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Everything posted by peter.schaefer

  1. That‘s a not a that good ain’t it? 😉 @Marc Stridgen do we have chance to see v5 within that time?
  2. The last ones are not, i didn't ask for them, because Firefox showed me all infos i needed about them. Same as the first two.
  3. With all due respect - your team coded this software and so you or someone else should be able to answer my simple question. You can take a look here on what information should be given about the complexity of settind cookies in the EU, which goes for your site here and cloud service too: https://datenschutz-generator.de/ttdsg-cookies
  4. Yes, it's called European Regulations and lunacies like that. In the best of all cases we have to mention every cookie, why it's used, why it is essential and for what duration it will be set.
  5. First of all the standard cookie list seems to miss the timezone cookie? Second there is no duration told, that alls these cookies have. I fiddled out a few standard cookies, but what is the standard duration of these cookies here: ips4_oauth_authorize ips4_clearAutosave ips4_lastSearch ips4_noCache ips4_guestTermsDismissed ips4_language ips4_cm_reg ips4_location ips4_currency ips4_guestTransactionKey ips4_forumpass_*
  6. I appreciate the hints. Thanks. What makes me wonder is that Safari, Chrome and Opera doesn't show it and Firefox doesn't show it here. But what do i know? My main profession is sewing mechanics and see those strange things very often. 😂 I will try to figure it out and come back with a solution or some dumb questions. 😉
  7. Been there done that too 😉 And it showed no difference at all. Thanks for the no difference hint. Does this magic work with ajax?
  8. Been there done that. In this case it doesn't change anything. I tried it myself and with a fresh installed latest firefox i see the same behaviour on my site, but not on yours here. So my suggestion is, that it is either caused by any difference between cloud and classic edition or by my Apache or PHP settings. I would very much appreciate any idea about finding the reason, because i have absolutely not the slightest idea where to start looking. 🙏
  9. You should work on that problem first. Check paths, chown and chmod you are using.
  10. Made the last update to 4.7.16 a few days ago and all seems to work fine, but users complain about firefox and the activity streams. Using "All Acitivity" you click on a thread, read it in the same tab and go back to "All Activity" - with firefox all looks the same, the thread is still bold, but with safari it's narrow. Using "Unread Content" the same way - with firefox all looks the same, but with safari it's gone. Funny about that is using firefox here at ivisioncommunity.com it works as it should. Same as safari does. We have MySQL still at 5.7 and PHP still at 8.0, but i don't think that makes any difference. A Redis Cache could maybe, but i don't know how. Emptied all cache in "Get Support", but no difference to see. Any ideas anyone? 🙂
  11. It to took me a lot of waiting until this download magic started working on my server and until now, I don‘t know why it works and why it didn‘t. Would start checking the credentials, the ports, the daemons and the chmod of dirs and files. What OS are you on?
  12. I got your point, but it is not. I can google for your username, but i will never know, if that same name in another place is you or anyone else. As I said the rubber hose decryption companies can under certain circumstances identify you, but not anyone else. You'r idea of the GDPR would be able to delete the internet, because all can be connected wit all and identify every one of the people around here. By the way - the EU internet regulations are one of the dumbest and totalitarian regulations I ever saw.
  13. "Personal data means any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living person. Various pieces of information that together may lead to the identification of a specific person also constitute personal data." https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/what-personal-data_de#:~:text=Personenbezogene Daten sind alle Informationen,stellen ebenfalls personenbezogene Daten dar. Tell me how you identify user fritz.mueller? To quote the great philosopher Brian Mills - Good luck. 😉 Just to remember: All I want is guests with distinguishable names. Doesn't have to be the same as used before.
  14. Better than now think, but it will get difficult with a large community. I have used https://www.openwall.com/passwdqc/ very often and it gives good readable passwords like "lucy7Spain*legal" and would give nice original user names for the different guests created.
  15. Best way in Germany is to use plain HTML and not anything you need a reader or software for reading it.
  16. You shouldn't. At least in Germany we had some judges who think, that a pdf needs anything to show it and so the user can't view any important information without a hazard. This sounds as dumb as it is, but it can be very expensive to meet a judge like that.
  17. There are not that many idiots like me, using their own real name in the internet and who should know that the user "HappyClown" here is the same as on reddit or any low place board? As a matter of fact, we don't know and so nobody else does. Simply assuming it might be the same, does't make it a personal identifiable information. It could be anyone. Maybe the NSA or any other rubber hose decryption specialist know better, but having kind of them looking for you, any user name you have anywhere would have been in a log file from a long time ago.
  18. As far as i can see, a deleted user will always be a guest, but with more and more deleted users, you can't understand threads any longer, where a few different deleted accounts seem to talk to themselves. Adrianos plugin does that quite fine. And it is often not a good idea to have username used twice by different users. Thanks.
  19. I dropped all these logins from other services for simple data protection reasons. As soon as they change something, i have to take a look, start a documentation, etc. etc. etc.
  20. Fiddled around with the features and i think i found all answers to my questions. Thanks.
  21. I am curious what's causing the other log entries and if there is any chance to solve them. Thanks.
  22. Ok, i got that. Thanks for the info. By the way, I like your add on. 👍 What happens, if the admin deletes the account? I assume the PII request will work all by itself. Tried it with my account. Let's see if it breaks because of the amount of data to process.
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