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Riley Anderson

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Posts posted by Riley Anderson

  1. Thanks for this fast reply.
    I already tried without succes.

    If i try with the HTML Block

    <?php include "uploads/_custom/_pages/events_countdown/widget.php" ?>

    If i try with the PHP Block (ParseError: syntax error, unexpected end of file (0))

    include "uploads/_custom/_pages/events_countdown/widget.php"
  2. 2 hours ago, iacas said:

    I think that you're right overall, but at least some parts will be easier for them - they can publish updates when they want, don't need approval, etc.

    That include no check of the sourcecode by an expert team. So malicious code can be added in it. 
    It was the reason for me to purchase content only on invision marketplace. 

    I like the IPS 5 alpha preview, but IPS is here at this state also with all devs who worked for 3rd plugins/app. 

  3. On 3/20/2023 at 7:36 PM, aXenDev said:

    I'll fix this in next update with @Riley Anderson issue about drawer in mobile.

    /* Fix rank display on menu */
    @media screen and (max-width: 979px) {
    	.elMobileDrawer__rank {
            max-width:calc(100% - 0px);
          	position: unset;
    .ipsDrawer_list {
       	width: 100%;
        position: relative;
        list-style: none;
        padding: 0 0 0px;
        margin: 0;

    The main problem was the calc(100% - 50px) (wtf?)
    The ipsDrawer_list is to put the rank properly at the bottom. 

  4. The class #elProfileStats should use:

    background: rgb( var(--theme-area_background_light) );
    color: rgb( var(--theme-widget_title_font) );

    instead of: 

    background: rgb( var(--theme-area_background_dark) );
    color: #fff;

    You can make the Achivements clickable by replace the default code in core/front/profile/profile
    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Logo, Webpage
    Default code:

    {{if \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::show() and \count( \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::getStore() ) && $rank = $member->rank()}}
    								<div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fd:column ipsFlex-ai:center ipsPadding_vertical:half'>
    									{$rank->html( 'ipsDimension:4' )|raw}
    									<h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsType_unbold ipsType_medium ipsType_light ipsMargin_top:half'>
                                            {$rank->_title} ({$rank->rankPosition()['pos']}/{$rank->rankPosition()['max']})

    Changed code:

    {{if \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::show() and \count( \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::getStore() ) && $rank = $member->rank()}}
                              	<a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$member->member_id}&do=badges" seoTemplate="profile_badges" seoTitle="$member->members_seo_name"}" data-action="badgeLog" title="{lang="members_badges" sprintf="$member->name"}" class='ipsPadding_vertical:half ipsRadius'>
    								<div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fd:column ipsFlex-ai:center ipsPadding_vertical:half'>
    									{$rank->html( 'ipsDimension:4' )|raw}
    									<h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsType_unbold ipsType_medium ipsType_light ipsMargin_top:half'>
                                            {$rank->_title} ({$rank->rankPosition()['pos']}/{$rank->rankPosition()['max']})

    On mobile, the menu view is not perfect aligned with rank :
    Could contain: Page, Text, Person

    Could contain: Page, Text, Person

    The internalEmbed doesn't change with the dark/light mode

  5. 18 hours ago, aXenDev said:

    I cannot reproduce this error. Do you have any logs in AdminCP (Support tab)?
    Could contain: Text

    TypeError: class_uses(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, null given in  httpdocs/init.php:1168
    Stack trace:
    #0 httpdocs/init.php(1168): class_uses()
    #1  httpdocs/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()'d code(4803): IPS\IPS::classUsesTrait()
    #2 httpdocs/system/Theme/Theme.php(951) : eval()'d code(78): IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_forums->topicRow()
    #3 httpdocs/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\hook544->topicRow()
    #4 httpdocs/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()'d code(1504): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call()
    #5 httpdocs/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_forums->forumTable()
    #6 httpdocs/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(569): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call()
    #7 httpdocs/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/forums.php(568): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString()
    #8 httpdocs/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/forums.php(38): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_forums->_forum()
    #9 httpdocs/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_forums->manage()
    #10 httpdocs/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #11 httpdocs/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #12 {main}

    I tried with all extensions disabled. Same issues.
    If you need my community URL where this error appear PM me. 


  6. On IPB 4.7.3 with PHP 8.1

    Returning this error. 

    [[Template forums/front/forums/topicRow is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    According to my search it's the following code who generate the problem.

    {{if theme.fluent_forums_reaction}}	
                  		{{$comment = $row->comments( 1, 0 );}}	
                  		{{if \IPS\IPS::classUsesTrait( $comment, 'IPS\Content\Reactable' ) and \count( $comment->reactions() )}}	
                  			<div class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light">	
    							<ul class='ipsDataItem_stats ipsResponsive_showDesktop'>	
           							{template="reactionOverview" app="core" group="global" params="$comment, TRUE"}	
                      			<ul class='ipsDataItem_stats ipsResponsive_hideDesktop'>	
           							{template="reactionOverview" app="core" group="global" params="$comment, FALSE"}	


  7. Here's some errors logs after update on last IPS version. Running PHP 8.1
    BDI version

    A class in an app extends the class \IPS\brilliantdiscord\Singleton for which no file /applications/brilliantdiscord/sources/Singleton/Singleton.php exists!
    The method scanner skipped comparing that file to any of its subclasses
    A class in an app extends the class \IPS\brilliantdiscord\ActiveRecord for which no file /applications/brilliantdiscord/sources/ActiveRecord/ActiveRecord.php exists!
    The method scanner skipped comparing that file to any of its subclasses
    The class \IPS\brilliantdiscord\RateLimit\RateLimitedException extends \LogicException, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    The class \IPS\brilliantdiscord\Util\UnhandledDiscordException extends \RuntimeException, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
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