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Tim Tyler

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Tim Tyler

  1. Thx. I've just now downgraded from PHP 8.2x to 8.1x so we'll see if that makes a difference.
  2. This is a 5-day old install on a fresh VM. Most forum user uploads are working fine. I personally had an image upload via the ACP Advertisements admin fail a few days ago but there is no mention in the ACP log. My upload worked on the second attempt. I contacted the user/uploader from the screenshot above and he said: It's likely the image files were larger than the forum's max storage limit but shouldn't the failure be more graceful than a Server Error? Also - I switch from ImageMagick to GD image processing yesterday to see if that helps.
  3. Any idea what's causing these errors in the System Log? #0 * /httpdocs/system/File/File.php(398): IPS\_File::validateUpload() #1 * /httpdocs/system/Helpers/Form/Upload.php(729): IPS\_File::createFromUploads() #2 * /httpdocs/system/Helpers/Form/Upload.php(309): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Upload->processUploads() #3 * /httpdocs/system/Helpers/Form/Editor.php(768): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Upload->__construct() #4 * /httpdocs/system/Helpers/Form/Editor.php(187): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Editor->getUploader() #5 * /httpdocs/system/Content/Item.php(5057): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Editor->__construct() #6 * /httpdocs/system/Content/Item.php(4746): IPS\Content\_Item->commentFormElements() #7 * /httpdocs/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()'d code(5377): IPS\Content\_Item->commentForm() #8 * /httpdocs/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_forums_front_topics->topic() #9 * /httpdocs/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(643): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call() #10 * /httpdocs/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->manage() #11 * /httpdocs/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #12 * /httpdocs/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #13 * /httpdocs/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute() #14 * /httpdocs/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #15 {main}
  4. I have two large IPB forums that I've been self-hosting since 2004. Many of the older member accounts on these forums are no longer active and have currently invalid email addresses. The forum continues to send email notifications that they signed up for a long time ago. and this results in a ton of undeliverable email. Is there a SQL query I can run that will update all accounts that haven't been active in x years to disable all outgoing email notifications? This might be a nice feature in the Admin too.
  5. It would be great if we could choose which bits of data display in the Our picks block. Can we get ON/OFF for: forumUser posted a topic in forumName datePosted Picked by forumUser pickedTime
  6. I'm the only moderator. If the topics had been deleted, the topic link and title would be gone too, not just the topic's posts. Support is investigating.
  7. On my forum, after receiving a bunch of 404 Search Console notices from Google, I just noticed that the last posts in several subforums are missing.
  8. I'm new to the Pages app. For the life of me I can find any instruction on how to make Topics or Posts appear in the "Our Picks" block. I tried Moderator Options / Feature on a topic and that didn't work. Help, please.
  9. Please add the option to hide advertisements on individual CMS / Pages. Just a simple checkbox on the Editing Page X form will do the trick 🙂 Thanks!
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