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Everything posted by LiveG

  1. Hello, I love the work you did with the mdPanel theme. Any eta when the demo will be available? Is it possible for the admin to add/remove content from the left main side panel (browse, article, etc.)? Thank you. @TAMAN
  2. Why is a massive delay in the support?
  3. After 3 times of activate and deactivate the app, it somehow work fine now; no logs. @Michael.J Why doesn't the app appear on the mobile (rate topic squere)? Why it look ugly as follows?
  4. Not working. my forum crashing when activate the app! @Michael.J Invision Community v4.6.10
  5. @opentype Hello, Can i use this app for My forum members new post voting?
  6. @HeadStand Can you please answer my questions?
  7. 4.6.10 Same error. @Ryan Ashbrook
  8. Hello, i want to limit new replies for specific groups to 40 per day. What it the best way to do it? Is this config attached? What does this config include? New topic? Replies? What etc is included? Thanks.
  9. Thank you! Basically want i meant is the achievement points. 🙂
  10. Manually upgrade was successful. thank you.
  11. Same issue from my side.
  12. Hi I am trying to upgrade to 4.6.10 Beta 2 - but the first time when upgrading, i got this message- Why is that? My server is accessible, and the forum is working. How can I do it manually?
  13. I understand. Any ETA for the next beta release? Days/weeks? My achievement system and group promotion are disabled due to this bug.
  14. But you just released a maintenance release! that screwed a significant feature in my site. Seriously i don't understand what is going on with your QA team. What is the ETA for this bug to be fixed?
  15. The rule applied to only one specific forum. The system doesn't count it. The system count reaction only. the same rules works before the upgrade.
  16. Tested the new beta, The promotion-based achievements points was fixed successfully, but something else messed up!!😒 Some rules stopped working - like the points on a new content or points for replying to someone. points for the reaction are the only thing that works. @Marc Stridgen @Daniel F
  17. Hi @shahed Is it possible for you to add achievements points? Thank you
  18. I sometimes suffer from copying a genuine contact from my forum to other forums. This solution will work on the mobile as well?
  19. Hi How can i disable copy & paste from my forum?
  20. Well, The beta indeed makes my chat-box stop refreshing automatically.😒
  21. As i understand, this bug wasn't fixed in Invision Community v4.6.10 Beta 1?
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