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Posts posted by anon2020

  1. Can I choose the storage folder for attachments?

    For example, let's assume that the Invision files are hosted in this path: /var/www/html/forum/

    To facilitate backups, I want the attachments to be stored in a different path, within my server.

    For example: /var/www/html/attachments/

    How can I configure this?

  2. In the invision Marketplace I can't find any updated converter for XenForo 2.2.

    I will have to keep using my old forum with XenForo, link it in the top navigation bar of Invision, and use Invision for clubs and blogs.

    But ideally I would like to be able to import XenForo users. I think it will not be possible until the Invision developers team update the converter tool.

  3. 11 hours ago, anon2020 said:



    That doesn't work, because there is no converter for xenforo 2.2.x


    Exactly, because invision community does not include a converter for XenForo 2.2.

    I have not opened a support ticket because they will tell me what I already know, that at the moment there are only converters up to version 2.1, and that I will have to wait for version 2.2, or look for a third party tool.

    10 hours ago, rnorth6920 said:

    Use the most recent Xenforo to IPS converter and see if it works.



    That does not work, I have already tried it, it interrupts the process with a message that the version of xenforo does not match the version of the conversion tools.

  4. 2 hours ago, rnorth6920 said:

    While I do not have a definitive answer for you, I would recommend making a copy of your 2.2.X XenForo database and attempt to migrate it to IPS.  If it succeeds, then you can proceed with your live site.  If it doesn't, maybe someone else has a better solution. 


    2 hours ago, A Zayed said:

    This is a good solution, just try it on test clone, and post any issues you face here so that we can help you.


    That doesn't work, because there is no converter for xenforo 2.2.x

  5. I think I was rushed to buy the app. I was hoping that I could personally add the information of the musicians and artists without having to rely on an external database.

    Also I can't find where to configure the app, I'm useless 🙈


    EDIT: mi problema ha sido que no leí esto:



    I wish I could use only one thread for each artist. The first post with the general information of the artist, and each album of his discography as responses to the thread dedicated to that artist. I can't import the information from the albums of "TheAudioDB online database", if I don't create a separate thread for each album. Can you make any changes to the code of the "ThreadStarter: Music 1.1.4" application to make it do this?

  6. According to the official documentation, it is allowed to make several test facilities in localhost, separated in different subdirectories.

    This implies modifying the default settings of the cookies so that they do not conflict.

    The Invision Community documentation says that this can be done through the "constants.php" file

    I need to test two installations on localhost:

    The parameters that I must introduce in "constants.php", I believe that they are the following ones:


    -for localhost/test1:

    define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'localhost' );
    define( 'COOKIE_PREFIX', 'test1_' );
    define( 'COOKIE_PATH', '/' );


    -for localhost/test2:

    define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'localhost' );
    define( 'COOKIE_PREFIX', 'test2_' );
    define( 'COOKIE_PATH', '/' );


    My question is whether the third parameter should be

    a) localhost/test1: define( 'COOKIE_PATH', '/test1' );

    b) localhost/test2: define( 'COOKIE_PATH', '/test2' );

  7. @Rhett

    I don't know English and I don't know if the translation the online translators make is accurate. I have read the documentation, and I understand that the URL for the test installation is unique and cannot be changed. You should try to use a URL that you can always access, therefore, and try not to lose ownership of the domain in question.

    But can you use localhost at the same time?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    You are allowed to have at the same time:

    • live installation online
    • test installation online (protected by .htaccess and not for public)
    • as many localhost installation as you like

    When doing an online installation, for example mydomain.dev, this url is fixed forever and cannot be changed to another test url.

    That's why I don't dare to do the test, because I don't know if that would give me an error when using the xxxxx-TESTINTALL license on localhost

  9. 1 minute ago, Sonya* said:

    You are allowed to have as many localhost installations as you like.

    Yes, that is what the official documentation says. But the question I raise is whether localhost and another domain can be used at the same time on an external server for testing

  10. I recently had another question about the test installation at "localhost".

    Can you have a test installation on "localhost" and another one on a URL on an external server?

    For example:

    1. https://localhost/test1/
    2. https://www.mydomain.com/test2/

  11. On 3/4/2019 at 5:31 PM, All Astronauts said:
    define( 'COOKIE_PREFIX', 'ipsdev44_');

    or whatever you wish


    On 3/4/2019 at 5:05 PM, bfarber said:

    You can override cookie prefixes (so they don't conflict) by setting a constant in the constants.php custom file. There are instructions for this in our documentation/guides area (I do not have a link to hand at the moment).


    Thanks for the tip, I have a lot to learn.

  12. 1 hour ago, bfarber said:

    Yes, you would use different subfolders.

    Okay, thank you.
    It occurs to me that in this case cookies may conflict, if all localhost installations use the same default name for cookies.

  13. In this document:


    it says:


    Test Install

    Your self-hosted license allows you to have one live installation (your actual community) and one test installation. We also allow an unlimited number of installations on "localhost" domains so you can test locally without restriction.

    My question is about "...an unlimited number of installations on "localhost" domains so you can test locally without restriction".

    How can I do several local test installations, with the same "localhost" domain?

    Can I be separated by directories? For example: localhost/test1, lochalhost/test2, localhost/test3, .... ?

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