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Posts posted by SardiniaNET

  1. Due to the server change of the IPS platforms I manage, it is no longer possible for me to embed content (Youtube but also internal to the forum) in posts, pages and anywhere on the Forum.

    I was told that it could be a problem related to security and in particular to a rule in modsec (mod security).

    Is there anyone who could give me clues about this so that I can contact the hoster with accurate information?

  2. 15 hours ago, Askancy said:

    Exactly, this also lightens the server load.

    We use an external server for images and of course for all File contents (all linked to MEGA.NZ).

    We are investigating with our provider's and hoster's technicians: it is not an excessive forum load but a (rather severe) routing malfunction.

    15 hours ago, Askancy said:

    On CPanel, is the hosting load in the normal range? Even with the original theme do you experience these slowdowns?

    Logins work with hiccups. Downloading, even from CPANEL, is veeeeeeeeery slow


    15 hours ago, Askancy said:

    Google Fonts uses it the custom theme you put in. And Facebook the widget that you have in the footer...

    I'm sure it's nothing like that, but given the graph above, I removed both the (useless) Facebook plugin and Google Fonts. 
    We are waiting for an intervention that will most likely move the forums we manage to a European Datacenter.

  3. Thank you all for these valuable suggestions!

    Would CDN be an external service for content?

    5 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    I would suggest working with your hosting provider on that.  

    Everything was going perfectly until a few weeks ago. Suddenly, navigation became slow. I really don't think it's because of some problem with images of a few hundred KB. 

    I saw the graph! Thank you @Askancy

    But how can it be Facebook? Or Google Fonts? Do you have any advice on how to disable these services that I don't need?

  4. I am writing this for the purpose of future reference.

    It was a tracking problem (now solved) arising from my provider (Telecom Italia).
    I contacted support and the technician verified with a 'tracert' command that a bizarre turn was being made (ITALY - BRAZIL (!) - USA - ITALY) to connect me to that specific server.

    If it happens to anyone else, I recommend running tracert from the command prompt (as administrator) and checking for anomalies.


  5. Hello Terabyte! I don't forget your help in the past! How are you?
    Would you give me a hand if I create an admin access for you?



    1 hour ago, Askancy said:

    The translation package is updated to the latest version?

    Yes... I think. I cannot see any update in ACP,,,

    4 hours ago, DawPi said:

    Ask your host provide to increase the specs of your account. I think they are too low to your needs.

    On default skin too? I doubt. Update your skin.

    It is not a problem that depends on the provider. I run several platforms with identical parameters and this one, although the smallest one, updated throughout shows this problem.

    Also updated the theme but nothing. The problem occurs even with the default theme.

  6. Adriano, may I bother you?

    I renewed the plugin in question but I no longer see it among the installed plugins (!!!!!!).

    The resource is installed in the latest version of IPS but I can't find a way to intervene in the options, choose what to display in the user panel, etc., as I did in the previous version.

    Where am I going wrong?

    Have a good Sunday! 


  7. First, I find it absurd that a platform that costs $150 per year does not offer direct email or ticket support.  But I comply and write about the problem here:

    • 1. Since the last update, the platform I manage has slowed down in adding new posts, new users, and generally updating databases.
    • 2. In addition, dates and times have disappeared from the details of posts and user entry.

    Can anyone intervene or give me support?

  8. 14 hours ago, TAMAN said:

    this is normal. you need to click that 3 line icon then you will see the notifications and messages...etc

    No, @TAMAN.

    There is not any notification or message icons under the menu...


    The UserBar (avatar, message icon, notification icon) disappear on mobile theme...

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