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Posts posted by BankFodder

  1. Update:
    well the rogue keyword hasn't reappeared – we will certainly see what happens after 30 days - unless you are able to come up with something which can find it.

    However, – very mysteriously, the "add a keyword" function on the little drop down menu which was missing yesterday after the upgrade has now reappeared this morning!! So I have no idea why it should take so long to show itself – but anyway it is showing, it is working, no problem. Thanks

  2. No it's not an alias because it is a new keyword which I created today before the upgrade and it would perfectly. then I realised that I had forgotten some text and so I tried to edit it but couldn't because of the bug in the version I was using. so I tried to delete it and although it disappeared from the list, it was still present and working. when I upgraded I expected that it would reappear in the list but it hasn't reappeared in the list and it is still working but it can't be found or edited or deleted and it is obstructing the creation of any other keyword using the same triggers.


    As far as the other problem is concerned, it is fine being in the menu the way I have done it but I wasn't sure if you were aware so I  thought I had better let you know

  3. Hi, I've just completed the upgrade and it works – no problem. Thank you very much indeed.

    Actually a slight problem, we have one rogue keyword which doesn't appear in the list at all but it's there because the trigger word operates it. However we can't get in to amend it because it doesn't appear in the list. If we try to enter a new one using the same trigger word that it tells us that it already exists.

    So it must be somewhere in the database but not appearing. Got any idea how I can get it and delete it so that I can write a new one?

    Second thing is – I don't know if you are aware that previously "create a keyword" was in the drop down + create menu at the top of the screen. Now it doesn't appear there and in fact I've had to make a menu item in the menu manager to make it appear.

    It's okay. It works – but I don't know if that was a deliberate change.

    Anyway if you could help us find that rogue keyword which has gone into hiding then that would be very useful thanks.

  4. Hi, I'm afraid that we have a bit of an issue with this application.

    You may remember that we have a version 3.2.7 which you kindly did for us in order to address some problems we were having.

    It now seems that we can't edit a keyword because we get error messages. If we try to delete the keyword, the keyword disappears but then we can't add a keyword using the same trigger words because it says that there is already an existing tooltip – which there isn't any more.

    Could you help us with this please.

    Thank you

  5. So here's a search result page:



    Simply a list which doesn't allow any actions to be carried out upon it such as delete, move, hide, grouped together in a particular sub- forum – nothing.

    To do anything on has to go to each particular post in turn and act on it and then back to the search page.

    Almost useless

  6. Thanks very much for taking the time to reply in such a detailed way. It's very much appreciated and I hope you won't think that I have wasted your time too much but I won't be able to implement the suggestions you have given because we don't have the time, or the resources and I don't have the knowledge.

    I suppose that we will simply have to live with all of this useless data sitting there. At least we can now check the more recent hidden posts and that is helpful – and thank you for that.

    It would be really appreciated it would be if Invision would contribute to this thread and take on board suggestions – particularly about a single unified interface – and implement that in a forthcoming revision.

  7. Thanks for this. Nice idea – but even more difficult because now there are no checkboxes and although there is a list, you have to open each one go to it in its place in the thread and then choose to delete it.

    I'm afraid that although it means we can have a look at the most recent posts – which is a good thing – the problems of getting rid of the backlog are even more difficult.

    Also, once again – another interface. This time we have an interface where we have a list and we have a pretty well useless icon on the right which if you hover over simply produces hover text "post". The list is headed by the number of pages and you can go to any particular page you want – but of course you have no idea where you're going and to try and run down posts from a particular date is very hit and miss you've gradually got to work towards it by guessing roughly around which page that date might be.

    What we need is a standardised interface with checkboxes on the right, able to be filtered according to each column depending on the need of the site team member who is dealing with the problem.

    I have no idea what is wrong with asking for a standardised interface and a bulk delete function.

    I suppose somebody's gonna come along and tell me that it's considered of no use or that it doesn't allow people to focus on content, or something other.

    Somebody at Invision has designed one particular interface – why not stick with it?

    It almost seems to me as if some aspects of the Invision platform have been designed by a committee where everybody has had their say and it has been decided to accommodate everybody so in order not to offend any particular individual.

    The result is – four members of the committee = four different interfaces.



  8. Another crazy thing about the lack of bulk delete or lack of ability to list them all to sort on various fields.

    We have a backlog of 17,000 posts on the approval queue going back to 2009. We are completely unable to reach any current ones – 2020 because there is absolutely nothing which allows us to sort on the most recent or the earliest or anything else.

    This means that if we have got more posts stacking up in the approval queue, we are unable to look at them or to know what is going on.

    This has to be wrong surely.

    This has to be an Invision oversight. It scarcely believable that one could have an approval queue and that if one lets it go for a few days, one has to begin at the back of the queue and work through them all rather than to attend to ones which may be are more pressing or more recent.

    In a particular case, it means we have to work through over 17,000 posts – one by one – until we see what is going on in our most recent posts this week.

    I've seen all the very kind advice about going into the SQL database et cetera et cetera et cetera – but I'm sure that this was never intended by Invision – and once again I think it is an oversight



  9. Hi, sorry it had passed my mind.

    I've just checked and the private better system seems to work correctly. I have to say that I'm quite worried because nothing particularly has changed – in exactly the same way that nothing particularly had changed in the problem started to occur.

    The developer of ignored members think that it may be a problem caused by their plug-in and they have done the modification and waiting for approval.

    But for the moment, I can't reproduce the problem.

    Thanks very much indeed for your interest though and I'm sorry that this trouble. However, it was curious that it mentioned your tracking plug-in in the error codes.

    I'm afraid it's all beyond me – as you know.

  10. Thanks for this. I don't understand enough about it to do it safely.

    I'd rather they were presented in the mod CP in a way which would allow me to bulk delete.

    Once again, as with many things we have found on this platform, I would like choice so that I can have the data presented in the way that suits me – and other people can have it presented in the way that it suits them.
    Also, a standardised interface seems to me to be very sensible – and I don't understand why it is such a mishmash. I wonder whether it hasn't been put together by different programmers – without any oversight or house style

  11. I have to say that I find it a bit absurd that there isn't a standardised interface.

    On some lists of posts you have checkboxes which allow you to do things. Another lists you don't have checkboxes. On the approval queue, you don't even have a list. It is simply each message one at a time – 17,000 times.

    Surely it has to be reasonable to ask for a standardised interface and a large have lists so that one can then choose one and then have a look at it, or else simply deal with the whole list – all to filter them by date or something.

    With the approval list, none of this is possible and there doesn't seem to be any rationale for it

  12. I did think it was the track members one – but equally it could be the ignored members one although I understand from the developer of ignored members that it does not hook at all in the messenger area.

    Anyway they are both enabled at the moment and so far the PM system seems to be working – this is with the newly installed ignored member application.

    In fact I just heard from the ignored members developer that it could be that the content file is being used both by the messenger and the forum posts which could be causing the problem.
    I don't understand any of this of course – I'm simply repeating what I've been told. I understand that there may be an ignored member modification on its way

  13. Well I sent a message is an ordinary user and it generated this error in the log:




    The user error message told me that I could only post a maximum of 25 messages per day



    And I've just discovered that clicking on one of those messages produces this underlying formation



    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_posts` WHERE msg_topic_id=185249 AND ( author_id NOT IN('271704','387644',' 394307') )
    IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'author_id' in 'where clause' (1054)
    #0 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Db/Select.php(383): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery()
    #1 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Db/Select.php(441): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
    #2 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Db/Select.php(365): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
    #3 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Content/Item.php(5291): IPS\Db\_Select->first()
    #4 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/init.php(887) : eval()'d code(234): IPS\Content\_Item->resyncCommentCounts()
    #5 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Content/Comment.php(302): IPS\Content\ignoredmembers_hook_hideposts->resyncCommentCounts()
    #6 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Content/Comment.php(245): IPS\Content\_Comment->postCreate()
    #7 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/init.php(887) : eval()'d code(102): IPS\Content\_Comment::create()
    #8 [internal function]: IPS\Content\trackmembers_hook_tmContentComment::create()
    #9 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/init.php(887) : eval()'d code(231): call_user_func_array()
    #10 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/applications/core/sources/Messenger/Message.php(150): IPS\Content\hook939::create()
    #11 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Content/Item.php(406): IPS\core\Messenger\_Message::create()
    #12 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/init.php(887) : eval()'d code(77): IPS\Content\_Item::createFromForm()
    #13 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Content/Item.php(133): IPS\Content\trackmembers_hook_tmContentItem::createFromForm()
    #14 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/applications/core/modules/front/messaging/messenger.php(467): IPS\Content\_Item::create()
    #15 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\front\messaging\_messenger->compose()
    #16 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #17 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/applications/core/modules/front/messaging/messenger.php(71): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #18 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\front\messaging\_messenger->execute()
    #19 /srv/consumeractiongroup.co.uk/public/htdocs/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #20 {main}


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