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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Canis

  1. As far as I can tell not a single IP address on the forum has been pruned. When a task is started, wouldn't it run until all concerned IP's are deleted?
  2. Forum Index page has 7494 views last 7 days, isn't this enough to keep tasks running?
  3. Thanks. Yes, this is the full error entry line. We get several every second.
  4. Have a look at one of the administrators.
  5. So these errors do not come from IPB? (Dedicated server running only IPB)
  6. Have set it to 90 days, but nothing gets pruned.
  7. Comes about once a second: [2022-12-05 10:07:53]: uid: (1002/username) gid: (1002/username) cmd: ea-php80 Any thoughts on this?
  8. Yes, but, if possible we would like not to keep it all in one place, not having to pay for separate cloud storage. They are all images used on the forum up to when we upgraded to 4.x. Before that we used a custom upload solution for images due to lack of functionality in IPB. 132000 images, 8gb total. It's static so it will only be necessary to upload the folder once.
  9. Many thanks Randy Still need to know about this: It is a static image archive.
  10. Thanks! Today we rent a dedicated server, Intel Xeon E3-1240L v3 2.0GHz 4C with 8GB ram. Can we expect the same performance when cloud based?
  11. Thanks again. Can cloud customers decide when to implement upgrades? (If you need to update customization, add-ons etc before upgrading) Self hosted can run an additional test forum, is that available also to cloud customers?
  12. Thanks again! We have lots of images from when we used a custom upload procedure. They are all in a dedicated folder. Could that be a problem? One reason for us going cloudbased would be not having to deal with backups. Regarding backup: How many full (database+files) do you keep and are they stored at different geographic places? How often do you take full backups? How many versions do you keep? In case of a major problem, hardware-crash etc, will you be responsible for bringing our forum up and running again?
  13. Many thanks! So all ACP settings and functionality will still be available, inclusive Customization? What about FTP access? How do you keep backups? Can we download backups? How is the migration process from selfhosted to cloud?
  14. I realize this is a hot topic these days, is there any functionality comparison chart? We have been self hosted for nearly 20 years and wonder what we might be missing out by going cloud based.
  15. Thanks, but this seems to be a complete new install. We would need to add a test installation of commerce on our existing forum. I cannot find self-hosting prices?
  16. Many thanks, can confirm that the problem is gone after upgrading.
  17. Many thanks, but those links gave little insight in commerce's features. Do you have a free trial so we can test ourselves?
  18. Many thanks Randy, but that seems scary to me, The files was uploaded and unpacked during the initial upgrade process. As long as the login credentials works for accessing the client area it seems like a kind of bug that it doesn't during upgrade. We have not have this problem before.
  19. Using same email/passw as is working from the "Client area" button in the forum area. Forum is now down, help appreciated.
  20. In ACP it reads: Add Commerce to Invision Community to get additional advertisement capabilities, including the ability to sell advertising space directly to your members through a self-service system. Where can I find more information on this?
  21. We have got a request to supply an animated ad. Consist of an svg-image and large html file. To me it looks like Flash... Can this be accomplished in ACP Advertisement?
  22. Why? This new system is not good. While customers might be in a stressful situation we have to be careful not to disclose any information. For many of us, we must communicate in a foreign language. I've seen customers, by mistake, posting screendumps that includes member emailadresses and IP. Customers have begged their support-topic to be deleted. Myself I had to justify, in public,, why I didn't wont to post certain information.
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