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Everything posted by Ginzeru

  1. Thank you for your answer ! My forum is brand new so no problem for me to reinstall but the problem is that I already tried to.. can I maybe give you admin access so you can take a look ? :c Cheers, Ginzeru.
  2. Hello, I don't know if this question already got posted but I'm not able to disable Palette.. can someone please help me ?
  3. Still having the previous issue even with new version wich is very annoying. Except Widget, everything else is broken. I dm'd admin logins of my Forum to SoftwareFactory. Hope he will find a way to fix this. If anyone else here found a way to fix, please @ me.. IPS\Login\Exception: generic_error (2) #0 /home/xxx/public_html/forums/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/OAuth2.php(372): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->_exchangeAuthorizationCodeForAccessToken('Iq6Od1rHtNSuUmD...') #1 /home/xxx/public_html/forums/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/OAuth2.php(169): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->_handleAuthorizationResponse(Object(IPS\Login)) #2 /home/xxx/public_html/forums/applications/brilliantdiscord/sources/LoginHandler.php(380): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->authenticateButton(Object(IPS\Login)) #3 /home/xxx/public_html/forums/applications/brilliantdiscord/modules/front/xinvites/invite.php(159): IPS\brilliantdiscord\_LoginHandler->authenticateButton(Object(IPS\Login)) #4 /home/xxx/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\brilliantdiscord\modules\front\xinvites\_invite->reauthorize() #5 /home/xxx/public_html/forums/applications/brilliantdiscord/modules/front/xinvites/invite.php(48): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/xxx/public_html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\brilliantdiscord\modules\front\xinvites\_invite->execute() #7 /home/xxx/public_html/forums/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}
  4. Hello, How can users connect their PayPal so they receive the money please ? Thank you.
  5. Already tried but it does the same. This is a weird feature since I don't want people to see the infrastructure of my forum but still be able to read TOS before register.
  6. Hello, I would like to display my "CGU" (Terms of Service) page and make it readable for Guests. My main problem is that I don't want guest to access website, so they directly land on a page that asks them to connect. For this I have to turn off "can access to website", wich means they cannot access either on my custom page. Is there any way I can fix this ? Cause I kinda need users to be able to read my TOS before registering. Here is some screenshots : ^ "landing page" for guests. ^ page I want to display. ^ my settings.
  7. Hello everyone ! I would like to display invitations in my commerce so members can buy it ! How can I do it ? Cheers, Ginzeru.
  8. As i said my main problem is : I want to start my website as soon as possible. I can't wait for the 4.5 in like 1 or 2 months.
  9. I already have this plugin. Problem is : The custom HTLM block is on the left side as a publicity banner. I would need something like a normal page for it. And we don't have a date for the 4.5 release, i would like to start this before June or july.
  10. I really need a custom clubs page i could add for any club with the possibility to integrate HTLM inside. Any dev could do it for me ? Of course i will pay him for this.
  11. I would like to hire someone to customize the emails model on Invision. I have already some ideas, but i'm lost with the HTML code from the email.
  12. So i would like to know if that was possible to setup minimum words limit to post on my forum. Cause it's really boring to see answers like ok, ty etc Thanks
  13. @Lycanth @Fierce Godhand I found a solution, create a user and make it a bot, like a Bot name, bot titles etc You can configure the plugin to get the bot automatically sending DM's with the voucher to users. There will be no blank screen anymore. It's working with me! It's a test, but working very nice! If you need help contact me, I will show you my settings!
  14. Hello man, i love this plugin ! But members don't receive anything after buying vouchers, it's just blank. Any help ? screen after redeem the voucher code, just black screen
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