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Everything posted by Safety1st

  1. @newbie LAC Could you add an option to disable counter for images at all?
  2. No problem, I just reacted to your info. It is easily to set quantity using such SQL query: UPDATE core_members SET invites_remaining=5 where member_group_id=10; Eh, it seems the app doesn't completely meet my uncommon requirements Anyway thank you for your time
  3. AHahhah. For some reason I believed it is automatic bonus after an invitation get used Ok. How I can decrease invitations in that way?
  4. Hope it will help Could you add an option to set default invitations quantity per user group? I want current members to have the ability to send invitations right after installation of system and new members to have it right after registration too.
  5. update Just checked the issue on WP 10 with Edge. Everything is fine too.
  6. @Adriano Faria What about invite abusing? I mean cheating on self-used invitations for multi accounts. As I see inviters could earn bonus invitations...
  7. @Gabrielle V. Just installed v1.0.10 as a new plugin. There is a problem when sharing through WhatsApp on Windows Phone 8.1: The Suite v4.1.12.2. When using WhatsApp on Android 4.2.2 everything is fine: I know that WP devices are rare used so it is unlikely you will try to solve that. Reported just in case.
  8. I'm using another account to view the bumped topics (I could PM you its info to use). Unread stream is perfect for me because it is the default one. But I don't see bumped topic in it ether. IPS Community Suite
  9. I don't see bumped topics in All Activity stream :'( Sample.
  10. I added your code to theme's custom.css. But it must be done for each installed theme. Is there a way to add code once and for all themes simultaneously?
  11. @newbie LAC Thank you, the issue is gone Just one more thing. I'm trying to test hits counter for images. Please look at the post. I uploaded the picture on the forum and made it clickable. I don't see a counter. Here is post source code: <p> <a href="https://www.yandex.ru/" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="raspinovka.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="783" data-unique="v7rpkriu8" src="http://goldsrc.ru/uploads/monthly_2016_05/raspinovka.jpg.cbf885dc01c5ceb463e1940dc89c2c23.jpg"></a> </p> What am I doing wrong?
  12. IPB 4.1.11. Yesterday I installed the plugin and encountered a big problem. Every attachment on the Forum became undownloadable using common left-mouse click. After a click nothing happens at all. But there is ability to download an attachment using 'Save target as...' option after right-mouse click. Link HTML code stays the same no matter whether the plugin enabled or not. The problem was tested in all major browsers including Microsoft Edge, tried to reinstall the plugin and disable the rest plugins. Used options were: Also I never saw hits counter with images because we use external images only. I tried to find out a configuration to avoid the problem and was succeed in. I found out that all user groups that is not set in second 'Groups' list (that is for images only) don't have a problem. But a solution would be more appropriate
  13. Essential Russian translation strings: nb_tab_rtp_p_posted опубликовал %s nb_tab_rtp_go_post Перейти nb_tab_rtp_t_started cоздал %s nb_tab_rtp_view_topic Перейти
  14. @newbie LAC Actually indication with Font Awesome icons (circle and star as it is in IPB) would be better.
  15. The main Russian translation keys: nb_attach_hits_tooltip_title {# [1:скачивание][2:скачивания][3:скачивания][4:скачивания][11:скачиваний][12:скачиваний][13:скачиваний][14:скачиваний][*1:скачивание][*2:скачивания][*3:скачивания][*4:скачивания][?:скачиваний]} nb_attach_size_tooltip_title Размер
  16. Now everything is cool Thank you
  17. @Adriano Faria I just installed v2.0.2 as a new plugin. The main problem (visibility under activity) is gone. But plugin shows 'Password' menu in any forum topic created be me. Although I'm not able to set password in any forum except listed in 'Use Password in' option. Is it desired behavior? I believe the more sense to hide 'Password' menu where function cannot be used.
  18. I've just noticed another bug. There is an ability to set a password to any topic in certain forums regardless of the option 'Use Password in'. I use IPB v4.1.11.
  19. @Adriano Faria I'm sorry, no offence, just to clarify. Last version was released 02/26
  20. That behaviour was from the moment I bought the plugin: • uses activity in profile • in any activity under example.com/discover post/topic is absent at all.
  21. The best behaviour I believe would be show normal content for users with cookie and show lock icon with words 'content protected by password' for the rest
  22. @Adriano Faria Please take a look finally For now plugin doesn't restrict all ways to access to protected topics. All content are visible through users' activity. Also I believe there is some kind of error in version: on marketplace it is 2.0.1, in XML it is 1.0.1.
  23. @Hulu I believe any code consumes some CPU resources. I'd like to understand whether it is worth to have it. If hook is active for ACP only it is definitely worth to have plugin for particular function. Sorry I don't have much knowledge so pehaps ask simple questions.
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