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Troy Shaffer

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Posts posted by Troy Shaffer

  1. Hi Rebraf,

    I am writing to confirm this plugin allows me to redirect to ANY URL, not just Invision Community URLS? 

    My goal is to redirect from the no access invision community page to a Wordpress URL where a person can join the community.

    I'm guessing this is not a problem. But wanted to confirm this before purchasing.

    Thanks in advance. 🙂

  2. Hello,

    I changed / updated member groups (both primary and secondary) for specific members via my Admin Control panel.

    Initially, all was well. All the changes / edits appeared in my members' accounts like I expected they would. 

    However, after logging out and back into the ACP, the members' accounts had reverted back to their original settings. This has happened twice now.

    What am I missing? Is there a setting somewhere? Am I correct in assuming I can change these groups as the super admin for the site?


    Thanks in advance. 🙂

  3. Luca,

    IPS is still the preferred choice for forums, so your question comes up quite often in entrepreneur groups I belong to. Folks understandably want to learn one platform instead of two, if possible.

    Luckily, there's an easy answer.

    Wordpress is the standard for blogs. The platform is the CMS of choice for an ever-growing number of businesses, small and large. 

    At times, Wordpress is a challenge in terms of security, backups, caching and hosting. But it is a well-supported platform that continues to get better and better for its users.

    IPS is at least 15 times (maybe 20) times more difficult to use. Also, and you probably already know this, but if you're self hosting (not using paid IPS cloud services), asking for help in any way is met with extreme resistance and almost outright hostility. The message is brutally clear. I finally just hired a developer to handle the IPS side of things. Life is too short to fear asking questions about a service you pay for, right?

    So no, you absolutely do not want to use IPS pages as a substitute for a Wordpress blog. You'll be posting routinely and want a user-friendly platform like Wordpress.

    Use IPS only for forums, and possibly the gallery if integrated with your forum. This is critically important if you're self hosting. And this is just as critical: be prepared to solve ALL problems and have ALL questions answered by someone you trust - who is an advanced PHP developer.

    Just my two cents.

    Best of luck to you.

  4. Hello @TAMAN,

    I am having the same issue others described in this thread - my theme did not update properly. I saved my old version, dowloaded it, and reverted to global settings.

    But I'm not seeing where or how to upload a new Magnum theme? The marketplace option states my theme is already current.

    Is there a place where I can manually download the newest Magnum theme and then upload it?

    Thank you in advance.

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