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Everything posted by CheersnGears

  1. I would find it easier to work with on the front end, but I agree with most of your other extra protection proposals. Having it only available for people who have ACP access would be a good security check.
  2. I understand that worry. I limited the ability to just my main admins for that exact reason. It is however something I use on a regular schedule (not often, but at regular intervals throughout a year). I have to move an entire category's worth of topics into a sub-topic by year.
  3. We are missing the Prune/Mass Move function in 4.0. We need this back.
  4. Also make sure to update the URLs in your menu bar if you are using it in Content.
  5. I will add: If you are using IP.Content, go to Content -> Settings -> Advanced -> URL to Index.php and change that to the proper URL.
  6. Could you guys post the steps needed for doing a test upgrade of an existing site? I'd like to make a duplicate of my existing site into my test url and run the 4.0 upgrade tool on it just to see what breaks.
  7. ​Nope. They specifically say as such in their FAQ that money will not change your Rep
  8. ​It will help with it, but you'll kill your Mandrill reputation in the process if you get lots of bounces.
  9. ​You probably don't want to use Mandrill for that then, but you'll want to record each and every bounce you get back and disable those accounts from sending.
  10. This is a great app, but may I make a suggestion that would make it even more killer? Have the app move users who bounce and meet certain criteria (0 approved posts / Not logged in/active in X days) to another group for easy pruning. My suggestion come from this: My user database is close to 12 years old. I just sent out a holiday card to my entire user base. Aside from spreading tidings of comfort and joy, I had ulterior motives.... it would be a great indicator of defunct users.
  11. my god! I might even be able to create my own hooks some day?! But I'm not even a programmer!
  12. Any update on this? Any new news on the post archive front?
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