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Posts posted by kmk

  1. Thank you, I want suggest for differents styles, like the real world, I think that will be a atractive point use for girls and young people.....so not only message has value, the style too meaning elegant and make message more vivid.

    More life for message, more life for style, more life for notes, more life for this app, more life for IPS, and more life for members....





  2. 15 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    If I understand what you’re saying, if you add it in Forum X, it will appears in ALL other forums. Same for topics. That’s how the framework works. And it is like that for ALL widgets, including officials. Make yourself a test: add a IPS widget in a forum and you will see same widget in all other forums. 

    If that’s what you want, your best bet is request a change to IPS: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback-and-ideas/

    Thank you, any solution can you provide in the meantime?

  3. On 1/26/2018 at 10:41 PM, TAMAN said:

    Check if you have any custom css that adds this icon to that menu and remove it :) 

    Resolved, desabled use of Font Awesome icons of Advanced Multi-tools of @TheJackal84 

    On 1/26/2018 at 11:11 PM, JTHastings said:

    This is exactly what I do, I've created several different color schemes and by making them different themes I can control which groups actually have access to them, for example, my New Member group only gets a limited choice, my Members get a little more and then my Senior Members get them all. Works for me real well and I am VERY happy with TAMAN's work (although I am a bit surprised to see that News Ticker and Custom Widgets are ONLY basic :p)!

    This scene will not to affect server or ips suite run slowly? 

    On 1/26/2018 at 10:41 PM, TAMAN said:

    any link to check?

    You have the acp access credential.

    After desabled Remove Words function of Advanced Multi-tools:tamantheme4.thumb.PNG.c4ac642755946e7b8e6e65e2346e59e6.PNG

    I would like can remove it completly or moving it to navbar menu page.

  4. Hello @Adriano Faria

    Right now I am using the Widget for only in a forum with privacy, design for some group(members), I would like use it only in that forum section, but the same widget appear in others forums too, and showing last replies information.

    Please, can you add permission ability for exclusive forum or section?

  5. I love this app, give power to managing contents, I have differents forums and dufferents moderators, each forums(mainly Group Collaboration) should be have their moderators and administration, please can you give ability to Cloud tags widget choosing which forum to use?


    So each forums can have their widget managing contents with tags.

  6. Hello @Ryan H.

    Can I request:

    1. Ability presets tags and user select which one to use. (right now is inverse).

    1. Make tags suggested visible for select action purposal, right now only appear the list of suggestion when type the same letter.


    2. Ability of set rules for each presets tags, e.g. should be select x(quantity) tags for each presets. 

  7. Tags should not work like prefixes setting?

    Forum  moderator preset a quantity tags, when member post should have to select any of preset......

    Right now if i preset 20 tags, when posting have to delete all tags to stay with which I want.

  8. Suggestion for Upload Media, adding these purposals use:

    - A files center which help reducing files duplicating scene, obviously is for shared files purposal, so if there have any picture or doc that I want to post, I dont upload same files again to my server or disk that relate storage space use.

    - Reducing uploading files actions and time.

    - Reducing use of server space saving the same files.

    - Ability check for duplicated files and maintaining storage in best use status.

  9. 4 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

    No, you can only embed your own uploaded media, no one elses

    Upload Media meet mayority what I need, can I request you adding mention ability, Admin can set if user have permission to use Upload Media, then can set folder with embed permission ability.

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