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Everything posted by Canis

  1. They are identifiable. It was converted from ikonboard.
  2. Sorry, but we do not want to post these topic titles here.
  3. Many thanks Adriano. We will consider this, but since it's just a few old topics we hope that Support can assist. How do we provide examples? Would prefer not to post links in public.
  4. We have some topics that, for unknown reasons, have a startdate of 01.01.1970. Replies have correct timestamps. Can we update the topic startdate directly in the database? (To a few minutes before first reply)
  5. Sure, that query gave 1998348 rows. Topic closed. 👍
  6. Many thanks for all help. 🙂 We have never used archiving. It is 4x. 1.5 vs 2 million seems like a pretty significant difference. How can we be sure that we really have 2m posts?
  7. All tables are Innodb. phpMyAdmin shows same values. ibf_core_search_index is 2076325 rows.
  8. Front end shows approx. 2 million posts, but the forums_posts table contains only 1564317 rows. Do we have a problem?
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