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Robert Lunte

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Posts posted by Robert Lunte

  1. On 10/27/2017 at 5:28 PM, kmk said:

    Is possible use it like a record voice?

    Set a botton in the editor or below of click to choose file, click it to start record voice and post it. So user can use 2 methods  to use forum(maybe all ips suite), write or post voice.

    Yes, that is EXACTLY what we need at our singing forum. A "microphone", quick and simple audio recorder feature that will capture embed audio into the post... just like a on text messaging, whatsapp, skype or FB... so they can do little singing samples and ask for feedback.

    Does anyone have a solution for this?

  2. On 2/11/2017 at 5:35 PM, Cyboman said:

    IPS native features without being required to use 3rd party services.


    On 2/11/2017 at 5:35 PM, Cyboman said:

    And it would be a great gain if one of the designers would develop some email template designs to choose from. We have so many designers for themes and skins, but no one ever touched email templates so far...

    That would come with any viable, real newsletter solution. I have to agree... something native would be best. It doesn't have to be SUPER fancy!  Retool the bulk mail to do the following:

    - A better editor.

    - Some templates, super basic.

    - The ability to send thousands of emails at once, not capped at 50 a minute or whatever it is... not practical.

    - Lists.

    - Contact forms that you can embed out on your IPB that will capture contact information and feed them to a list.

    - Some super basic stats and metrics.

    Thats it really... 

    I once had a plugin for a Wordpress site I owned called "MailPoet"... it was a Super simple newsletter system. Very charming ... it was super light, offered a few templates, some basic metrics, lists and you could send out thousands in one shoot without any hassles. Maybe you guys can implement the mailpoet guys.  http://www.mailpoet.com/

    BTW... in regards to the address checking services that are offered for bulk mail.. I have hassled with that over and over again and it is just a headache, doesn't quite work properly and at the end of the day... left feeling like... what is the point?

    A simple native system please.

  3. Guys, C'mon...?!

    Why don’t you guys build your own, or integrate with some of the top email marketing solutions?  We have all these “enhanced” features that integrate with other services, but the one that seems to be the most obvious is strangely missing. IPB community owners need a proper email marketing solution! 

    With all due respect, because I love your platform other than this issue..., I don’t get how you can offer a COMMUNITY platform with, so many brilliant ways to monetize… without a proper email marketing solution available to your community owners to use.

    For that matter, why are you guys not sending out regular newsletters to your customers? That would seem to be evidence that you are totally missing the necessity for email marketing for any online community system, be it yours, or your customers. Peculiarly strange?


    The bulk mail system is NOT a proper email marketing system. It has limited design capabilities. It has no metrics/stats. It caps your emails out to about 200-400 a day, if you have thousands of subscribers, this is entirely impractical. It offers no ability to make forms to capture sign-ups.


    Do an integration with:

    - www.campaignmonitor.com

    - www.getresponse.com

    - www.mailchimp.com

    - www.mailpoet.com

    ( this is a plugin for wordpress that is SUPER light and simple. But it does everything anyone needs. It covers the basics. Something like this would be perfect ). 

    ... or build your own.


    Any email marketing system DOES NOT have to be fancy!... All we really need are the following features:

    - A decent design interface.

    - Metrics.

    - The ability to send out thousands of emails in one send.

    - Mailing Lists.

    - The ability to make forms that can capture sign-ups in the HTML widgets that will then go straight into a mailing list.

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