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Andy Millne

Invision Community Team
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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. New in 1.2; Added IP addresses to who voted dialog. Added support for merging entries. Added an option for members to be able to vote on their own entry. Added entry thumbnails to previous winners page. Added a link to the full competition results from the pevious winners page. Added support for following competitions. Added a group setting for who can see who voted. Fixed an issue where competitions may show to users without permission. Fixed an issue where scheduler settings were being cleared.
  2. No, it is standalone. No other apps are required other than the Invision Community core.
  3. There is not currently a setting. It is a default. User cannot delete their own photos but moderators can.
  4. Hi Claudia. Yes this is possible. You can limit the number of entries users can vote on or let them vote on as many as they want. They can add and remove their votes any time up to the competition close.
  5. You can edit the competition name from the admin control panel by editing the competition. You don’t need to use the language tools
  6. The first is an error from the old block. If you open the block manager and remove it that should clear that up. The second is because of the url change. Redirects are listed in the change log to fix that or you can edit the furl settings in the admin control panel to set it back to potm.
  7. Support has been added for manually scheduling competitions in 1.1 which is now in the marketplace. There are also some other features added based on feedback in this topic.
  8. I have a fixed feature set I want to get into 1.1 due for release in the next few weeks but yes, please share your feature ideas for 1.2 and beyond.
  9. Without being able to view the environment the only thing I can think of is you might not have the PHP Internationalisation extension installed. If you don't have that then install it and re-run the task. In 1.1 I have removed this requirement and added a fallback. I'm working on 1.1 and would like to get some thoughts from a few people on the subject of SEO. On the sites I have seen using this so far, most of the content aside from the image is imo "thin". Comments such as "great photo", emoji etc. Currently, I'm planning to add structured markup similar to the Gallery application as that is essentially what it is with each competition being a separate gallery. I would like to here people's thoughts on this though to see what people think should be no-indexed, no-followed etc if anything?
  10. This sounds like a bug with the task. Can you send me a PM with access info so I can look into this please? No this will work with 4.4 or higher only.
  11. You can edit the text using the normal built in Invision translation tools. Admin control panel > customisation > languages
  12. The competition starts at the beginning of the month and finishes at the end. There’s currently no way to have it span several weeks unfortunately. I can look into allowing custom durations but can’t promise anything.
  13. It will still run monthly but yes you can alter any of the text using the regular language tools in the admin control panel
  14. What would you use to do this out of interest?
  15. It's the number of votes a single user has per month. If it is set to 5 for example, a user can vote on 5 entries in that month and then the following month they get another 5. Yes. entries will stop showing in the current month view and a task runs to add the top 3 to the previous winners tab. As soon as the next month starts people can enter.
  16. Hi @Unlucky There is a widget for the current top 3 leaders.
  17. You can do this already. There doesn’t need to be specific support. You can edit the intro text setting to state what the current month’s theme is.
  18. There is currently no support for clubs. What do you mean by custom images for winners please?
  19. These aren't currently features. Yes it's hardcoded to monthly though I plan on adding yearly from the previous months entries. I do not plan on adding support for multiple competitions to run concurrently. I like your suggestion for not making votes and views public and for hiding the author. Perhaps this could be simplified into a single setting to avoid subjectivity like you say. From personal experience knowing the vote count seems to foster competition and increased sharing on social media but I can see some communities would benefit. I'll add it to the suggestions list.
  20. Currently it will only show the top 3 although it will show ties for each position. I do have plans to add a photo of the year from the previous year's monthly entries however. If you know my development style I don't like to overcomplicate things so it's not likely I will add changes to support top 5 etc in the hall of fame. What I may do however is add a link in the hall of fame for "runners up" so that a table of all the entries is shown separately for each month if anybody wants to dive deeper. I'll be making continual improvements but I'm very picky 😄
  21. There is. It shows the current top 3. Demo added at https://myurl.co.uk/demo/
  22. There's a live install at https://doglymail.com/motm/ I'll get a playground demo set up now.
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