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Posts posted by fvasconcelos

  1. Hello,

    Is there any way to add a condition(PHP) using the RULES:

    If count (user_awards_category) = X then ....

    count (user_awards_category)  =  number of awards a user has for a given category

    X = the number that i want o verify

    Example: If user has 5 awards, he switches to another group.

  2. 42 minutes ago, onlyME said:

    There are no solution, IPS does not support embedding mpg, it will be converted to text link automatically.


    I'm talking about .mp4 files not .mpg files.

    5 hours ago, Ramsesx said:

    Yes, mp4 works fine.... as long as you not edit the entry again after saving. Then it is pasted as a link in the editor not embedded as a video. 


  3. 7 hours ago, onlyME said:

    MP4 works fine, but mpg not. It's not a bug from easypopup, IPS doesn't support embeding mpg in editor, try to test by posting some contents (topics, files...)


    MP4 is a mpeg video file.


  4. 23 hours ago, HeadStand said:

    The questions are sortable within a collection. The questions on their own are never displayed; they're always listed grouped by collection. Therefore, it makes sense to have the sequencing be done within the collection and not as a whole.

    Question 1 may be in position 1 for Collection 1, but might be in position 5 for Collection 2.


    In the ACP, go to Community -> FAQ -> Manage Collections. Choose "Collection Questions" from the dropdown menu on the right. You'll see that you can rearrange the questions here by using the draghandles on the left.

    Thanks, i didn't see that.


    1º - In the FAQ system homepage, can you add a option to put the  "list all available Collections" as widget sidebar ?

    about this any news ??

  5. In the email message the Smart quick tags are not working.


    The email that users are receiving:

    Hello {member_name},

    Our records indicate that you just turned {age}. {board_name} would like to wish you a happy birthday.


  6. 2 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    You want a setting to make one chosen member always be the topic author?

    Sorry, you want the form submitter to be the topic author? That can bring an issue: the class post checks permission when creating a topic and will fail if the author hasn't permission to do so. The topic will not be created.

    IF is a member = the topic author will be the author(member logged in)

    IF is a guest = the topic author will be the fixed member id


    IF is a member =name of author (member logged in) in the post

    IF is a guest show the email in the post

  7. On 15/05/2017 at 10:03 PM, Kekcik said:

    Hi again

    So i check all settings and noticed that i can set in acp only one fixed member id (topic starter announcement) 

    so privacy settings won't worked. Cause topic will be started always from the 1 same member, but not from an original user.

    I think if user created contact us form, new topic on forum should be pasted under his username, than privacy settings will worked. Otherwise no.

    But anyways better to create ticket system. Like it will be conversations in this module, so new topics won't be created. Just inside contact us system. Registered user will see pending requests, answered or closed status. So he can feel free to answer there or add something which he missed. Administartion or mods will receive pending requests and answer there.


    @Adriano Faria, what i realy want is this.



    On 10/08/2017 at 3:31 PM, Adriano Faria said:

    Not a feature currently. It only replaces the Contact Us bottom link.

    I'll add it in next version.

    Any news about this new release ?

  9. @newbie LAC


    It's taking longer to update the list of the last posts. After I do a post it takes about 30 seconds to 1 minute to appear in the list. This is happening after your last update. The same thing if i delete the last post i made, it take some time to be removed from the list.

    Another thing: I am trying to show the "featured" symbol in "Last post" Tab , as it happens in the last "topics feed" widget from ipboard, but I am not able to.

    Can you give me some help, please. ?


    {{if $topic->mapped('featured')}}
    	<span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_positive" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="featured"}'><i class='fa fa-star'></i></span></span>
    {{if $config['nb_tab_top_pos_sfp']}}
    	<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_small'><a href="{$post->container()->url()}">{$post->container()->_title}</a></span><br>


  10. i changed this

    <li>{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->formattedName" raw="true"}</li>


    <li class='ipsHide'>{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->formattedName" raw="true"}</li>

  11. 3 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Yes, easy enough. Not sure if Raw would want me to add new features, as I'm only fixing bugs. I'll talk to him.

    Thanks. I think it's a very welcome feature.

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