). That led my tech guy to suggest the site might be blocking his IP address. Which would make sense, because the attempt to register several accounts would in fact make him look like a spammer.
  20. I'm working with someone who I want to be able to post on the forum, but he's having issues registering. Someone who has been giving me tech guidance thinks the system has flagged his IP address as a spammer. Can I somehow tell the system to trust his IP address so he can register?
  21. How do I delete a link category?
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