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Posts posted by kar3n2

  1. 1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Try adding friendshipforums in the top box,  then everything after "CNAME " in the second box

    Ok... well maybe it's the way its written...  as its still not working?

    soo...  I thought from what you said it might it be as follows BUT it still didnt work   😞   hmmmmm







  2. 7 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I will move this over to our advanced hosting community support forum for you. Please note, any advice we give here relating to your hosting is not given as official support for your product. If your domain is from your hosting company, I would say it's a little concerning that they dont know how to add a simple entry for you. 


    10 minutes ago, kar3n2 said:

    Ive tried again and removed the "spaces" so now there's no notification... so perhaps that was the little challenge maybe 🙂


    10 minutes ago, kar3n2 said:

    UH OHHH  look what I get notified

    cname record 1.jpg


    2 minutes ago, kar3n2 said:

    oh god    i tell a lie....

    once i removed the spaces i got another error once I click to add  😞   Now I'm just confusing you all probably... really sorry 😞




    cname 2.jpg

  3. 7 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I will move this over to our advanced hosting community support forum for you. Please note, any advice we give here relating to your hosting is not given as official support for your product. If your domain is from your hosting company, I would say it's a little concerning that they dont know how to add a simple entry for you. 

    I was a bit surprised when he couldnt help me have to admit...  😞

  4. 1 hour ago, Daniel F said:

    That's managed via the "Zone Editor" ( the icon is in the last line on your screenshot) 



    GREAT thanks

    so i go into my zone editor and add the two cname records


    friendshipforums CNAME o316083.invisionservice.com.

    _457899d55c6b2424f195a911a8a2117b.friendshipforums CNAME _67f5910f653ff97ff51cca32c7f1860a.snmnbsbtgy.acm-validations.aws.



    HOWEVER.... is it ok to add the cname records just to the domain?   I dont want to lose the main website and i want the forums on the subdomain I've created. cant see subdomain in my zone editor.


  5. Hi if anyone can help please.

    Ive purchased the forums that are hosted by Invision but I am unable to add this to my subdomain.

    Invision tell me that only web host can help and my web host tells me he really doesn't understand the instructions as what to do.

    Invision sent me email with these instructions on:



    We would be happy to assist in activating that Subdomain name on your account. To get started, we will need you to create two CNAME Records in the DNS zone file where your base domain is now hosted. The two CNAME Records are as follows:



    Note the trailing periods after the target names; they are required. Also note that the second CNAME Record, for SSL validation, is time-sensitive; please create these records promptly.

    Once you have completed the change, please let us know and we will proceed with the final configuration and activation on our end.


    My site is in  CPANEL ...  do i click into dynamic dns and if so what do i add?


    CPANEL 1.jpg

  6. IF we are fortunate enough to have lots of Artist wanting to upload their music files I assume this would take up lots of server space hence slow site down? 

    I guess would need a bigger server costs which might be covered by sales though... BUT if no sales then woops   

  7. On 2/11/2017 at 7:25 AM, onlyME said:

    I haven't installed nexus on my demo site yet. This is some screenshots:



    oooohhhhh looks like we can allow people to sell and demo tracks at same time after all...  wish I could see one in action  ...

  8. On 5/2/2016 at 4:07 PM, onlyME said:


    It supports Commerce, allows purchase tracks. And it also has Custom Fields, you can create a form and add the link you need.



    Ive been recommended to your Musicbox  which I've seen demo on your site and it looks great. :-) 

    So you say it supports commerce?   I am wanting people to be able to upload their mp3 music file into iPB downloads to sell and also have the preview of the song in the description.  Does this integrate and also can we prevent people from downloading for free? Or is there some solution can anyone can think of  thanks

  9. Its all up and running now thats GR8 but is it possible to have the fileds show on the main "about me" page on the board please?  The fields show in the sidebar but it would be lovely if that about me page had shall we say a bit more obvious content ...  OR is there another way this about me page can have more content and be rather less DULL....


    about me page.png


  10. I disabled it for now. And members can edit profiles again...except now they have lots of fields both personal accounts  and business accounts so Ill probs have to delete them too

    Yes I deleted all the different fields and alls well now back to normal

  11. I have double checked again.


    Members-Profiles-Check allow profile question per group - check allow all to see

    Login as member. -edit profile - birthday only



    On 12/12/2016 at 7:03 PM, Simon Woods said:

    @Adriano Faria I am about to make a whole bunch of new fields open to use for my members. At that point I'll have a lot more data that I can use to give better feedback.

    Did it work ok for you @Simon Woods Im just wondering what Ive done wrong maybe somewhere in the settings perhaps

  12. 33 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Download new version in marketplace and try it. Let me know if it still happens. I'll take a look tomorrow in the morning.

    all updated now..Im so sorry about that :wub:.  and heres the latest.

    In ACP -member-profile ...... all fields are correct just as I set them. Brilliant ( fields also set to be viewed by all although only filled in by certain member groups)

    I've logged off and refreshed... BUT login as member.-edit profile = birthday only


    double and treble tried but I can seem to get past this inability to edit a profile field other than birthday

    I love this plugin and i want it to work sooooo much...  Hope we can find out whats going on in my site then eh? 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    You're not using the latest version of the plugin! :(


    Please, update the plugin and retry. If still happens, I'll watch the video and will try to reproduce.

    oh nooooo  I never saw anywhere to tell me to update  arghghg   

    do I just click to upload new version?

  14. When I upgrade the plugin was disabled. I only noticed this as I am checking out a test member who cannot edit any profile other than birthday. Im wondering if there is some conflict going on.

    Ive put a ticket in but I think they will just tell me the plugin is at fault. Its a shame cos its a brilliant idea to be able to have different profile fields as I've got biz and non-biz members the latter who have no need for a website url for example


    i have got see and edit profiles allowed btw

  15. 1 hour ago, Kevin Carwile said:

    You realize that it's being demonstrated on http://ipsguru.net?

    OH I GET IT NOW   those are groups/collabs   https://ipsguru.net/projects/applications   

    57 minutes ago, misfit76 said:

    i have it running on my site. It is used for regional groups


    I don't think we utilize all the available features, but seems to work pretty well for us.

    and these are your group categories    OH WOW penny dropping now 

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