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Posts posted by xdmin

  1. I need to mass move topics and have found a way I think will work. 
    In the database table forums_topics I plan on move all topics containing a keyword in "title"  and change "forum_id" from 909 to "forum_id" 414. This successfully moved a topic from one sub forum to another. 

    Is there anything else I need to think of when doing this? Are there any other dependencies that might crash this method? 

  2. Thanks for the good reply. Yes, its likely that this is because of some cron not running properly. Good catch. After i wrote here, there was a blood red error message notifying me about this cron task also. Because we could not find any problems with cron we had to change to "run automatically with traffic" This fixed it. But the posts i marked for delete or move prior to my admin setting change remain stuck. I have no way to stop the status it is in currently, and i cannot delete them either. 

    How can I get the forums I deleted to wake up again, so I can delete or move them properly, now with the correct setting?



  3. I moved a lot of forums a few hours ago, but they do not move and are stuck on the "moving/deleting" status for 3 hours now. It does not change front end either. It worked last week. What is typically wrong when this happens?



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