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Everything posted by Meddysong

  1. It's a consequence of forcing the height rather than allowing it to flow. The content in each box isn't a consistent height, so in a case like this one where you've got a longer title then three lines of the preview, you're going to need more vertical space than in other in other with less content. Ultimately, Jordan's got to decide a) if he definitely wants to keep a consistent height, and b) what that height should be, knowing that if he chooses one to cover the most text-heavy-scenarios, there'll be plenty of empty space in smaller entries: Personally, I think that if he wants to keep a consistent height, the smart thing to do is to say that the title can only occupy two lines maximum, and the preview three, and work it out from there.
  2. Got it: sign out here, then go to the Client Area and sign out there too. This will bring up a pop-up for you to log in. Once you've done this, return to the Community, click "Sign in with email", and it will use the details that you logged into the Client Area with. There's probably some room for improvement in this process. That was a frustrating few minutes wasted.
  3. Make your window smaller as though you're using a tablet, @Jordan Invision. It's not a browser issue: it's a display issue at certain screen sizes.
  4. Like this, @Jordan Invision: @media screen and (min-width: 980px) { body[data-pageController='ourpicks'] div[data-role='patchworkItem'] div.cPromoted { height: 450px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #232323; } }
  5. It appears to be controlled by a line of code in core > front > promote > widgets > promoted: <div class="ipsType_richText ipsType_medium ipsSpacer_both ipsSpacer_half" data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='4 lines'>{$text|raw}</div> Change '4-lines' to '2-lines' to get the result you're looking for. (If you choose to go to 1 line, bear in mind that you would still use the plural: '1-lines'.)
  6. Blimey, that's a lot of detail, @christopher-w. Thank you for taking the time to write it. I wasn't using Isotope specifically for styling but for filtering. In my case, it was a list of "recommended reading", each item having several attributes. A reader would therefore be able to display only those books exhibiting whichever attributes they were interested in. The prototype worked but I came back a couple of years later and the JS was no longer being called for whatever reason. I bought a GSAP subscription a couple of years ago and made a couple of practice tweens. Unfortunately (well, fortunately, I suppose), I've accidentally ended up becoming a writer, which means that the evenings and weekends for tinkering have been in short supply since. That's very decent of you, and I'm grateful for your offer but I fear it would soon be a one-man show. I'm afraid I don't have any spare time for the foreseeable future. If you don't think it would bother you, I'd certainly be willing to catch up with you down the line to see whether there's anything useful we could demonstrate for other people's benefit. I'd have to work out what I'm doing on my own site first, though! Ah, sorry. That's my fault. That said, Jordan, I'm not a programmer either but have become fairly proficient in some areas. If you'd like to give the basics a try to see how you get on, I thoroughly recommend Jonas Schmedtmann's "Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3" course on Udemy. (As is normal, the full price is expensive but they're having one of their periodic sales during the next few hours.)
  7. Consider me a person interested, so there's at least one of us. Please don't rush on my or anybody's account but the idea of adding a degree of interactivity to a page by way of filting and sorting has my interest piqued. Do I recall you were once working on something using Isotope? I had something interesting going on with that once though never got around to finishing it, and then came back to it a couple of years later only to find it no longer worked. Do you make use of Isotope anywhere on a live site?
  8. It can't be done automatically but Lindy has very kindly done exactly this for me once as a courtesy. You're a polite, helpful man and a regular contributor here, so I imagine he'd extend the same grace to you too if you submitted a ticket with the request for his attention.
  9. I'm 13 having just broken through 2000 posts. I noticed the other day that somebody only just on the other side of that marker was 12, so I suspect you've got a few weeks of deleting posts if you aspire to drop down a level 🙂 Edit: No, I've been relegated down a level over the past couple of days!
  10. It is but that's not how they created it: it's generated programmatically with JS. Not bad for the case when several people are writing or editing entries.
  11. He hasn't been and so is on the process of transferring his apps and plugins to @Adriano Faria, who certainly is supportive. Funnily enough, this particular app appears to have been transferred to Adriano's care on the few minutes since you posted this. 🙂
  12. Wow, what a spectacularly good memory! Yes, I tweak content to so that English text is shown in Pages if English is selected but Esperanto when the user changes language. There are a couple of different techniques. The one I've used most often is to add some code within the article itself: <h1 class="longer-text"><span>{{if member.language()->id === 1 }}We’re a charity which has the aim of providing education to people in and about Esperanto.{{else}}Ni estas bonfara asocio, kiu celas eduki homojn en Britio, kiuj volas lerni Esperanton.{{endif}}</span></h1> English is the language with the id 1, so if the member is using English, then the text in the if-clause shows; otherwise, they see the else-clause. Another approach is to use blocks, giving them names with a language marker differentiating them, so block_en and block_eo. That would come in handy for longer pieces of code because you're not forever writing out if-conditions. I can't remember where I've used this but looking through some old blocks, it seems that I have a particular block which creates a variable with the value "en" or "eo" depending on what the current language is: {{\IPS\Settings::i()->lingvo = substr(\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->short, 0, 2);}} (The variable gets its value from the first two letters of my language packs: en_GB and eo_XX.) I presume I must've used that block on a page and then at relevant points added a line within an article to call the relevant block: {block="block_{$lingvo}"} or something like that. My site is such a mess, though, that I can't track down anywhere using that approach. It might be that it didn't work, I suppose. My first approach definitely does work, and a similar one to this second one does with Pages databases too: <p>{{if substr(\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->short, 0, 2)=="eo"}}{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('people_bio_eo', 'display')|raw}{{else}}{$record->_content|raw}{{endif}}</p> This was all very experimental a few years ago, though. Now I just stick to the first approach, even though it means dozens of if-clauses. It's a headache at the time but if you're not going to change the content, then it's survivable.
  13. Yes, but you need to know what the tags are, which makes things a bit challenging. {member_name} doesn't mean anything in this software, which is why it's not working for you. If you want to display a member's name, then you need: {expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name"} or its shorthand version: {expression="member.name"} I'm afraid I don't know where you can find a list of these expressions. My technique is to look for similar expressions in the templates and then experiment.
  14. You might be well served to get a 14-day free demo account, create a couple of forums including one which will feature in a feed, and then set up a homepage with Pages. That'll give you an idea of what the possibilities are and whether they're what you're looking for before you spend $100 on the app: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/demo/
  15. Providers: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/ Guides: Release notes: https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/ And, as you've noted, the company blog: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/
  16. A visitor is anyone accessing your site. That includes your admins, your members, bots, people who aren't logged in... A guest is a visitor who isn't logged into an account. We're members in this community but if we logged out, we'd be guests, just as we are when we browse any other community for which we don't have an account.
  17. I think he's suggesting that the site isn't actually offline but it will appear to be for an affected user. Whilst everyone else is using the site, the unlucky user will occasionally see an offline screen as though the site were genuinely unavailable. It would be offline for him only at that particular time.
  18. Or I suppose you could expect people to track down your blog instead of providing a link to it ... Try .ipsBadge.ipsBadge_style1.ipsPos_right.cBlogCategoryCount { display: none; } in your custom.css.
  19. Most of us can't because we don't have the Blog app. If you post a link to your blog, it should be easy for people to check for you.
  20. There are two approaches which I think you could take: 1) Purchase the Pages app and make that the default app for the suite. Replicate your HTML page there. Your forums will be found at site.com/forums. 2) Move your installation of Invision Community from site.com to site.com/forums. That leaves site.com free for whatever you want to put there. Bear in mind that if you purchase further apps, they'll also be at site.com/forums, so you'll get site.com/forums/gallery, etc, rather than site.com/gallery if you take this approach.
  21. The plugin is defunct now that there is built-in functionality to create announcements, which you can access from the Create menu and the Moderator Control Panel:
  22. Have you tried clearing the cache? That's the usual solution when this happens. (Support > Something isn't working correctly.)
  23. That's normal: There's a margin-left on the block so that the text doesn't sit underneath the club icon. But the consequence is that when the width is narrow, sometimes the text sits with a margin even though the club icon is not in the space.
  24. Or do you mean: "Would there be similar implications if I chose to remove it without paying the $20 as there would be if I removed the Invision Community branding?"
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