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Direct link to Subscription checkout


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Hi team,

It is possible to link from external Landing Page to a Create New Account page in a particular subcription? What can do it? What is the URL for this?

I see that every checkout page change the ID, so every new visitor have an unique URL.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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There would be no way in which to do this as it has an csrf key that is generated. You could however just link them to the subscriptions page and let them choose which subscription. I realise thats not exactly what is asked for there, but its an option

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Thanks Marc, yes I actually link to subscription page. But I think that have a lot steps to arrive to create new user and many users exits from this process without buy.

  1. Landing Page to Subscription page
  2. Choose a Subscription (If you only have one haven't sense)
  3. Select Existent User or Create New account
  4. Type your user data and payment

Normally from Landing Pages only arrive new users and send to final checkout page to eliminate unnecessary steps.

  1. Landing Page to Create New account
  2. Type your user data and payment
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Thanks Marc for your report, is interesting for one subcription plan or a lot plans. If you send qualified trafic needs to arrive quickly to payment page. All unnecesary pages can be eliminated or have an URL that you can redirect if you need.

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