Welcome to Beta 1
Will the new developer documentation be available soon? I'd like to start developing my apps from scratch. When can I expect it to be released? Thanks!
Beta 1 - Improve Theme Editor Custom CSS feature
Hi everyone, It would be great if the custom CSS feature in the theme editor was displayed in the editor column instead of opening in a modal. Currently, you have to open the editor, add the CSS, click 'Preview,' and then the dialog closes, requiring you to repeat the process. I'm not asking for a real-time editor, but simply keeping the editor open at all times with the 'Preview' button would be sufficient. I recall seeing something similar in WordPress: Thank you!
Upgrade went through perfectly, however I receive a HTTP ERROR 500
I'm experiencing the same issue. Lazy loading isn't functioning correctly— all the images are showing as spacer.png and aren't being replaced by the actual images.
Beta 1 - Custom Badges Description
I understand that we're now on Beta 1 and no new features are planned to be added from this point onward. However, would it be possible to consider allowing the addition of a custom description when creating a new badge? In my community, we hold events where users can earn medals by meeting specific requirements. In these cases, adding a description is essential. Using the title field for this purpose doesn't look ideal. Thank you! -- A new field here would be ideal: So it could be displayed in user profiles:
Passkeys instead of passwords
Bump! https://passkeys.dev/device-support/ https://caniuse.com/passkeys
Subscriptions - Multiple Choices
Bump! This is something I would really like to see implemented in v5
Store Subscriptions in v5
Hi again! Oops, my bad! I overlooked it, haha. Yes, but as David said, merging into a single subscription would be great. Also, isn't the products feature going to be deprecated? Sorry, I haven't used the Commerce app previously. The same way as formatting group names. I know that I can use CSS to customize different things across the community. However, keeping in mind that customizations are more limited in v5, I don't know if we will be able to customize only the name of the subscription. For example, instead of showing 'VIP' in each instance the subscription is shown, you could show it as '⭐VIP⭐'. Subscriptions are an excellent way to keep our communities alive (at least in our case, we are surviving with that approach), implying that more internal marketing = more money.
Store Subscriptions in v5
Hi everyone. Since physical products are being deprecated in the upcoming v5 version, I would like to know if there will be any improvements to the subscriptions feature in the Store app. In my community, we are using a custom application as a replacement for the default store application because there are some unavailable features for subscriptions that we need to support, such as: Possibility to add a description to a subscription. Different subscription durations with different prices for each. For example: 7 days -> $X, 15 days -> $Y, 30 days (and subsequent renewals) -> $Z Custom fields for each subscription type. Optional: Custom logic depending on fields values. Add a discount/gift card code at the "Confirm & Pay" stage. Optional: Custom formatting in subscription names. We're getting closer to the new version, and we're evaluating whether to migrate our custom store development to the new version or start using the default store app. I know there aren't many possibilities of implementing all of those items, but we want to be prepared before upgrading our community (there is a lot of work to do!). Thank you.
SeNioR- reacted to a comment: IC5: Updating your Applications
shiobi started following IC5: Updating your Applications
IC5: Updating your Applications
Bump. I would like to know, too 🙂
acp log out
We are experiencing the same issue. No changes were made on our end.
Error mentioning someone in Pages application after upgrading to 4.7.11
Hello. When you are trying to mention someone in a comment on Pages application, the following error appears in System Logs: SELECT user FROM `forocms_database_comments` AS `cms_database_comments` WHERE comment_approved = 1 AND comment_record_id=12316 AND cms_database_comments.user IN(SELECT core_members.member_id FROM `forocore_members` AS `core_members` WHERE core_members.name LIKE CONCAT( 'as', '%' )) LIMIT 10 IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'user' in 'field list' (1054) #0 /var/www/html/system/Db/Select.php(388): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /var/www/html/system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /var/www/html/system/Content/Statistics.php(160): iterator_to_array() #4 /var/www/html/applications/core/modules/front/system/editor.php(356): IPS\cms\_Records->mostRecent() #5 /var/www/html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_editor->mention() #6 /var/www/html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /var/www/html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} This started happening after upgrading to 4.7.11. Thanks
Fresh installation: Can't login to frontend
Well, I think I have fixed this issue. I replaced Nginx with Apache, and now I can login without problems. I'll continue investigating this. I have been using Nginx since I installed Invision Community for the first time. It is very weird...
Fresh installation: Can't login to frontend
Fresh installation: Can't login to frontend
Yes, the same issue happens.
Fresh installation: Can't login to frontend
Perfect, I didn't know that. I changed the PHP version to 8.1.