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  1. James101 replied to Miss_B's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hi @Miss_B, Did you get a chance to look into this? Thank you!
  2. Hey @Fosters, Any update on this? Merry Christmas!
  3. Never used that feature so ok for me if you remove it. Also, if we happen to wait for everyone to answer, this might take forever 😞 Since the only way to make it work is to remove the Expression feature. Can't you remove it for the latest version and the older versions will still have it and users who want it can use that version?
  4. Hey @Fosters - Even after the update posted on 29th November, the application is still locked by IPS. Please fix it to support PHP 8 once you can 👏
  5. James101 replied to Miss_B's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hey @Miss_B, The application is locked by IPS after the latest upgrade. Will you fix this in the future updates? https://prnt.sc/i1l4ZVN1-JJd Thanks
  6. Hi @Adriano Faria, I had two questions - https://prnt.sc/GxuQUzWngnc1 1. Can we add some text next to it which tells the limit [if set]? For example - You will gain 25% interest per month with a max limit of 50,000 Points. 2. I set the max interest to 50,000 yet it shows I will earn 106,250 Points in interest. Shouldn't it show 50,000?
  7. Hey, No worries, did you manage to submit a new version?
  8. @Miss_B - Just purchased this plugin! Thank you. I realized you need to add each member manually.. Is it possible to add a setting that would allow to add all members or selected user classes and add a setting to show how many to show online at once? Then the app can randomly pick 'x' members from all members and show them online? Thank you!
  9. @Fosters
  10. Hi, On my end it says the last version was updated on June 13, 2021 and the application is still partially broken on my end 😞 Your post on August 10, 2021 says a new version was going to be updated. I am confused 😕
  11. Hey, Any update on this? Was the new version approved or the issues fixed?
  12. James101 replied to HeadStand's post in a topic in Marketplace
  13. Hi @Adriano Faria - Is it possible to add some kind of limits to the bank such as - - Maximum interest that can be earned by each user class? and/or - Maximum points that can be deposited in the bank by each user class? We have a problem where users just hoard points in the bank and keep on earning compounding interest on it and stop contributing/being active.
  14. James101 replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hi @Adriano Faria, the updated version has still not fixed the issue unfortunately. After completing the quiz, it shows points have been won but it does not get added - https://gyazo.com/4483345e303d8e4e08fe51af31f99fe1 If anyone else who uses Members Shop and Quizzes could confirm this?