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Posts posted by TAMAN

  1. 13 hours ago, ToeJam said:

    Now I'm really Lost.  I guess a lot has changed?  How do I copy and paste ?  

    Go to themes page ACP -> Customizations -> Themes. from there you can delete themes.

    Could contain: Text


    13 hours ago, ToeJam said:

    I don't see anywhere where I can add a custom pic for the background, or sliders?

    sliders and many other features was removed from the theme settings and are now available as custom apps to install


    to add sliders in your theme, install this app



    for the theme background. you need to install this app




    custom footer blocks



    news ticker




  2. On 7/30/2023 at 11:37 PM, ToeJam said:

    How do I reinstall from the market place.  Previous to the install there was a button, now where the button was it says "This Rescource is already installed and up to date"



    Make a copy of your theme and then delete it. after that, install magnum theme from marketplace 😉 

    then... you can copy paste your customizations from the copied theme to the to the newly installed magnum theme 

  3. On 7/25/2023 at 10:44 PM, ToeJam said:

    Oh man, I need help.  I broke something.  I just upgraded to the last IPB and noticed with the upgrade the theme needed to be upgraded.  So when I did I broke it now.

    I notice that I have an older version of Magnum 4.3.2 under my themes (though not active), and If I select that as my theme it's back pretty much to normal, but it is an older theme.

    What did I do wrong?


    How it looks now

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, White Board, Webpage, Electronics, Screen


    using an older version and how it should look (not too functional)

    Could contain: File, Car, Vehicle, Webpage, Machine, Wheel, Person, Advertisement, Building, City


    looks like the css is all messed up, there could be template diffrrences between version 4.3.2 and current 4.3.10. 

    make a copy of magnum theme and then re-install it from ips marketplace. then, if you needed the colors back, use this app https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/10067-dark-mode/ with this app you can import/export colors.




  4. 4 hours ago, katz_global said:

    I might be in the wrong place, when I try to start a topic, I end up on the marketplace in a different area.

    We are running theme: Magnum Theme  the latest.

    When using Mobile view we cannot see the login or signup. If we swith the theme to the base theme those work just fine. Has anyone else had this problem?


    Thank you in advance.


    I dont see any problems on my side

    on mobile view you need to click a button and then you will see the sign up - sign in buttons 

    Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Screen, Text

    If you send me a link i will check 🙂 

  5. On 3/4/2023 at 1:24 AM, Dknelson said:

    Has anybody tried this theme with the new release?

    On 5/11/2023 at 6:18 PM, Dknelson said:

    When did the uograde this morning, I lost my home Pagel. It is just blank now. What changed fun this theme to cause this problem?  I also lost my image/banner at the top of the form but finally got it working againl



    The theme should be fine for ips 4.7.10 there was no changes in globalTemplate and navBar i have tested it and everything works

    let me know if something is not working for you


  6. 5 hours ago, ToeJam said:

    That is so weird how my question ended up in another mod 🤣

    So, is there a way to add more sliders in this theme beside the 5 that I see buttons for?

    No problem 😄  

    you will need to install swiper slider application to add more sliders


  7. 29 minutes ago, ToeJam said:

    I don't have "Swiper Sliders" heading option under "Community".  I have your latest version too. 

    I think you are using the swiper slider in one of my themes. you need to disdable that in the theme settings, and then search for swiper slider application in IPS marketplace

  8. 17 minutes ago, Nathan Caroland said:


    Maybe this an odd question, and likely not one specific to the theme, but with the push from Invision lately to have folks use their email addresses instead of their display names to log into the sight, I've got loads of people having issues as when you go to log in, it says 'Display Name' instead of 'Email' or just Login even. Is there a way to change this up so folks don't get confused?



    Hi, you can edit the loginPopupForm template in your theme to add some info there. but you will need to check for template changes on each ips updates because edited templates does not automatically get updated.



    or... just search for username language bit here ACP -> Customizations -> languages 🙂 


  9. 9 hours ago, Nakamura RTS said:

    Hi Taman, I have trouble with setting the color of text for entering card payment details (I'm using Stripe).

    Could you please point me to how to edit the input text color here?


    In the theme settings go to Checkbox/Toggle/Input tab



  10. 19 minutes ago, Dknelson said:

    If I could delete this post I would.  Taman has apologized and resolved the issues.  I should have held off a bit longer before posting this.  He appears to be a man of his word and this is a great theme.  

    Dont worry everything good! it was not your fault 🙂 thank you for removing the review and again im sorry 


  11. Hi,

    i have updated this theme to support the latest version now, please be patient as it gets approved.


    On 11/12/2022 at 1:21 PM, Dknelson said:

    I'm starting to get frustrated now.  Still haven't updated because I just don't know if it's going to cause problems with this theme.  Don't know why we aren't getting any answers.  I hope that @TAMAN is ok and perhaps just out on vacation or something.  

    On 11/6/2022 at 4:39 PM, FZ said:

    No, I'm holding off because of the warnings. I spent the whole weekend last week updating everything only to find myself back to square one a couple of days later. 

    I am not amused with IPS right now. 

    On 11/29/2022 at 2:45 PM, Dknelson said:

    Well I hate to say it and have held back on saying anything but it looks like those of us using this theme are now on their own.   I like it but guess I need to find a new one.  @TAMAN has been great supporting his products in the past but we can't even get a response now.  I've tried posting here and also sent him a private message with no response.  I thought at first that perhaps he was just away on vacation or something but his profile shows that he has been on line many times.  Sorry to say that I will not be purchasing his products again.  

    I'm sorry for the late reply i wasnt on a vacation! its just real life gets in the way sometimes. I will try my best to visit here on a daily basis now just like i have always done!

    the good thing is ONLY globalTemplate and navBar template is edited in this theme. most of the time you can just ignore the warnings because its not nessesery required to update the theme for each IPS update! those two templates are not always modifed by ips, for example from ips version 4.7.3 until today only globalTemplate was modifed and they only removed the viglink template tag in it. you can check it here https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=plugins&do=diff


    You can also update the theme to support the latest ips versions yourself in a couple minutes, you dont need any coding knowladge 

    heres what to do

    first check the theme differences here https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=plugins&do=diff ...you will only need to search for globalTemplate and navBar template and see whats new. if you dont find these two templates then ignore the update warnings.

    If you see these templates modifed, then you need to apply the changes to your theme here to ACP -> Customizations -> Themes -> Edit HTML and CSS 



  12. On 10/29/2022 at 9:48 AM, FZ said:

    Taman, I have somehow screwed up my theme colours and I can't figure out how to get everything back to default. Is there an easy way to do this? I don't want to use the palette feature anymore but switching this off has not had the intended results. I am seeing strange colours on my theme. Help! 

    Hi, if your theme colors were customized and now its changed in the theme options then i dont think you can recover it unfortunatly

    you can always make a copy of your themes so you dont lose the customizations. you can also install the dark mode app here https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/10067-dark-mode it has option to export your theme colors and then import it back later.


    On 10/29/2022 at 10:07 AM, FZ said:

    The biggest issue is that when I turn on the "Dark Mode" option (which is all I want to have active) the Editor in the default mode can't be seen unless mousing over the options. Also the hover text on the switcher seems to be reversed. When you are in dark mode it says switch to dark mode and when in default mode it says to switch to default. 

    this all seem to be messed up in the dark mode color scheme field, you can paste your color scheme here and i will take a look and test it 🙂




  13. 4 hours ago, beats23 said:


    Hi, I'm trying to get a google ads widget to sticky when scrolling. When I edit the widget I can see the widget ID, however when I save and refresh the the page there is no widget ID in the page source.

    I know this code should make the widget a sticky widget.

    position: sticky;
    top: 0 ;

    Hi, I don't remember if I have added ID for the widgets! What do you need it for?

    there are already options to make the widgets sticky on top or bottom of the page, so you don't need to do that manually! 🙂

  14. 2 minutes ago, Olivier Frascone said:

    Hi, since the last upgrade of Invision we have a problem with hcaptcha

    Could contain: Text, Page, File

    Any idea ?


    go to ACP -> Customization -> Themes -> Edit HTML and CSS

    and then search for hCaptcha template and revert it by clicking the "revert" button

    if that doesnt help then disable your apps/plugins one by one to see which one causes the error



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