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All Astronauts

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by All Astronauts

  1. What he said. They are taking a bit more in commission and setting a floor for minimum price which is fine as they have always covered the chargeback fees when scammers do stuff. Between that and finally getting the marketplace into the acp things are looking up for 3rd party devs which is good for end users. Next week at the earliest is when we will be able to upload official 4.5 versions of our apps and plugins, the ones that will show up in the new marketplace. That should give you an idea where we are in the 4.5 release process. Another reason for the minimum charge now is that all 3rd party releases, everyone one, including simple patches, small updates, etc., will now be manually reviewed and approved before release into the marketplace. That's a bit of labor, but again, good for end users.
  2. Both Pages Searchable Text Fields and Pages Category Images are in the clear for 4.5 PCI will need a tweak to be available in the 4.5 marketplace as it piggybacks on the Pages database tables directly and IPS doesn't want that any more. It is perfectly fine to use with 4.5 as is though so no worries - upgrade away.
  3. Heads up this appears fine on first pass with 4.5. Also heads up if you have not bought this yet but wish too, price is going up to the new IPS minimum with the incoming 4.5 marketplace (FYI if has not been mentioned before, the minimum price - if something isn't free - will be $10) - so, save a few bucks and get in now before the switch is thrown in a week or two or three
  4. Cursory run through shows this is all good with 4.5. Some minor spacing changes due to IPS CSS changes, but nothing to really worry about. I can (will) clean that up post-4.5 official release sometime. Pre-4.5 vs 4.5
  5. Just FYI that a cursory run through with 4.5 shows that it is fine.
  6. Those of you paying attention to the release notes for 4.5 will note that this was more or less knee-capped by IPS. On the plus side you guys are only out 6 bucks to me. On the minus side their implementation is bare-bones, annnnndddd.... I'm not entirely sure I can claw it back. I'll have to take a look deeper - I only checked to see what they were doing and not if I can hook around and patch in or what not. Short version? They did what I did and truncate search/stream results before pushing out. However, they are now just taking the first 600 characters of the content item - period. For stream results that's a nothing-burger. Sure, my plugin lets you tweak the amount pushed before truncation but for stream results it was always the first characters of the 'thing' that you got. Unfortunately, this is a big hitch for search results. If your search term hit in a result is beyond the first 600 character limit, the snippet in the search result will not have any search terms to highlight. If you get lucky and the search terms are in the first 600 characters you still get the highlight of course, but chances are and so forth and etc. My plugin went out of the way to actually get the bit pushed out to at least hit on some of the search terms (simple search in the content item to match, then take x-amount before, x-amount after to get a decent amount of text, and then push it out). There's still the stream description truncation bit and the gallery stream image count thingy - I'll check in awhile and see what's what with those - I imagine those are fine and if I can't patch the main junk I'll still clear the decks and get that stuff out for 4.5 minus the whole main thing this plugin does :( Just giving you all a heads up. I'll take a look a little later on to see if I can get the search results page back up to snuff but it's not a priority at the moment given all the other junk I have to crawl through to get up to snuff for 4.5. Sigh...
  7. It's better than learning about it without the warning, which naturally, I did. Well, I had to! Otherwise there are no bugs, just a lot of messed up css bits. There is a whole dark thing now to account for and that includes the widgets. It'll take some time to grind through a lot of this. Right now I'm just poking various bits and pieces of my stuff to see what's going to take a load of work and what isn't. Those of you (probably most) of you with custom themes are going to be in for a ride. Its borderline but they could almost have called this IPS 5. Seriously - hit up that changelog.
  8. Been a few months hasn't it. I'm sure nothing at all has occurred anywhere during this time that was in anyway distracting at all. Anyways... Do NOT use Spacious ACP with the new 4.5.0 as there is a conflicting hook that will bork your ACP (remember how Spacious linked the entire list element of an ACP menu option instead of just the text to make it easier to navigate all these years? I'll give you no guesses what 4.5 now does natively :) ) There is, as usual, other stuff Spacious has done that's been incorporated into the revamped 4.5 ACP, so I gotta rip stuff out and so on. But with change comes new opportunities, etc. etc... New stuff, new options, as per usual, will be in the mix when this is out - should go without saying that the next version will be for 4.5 and up exclusively, so no upgrading to it if you are sticking with 4.4.10 or lower.
  9. If it is S3 compatible it should be. The plugin is free so whip up a test instance somewhere and see what happens.
  10. Yeah, the free version at this point isn't supported anymore and I know there is at least one third party app, and probably others, that will break formatting there if you are just using the free version. Those will probably get pulled with 4.5 anyways. Glad it's working now for you!
  11. Shoot me a PM with your site link so I can look.
  12. ACP -> Members -> Profile -> Profile Settings, Scroll down to display settings - make sure GLOBAL is ON
  13. I can work that in. 4.5 is gonna be a bit of a hump to grind through all the updates for my apps/plugins but if its an easy add I'll try and get it there for the 4.5 release, otherwise a little after. Good enough?
  14. Social Search 5.2 Released! Added widget for scaled popular search terms Added configurable number of scaled popular search terms to widget and block Block number is in ACP settings, widget number is on the widget settings on the front end when messing around with widgets. Widgets have different scaling CSS calls, just look them up and adjust as needed.
  15. Some things still cross-logged in after all these years. Above is me.
  16. Oh there will be needs for tweaks and such. New stuff will be added, other stuff removed. I will be changing KS into a multi-plugin model though. One for core, one for forums, one for blogs, etc. People can just pick and choose which ones to use.
  17. The edit button in the first post is all but impossible to target. It only appears to the topic author and mods though so... Maybe I'll throw some js on it to fix it, not the biggest priority though. Y'all have no idea what's coming. It really is, truly, refreshing (4.5 that is)
  18. If you look in your theme (or themes) you'll find a plugin directory (core - global - plugins). If you are lucky, the theme author is inserting that via template but I doubt it - that's probably just a short two or three line hook inserting the link directly. If there is a template there for that plugin doing that, you could alter it. Otherwise your best bet is to contact the plugin/app author and see if they would offer it as an option - it's simple enough to do. This also seems like a good enough time to state that yes, KS is getting a full sweep for Invision Community 4.5 and, whew, its gonna need it as you kids haven't seen what's coming yet.
  19. Social Search 5.1 Released! Quick addition of a scaled text popular searches block to the results page - option in settings. Adjusted margins for searches displayed on Search Wall @Ember Stone This will NOT adjust the color of the results. Your site's colors are going to be so varied that it isn;t worth my time. You can adjust as you like by just adding the changes you need to your custom.css file. For now, this will take the 20 most popular results and place them in this block (your mileage may vary based on how well-trafficked your community is + you will need tracked data so new installs maybe give it some time to get that data...). This block is at the moment only available on the search results page - it'll come to the front end widgets soon enough but my plate is full and so on on my end and with 4.5 looming (preview prior to beta is awfully close...) any additions to this will wait for my 4.5 sweep. Oh yeah, the 20 are randomized on page load to mix it all up. (example above only has 14 - its my newer dev install with very little searching so not all the datas) Popularity text sizing based on percentages - 10 steps - zero to nine. zero being the 'least most popular', nine being the 'most most popular'. .ss-scale-0 { font-size: 1em; } .ss-scale-1 { font-size: 1.25em; } .ss-scale-2 { font-size: 1.5em; } .ss-scale-3 { font-size: 1.75em; } .ss-scale-4 { font-size: 2em; } .ss-scale-5 { font-size: 2em; } .ss-scale-6 { font-size: 2.25em; } .ss-scale-7 { font-size: 2.5em; } .ss-scale-8 { font-size: 2.75em; } .ss-scale-9 { font-size: 3em; } That's what I am providing. Copy/paste these into your custom.css and add in any color changes as needed to make the text darker or different colors as the percentages change. If you are not going to tweak the sizing then just remove those font-size bits to save on clutter. To add this block, go to the Social Search settings and enable it. Note that the recent block and this new most popular block can both be on the page at the same time (as in the screen shot) - configure as you like. Popularity is based on last 90 days. Not bad for a request made a couple of hours ago 🍺
  20. Might have to make some more adjusting there - those are literally the last x-number of searches made. Should not be a problem to provide an alternative most searched terms last 30/90 days thing there with the sized search terms.
  21. @Ember Stone In the widgets? I can do that.
  22. Version 10 Released! Re-written widget DB routines for efficiency and reduced size. CSS patch for text display in widgets. Added limit to avatar display count in widgets (limit 100). Widgets will no longer appear at all when there is no data to display - that includes messages stating as such. Widget templates re-written for better efficiency. Flood control now in-effect everywhere, setting removed. No repeat writes or updated visit timestamps inside of five minutes for the same member. Recording of topic visits revamped for, yes, you guessed it, better efficiency. Popup table modal now will correctly show member names with group formatting if that option is enabled. NEW! Prune the Who Viewed table! Never, or choose to remove entries older than a configurable day amount. Task always runs daily but will not do anything unless you have the pruning option turned on in the plugin settings. Also, I've compiled a list of some of the feature requests in this thread from the last two years. I'll *try* to get them into whatever this thing becomes - either a version 11 plugin or a re-written "version 11" application as some things can only be tackled if it is an application (access to extensions and so on). That list being, with comments by me: Is there anyway that this counter could also show # of guest views per post on the actual post itself? (All views already tracked by IPS but not guests separately - also what about bots - possible but would be messy. Lean no... ) Any thoughts on showing total # of views of a post as well? (Already handled by Kitchen Sink, also this is inbound by IPS with their thing in 4.5 or I can release<redacted>) Is there a way to reset or clear the list of viewers? (Partially addressed in version 10 with the prune function. Easy add for individual topics but need permissions check AND a place to stick the button. I'll stick it in the moderators menu - users of this will need to have mod powers AND a separate permission set in the plugin settings. This will happen.) Is there any way to have an option to make these plugins respect the "browse anonymously" option and not list members who check that when they log in? Seems like the default software goes out of its way to hide their last login date on their profiles, but this plugin gives them away. I'd need it to hide them altogether so they can lurk threads without being exposed. (How to deal with anons is mostly dealt with already, setting available to choose to not track anons period. This should probably be good enough.) I'll add a no-follow to reader links which should help. (Already done on the modal button. Probably needed for the widget views as well to reduce SEO load. Will happen.)
  23. Just a note on this. I worked with Ihia last night to resolve this. I believe most (all?) of the hitch was another application that was a year out of date throwing a stream of constant errors. Sometimes the assumed culprit might just be the thing that pushes the system over the edge and not the underlying troublemaker. That said, I did take the time yesterday before working with him to make a sweep of the plugin. His use-case is a lot different than most sites who get this so I'm gonna think on a few more things before pushing out version 10 but you all can expect a new version of this in the immediate future. Standard blurb about performance improvements, bug fixes, and the like applies as always.
  24. Thats... odd. First I've heard of a resource hitch, How big is your forum? Anything else plugin-wise that loads up on the page besides this?
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