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Ascendum Gaming

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Posts posted by Ascendum Gaming

  1. 9 minutes ago, Mike John said:

    As in new field options for the select? Where would the source database be?

    Unless there was any changes in IPB4 recently, there should be a line break between fields already. Could you post a sceenshot of what your talking about? Not quite sure what's happening here.

    I fixed it with CSS xD It was unorthodox but it worked! 

  2. @Kevin Carwile I've set it up that if a person joins a specific Collabs, they will receive certain secondary groups. How can I set it that if they leave those specific collab, they will lose their secondary group attached to the collab?


    So let's use... for example: Game A


    Person Joins Game A

    Person that just joined Game A immediately gets Game A secondary Tag

    Person decides to leave Game A collab, and loses Game A secondary Tag. 

  3. 3 hours ago, kotaco said:

    Quick question

    I've got my TS3 server all set up and the ports open so it now connects properly. Yay. 

    But when I got to edit member groups it only shows limited default group options, but as you can see all the server groups are in place. Is there something I need to do to in order for that to sync up?


    Go to ACP, System, go to Advanced Configuration. 

    Under the first paragraph go to:

    Routine maintenance tasks are performed as users access the site. If you are able to set up a cron on your server, your server can execute these tasks itself. View Tasks


    Click on View Tasks.


    Look for updateTs3Groups

    Run Now.


    That's it ^_^ 


    I ran into the same issue before :3

  4. 14 minutes ago, Ahmad E. said:

    That seems to be a bug in IPS itself not removing old extensions (I'll create a bug report for this). 
    To fix it on your install remove the file /applications/ts3integration/extensions/core/GroupForm/ts3integration.php  (the one with the 3 in the name).

    Member's cannot be assigned default/template TS groups through this app.

    Do you mean instead of having them to enter their UUID, they would get a privilege key for their groups?

    It was working yesterday though o.o Just normal groups and they didn't get anything. v_v just an error

  5. 20 minutes ago, Ahmad E. said:

    That's not a bug but a feature. As per changelog that fixes an issue 'nickname already in use' that I've encountered when testing. I'll see if I can work-around it in another way though.

    But no one in my server is called any of that o.o 

  6. I found a bug @Ahmad E. chan! It seems Everything works beautifully on this version, the new one, but it will change your Admin name on Teamspeak to a number everytime. Well, let me explain.


    <10:34:27> "Sarumonin" was added to server group "Recognized Community Member" by "Headquarters47".

    <10:36:14> "Sarumonin" was added to server group "Premier Sponsor" by "Headquarters99".


    I changed the name from Headquarters to Magic.

    10:39:15> "Sarumonin" was added to server group "Recognized Community Member" by "Magic54".


    Just adds a number, I assume its a query thing. D: 

  7. This is honestly the best developer I've ever encountered. I helped him with some bugs that may occur and he in turn just blew my mind. Fast responses, mind you he is on another timezone entirely. Super helpful and trusting. 100/100.



  8. Just now, Ahmad E. said:

    I don't think TS accepts spaces and that's why it errors out but I'll look into it and forbid spaces if TS doesn't want them. About the groups, only primary group right now. Secondary group support will be added today most likely.

    Ah ok! 

    Wow Secondary Group support today? Ahmad you are literally a God right now if you can get it to work for more than just 1 secondary group. This is going to be a huge hit! :D 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Ahmad E. said:

    The TS username or IPS username?

    I'll look into it.

    The TS Username. This part:



    It's no big deal, but some people might want to put spaces xD  

  10. Ok. So I purchased it, added the settings, all that nice stuff. Now I get errors nonstop via Group Editor.


    A configuration or server error has occurred




    If the username you chose has a space in its name, it will cause this error.

  11. Sweet merciful God... this is amazing. Thank you! Supporting 100%! 

    Will this work with additional Secondary Groups? Like if people have groups on the site will they get the groups via Teamspeak?

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