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  1. Marc's post in commerce subscriptions was marked as the answer   
    This is actually working as intended at present. A coupon is intended as a "used this time" item. So used in a single transaction. In this case, you are applying it to the initial purchase. Checking that it can be used for renewals means they could use the coupon code at checkout when they are paying for a renewal (that specific renewal). For something whereby you wish to allow a set group of people to receive a discounted rate going forward, you would use groups and apply a discount for the product to that group.
  2. Marc's post in How to list moderators of specific forum? was marked as the answer   
    Depending on how you wish to list them, you could also use the staff directory for that purpose if needed
  3. Marc's post in Automatic Newsletter Subscription was marked as the answer   
    Glad you found the option there. For anyone else who may be looking for the same, you can find this within the following location in the ACP
    Members->Notifications->Newsletter (select the edit icon)
  4. Marc's post in Like? was marked as the answer   
    Just as an added note here, you may find the following guide of use to use
  5. Marc's post in Export Posts from Download App into Forum was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately there is no way in which to do this retrospectively. It will only add topics for items which are posted after that is set up in the category
  6. Marc's post in Help Faceboook for Developers was marked as the answer   
    There isnt really much we can add to what facebook themselves have stated there. You need to edit your privacy policy to state how a member of your community would request data deletion. Even if that is a "contact x", that information must be present as per facebooks policies. Once done, you nee to let facebook know to review it again.
    You can see how to amend your privacy policy on the site here
  7. Marc's post in Support tickets have disappeared was marked as the answer   
    Tickets are not stored in your client area any longer. If you wish to keep a copy of these, you would need to keep a copy on your emails, of which are sent with each response.
    With regards starting a ticket, you can still do this by selecting your license then selecting Create Request on that page. However we would encourage the use of this forum you have just posted in, which is fully staffed
  8. Marc's post in Advanced search optical glitch was marked as the answer   
    Just a heads  up to let you guys know this has now been resolved. Thank you for reporting the issue
  9. Marc's post in Userbar not showing up was marked as the answer   
    If it's a theme you have created for yourself, its likely changes in your globalTemplate which mean its not been updated to the latest. You would need to revert that template and reapply your changes, which would likely resolve the issue. If it's one downloaded that someone else has made however, I would advise contacting them as there may be a lot of change
  10. Marc's post in Easier way to add products to Commerce? was marked as the answer   
    There is no quicker way to add them than going into the Admin CP. As with any other area of the software, setup items need to be created in the admin CP. The create menu is for your users, not for items you set up as a site.
  11. Marc's post in Embedded YouTube etc videos suddenly auto playing in iOS was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned in another item on the same topic,  we are not doing anything specific here relating to the auto play of video. It also seems this is only happening since updating iOS. So unfortunately, it would seem its an iOS issue here, rather than one with the software.
  12. Marc's post in Blog posts was marked as the answer   
    There is no way in which to move items from blogs to forums in the native platform at present
  13. Marc's post in Safari browser issue - Memory‏‏ was marked as the answer   
    This does sound very much to be a safari related problem, rather than one with your site here. If however you are seeing anything once you have done the above, please let us know.
  14. Marc's post in Transfer to IPS hosting was marked as the answer   
    I have created a ticket for this for you, and will get you moved over to our cloud platform as soon as possible
  15. Marc's post in After update to 4.6.7 can't post replies was marked as the answer   
    Please go to support in the top right of your Admin CP, then select "clear cache". Once you have done this check again. It looks like its simply a cache issue you have there
  16. Marc's post in How to update v4.1.11.1 to Current on GoDaddy? was marked as the answer   
    You wouldnt do a fresh installation there. What you would do is restore that backup to your new hosting. As you are on likely a higher version of PHP than that version will cope with, the site will likely be broken at that point, but will be back online once you have upgraded. Once done, upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and visit /admin/upgrade to run the upgrader. 
    You can see how to move your site here if you need more instruction on that part
    Also, please ensure you have checked to ensure you have all compotents needed before you proceed to the upgrade step, using our requirement checker
  17. Marc's post in Forum Statistics widget take a few hours to catch up was marked as the answer   
    On taking a look at your system, I would advise on disabling all 3rd party items again for a while, then monitoring to see if this is still happening. You have errors from Mark 'notification read from toast' which are showing up once every few seconds there. Also, please ensure you have updated all optional patches showing in the support area.
  18. Marc's post in Is Login/Registration Linkable to Custom Apps? was marked as the answer   
    If you have someone who is developing for you, then they could develop SSO for this purpose. There are developer guides in which you can find here
    However, if the software you are having created is created to use OAuth2, you can simply add this as a login handler on your site
  19. Marc's post in Custom field name doesn't show in topics was marked as the answer   
    What you are seeing there has actually been patched. You would need to apply that patch in your Admin CP under the support section to correct this. Alternatively, you could await 4.6.7 which will be going out shortly.
  20. Marc's post in search engine doesn't work for all members was marked as the answer   
    I see the issue here was that there was no permission on the parent category for those users. Glad to see my colleague was able to pin that one down for you
  21. Marc's post in Cannot access my forums since 4.6 upgrade?getThemeSettings() was marked as the answer   
    Glad to see we managed to get your issue resolved in the ticket there. For future, it is always advisable to take full backups before performing any large operation so that you have something to go back to. Glad to see you back online though
  22. Marc's post in Brand new cloud-hosted community messed up, help was marked as the answer   
    I see from your ticket this was being  caused by an invalid content security policy in admin control panel > system > settings > advanced configuration, which my colleague has reverted for you.
  23. Marc's post in Settings for user restrictions are missing was marked as the answer   
    In order for the warnings and restrictions section to show in that area you must enable the warning system. At present this appears to be disabled on yours
  24. Marc's post in License Key URL not updating was marked as the answer   
    Sorry to see you were having issues there. I have corrected this on file, and logged in to ensure its still sorted on your admin CP side for you.
  25. Marc's post in Subscriptions was marked as the answer   
    If you change the price of an item, it should ask you if you wish to change it for existing or not
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