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Nathan Explosion

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  1. Nathan Explosion's post in Google indexing 18 older threads with the title and username of a new topic (only 8 hours old) was marked as the answer   
    Because at the time, that topic probably existed in the 'Recent Topics' block you have on the pages...therefore the phrase you are searching for is on those topics when they were last indexed.
  2. Nathan Explosion's post in CKE Editor was marked as the answer   
    By clicking the big button?

  3. Nathan Explosion's post in Badge Icons not displaying on posts was marked as the answer   
    Here's your starter...
    Edit the following template in your theme:
    core -> front -> global ->commentRecognized
    Add the following at the start of the template:
    {{if($comment->recognized->badge)}} {{$badge = \IPS\core\Achievements\Badge::load($comment->recognized->badge );}} {{endif}} Then add this where you want the badge displayed:
    {{if ISSET($badge)}} {$badge->html()|raw} {{endif}} That will give you a full size badge - experiment with the following to change the size....range is 1 (small) to 8 (large)
    {{if ISSET($badge)}} {$badge->html('ipsFlex-flex:00 ipsDimension:4', FALSE, TRUE)|raw} {{endif}}  

  4. Nathan Explosion's post in Not getting notification email for new registrations was marked as the answer   
    Click that bell icon in the ACP's header?
  5. Nathan Explosion's post in REST & OATH missing was marked as the answer   
    Click on API.
  6. Nathan Explosion's post in How to allow all file types in Pages media uploads? was marked as the answer   
    See how the attached works for you - single setting, type extension, enter a comma if multiples, save.
    if it works OK, I'll bundle it into this:
    (NE) Additional Pages media types 1.0.0.xml
  7. Nathan Explosion's post in Centering logo in e-mail wrapper makes other images break their containers. was marked as the answer   
    Instead of trying to wrap the image in a div, just add this:
    text-align: center; ...to the style of the container the image is already in (a few lines above the <img.... line)
    <td dir='{dir}' valign='middle' style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 30px; font-weight: 300; color: #262e33; line-height: 48px; padding-left: 10px;">  
  8. Nathan Explosion's post in Unhiding a post was marked as the answer   
    This is assuming you have hidden it, which means it appears as red in a topic...
    Read the post Click the indicated item This is assuming you haven't actually hidden it, and instead have deleted it...
    Go to /modcp/deleted/ on your site (ie...if your site is domain.com then go to domain.com/modcp/deleted/) Find the post You can then select it and undelete it. Failing the above...no idea. Explain more about what you have actually done to hide the post. And if you mean topic, then say so as the location to unhide a hidden topic is different to what I am suggesting you do.
  9. Nathan Explosion's post in Push notifications...good idea, however..... was marked as the answer   
    Step 1:
    Configure the manifest correctly.
    Step 2:
    User adds the app after that has been done.
    Step 3:
    Access the app, enable the notifications.
    Start at the start...
    Show your manifest configuration.
  10. Nathan Explosion's post in How does a restricted administrator view the Moderator Activity Page? was marked as the answer   
    Here's the cause of the original problem:
    public function execute(){ \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->checkAcpPermission( 'moderators_manage' ); parent::execute(); } In, that's the permission check for the controller you are accessing - it's not moderatorstats_manage, therefore it isn't going to be using the setting you are using. That is fixed in the 4.7.x codeline at some point.
    If you want a QF for it, and are self-hosted, then just edit the relevant file (/applications/core/modules/admin/stats/moderators.php) and change moderators_manage to moderatorstats_manage
    The language string issue will be sorted if and when you upgrade.
  11. Nathan Explosion's post in Opposite to data-pagemodule= was marked as the answer   
    If anyone ever needs it...
    Every app except Forums.
    body:not([data-pageModule="forums"]){ }  
  12. Nathan Explosion's post in Issue: On a posting in one of our forums in 2015, the embedded image has disappeared was marked as the answer   
    This one? If so, simply change the domain element of the link (plus a little modification to https://)

  13. Nathan Explosion's post in Pages Component missing from ACP was marked as the answer   
    Cloud? Wait for Invision to assist here.
  14. Nathan Explosion's post in One page of my forum is broken: can't edit, can't reply, can't see last post? was marked as the answer   
    Try going direct to the edit page:
    If it works, yay.
    If it doesn't then you wait.
  15. Nathan Explosion's post in Can restrict access to www.mydomain.com/online page? was marked as the answer   
  16. Nathan Explosion's post in API REST - /api/core/messages was marked as the answer   
    Show more code 😉
    Here's a working example:
    <?php $path = 'http://localhost/test/ips_47_test/'; $key = 'd5921836b2c8343d890a5faccb9e73af'; //Private message test $endpoint = '/core/messages'; $post = [ 'from' => 1, 'to' => [2], 'title' => 'title of private message', 'body' => 'send by api', ]; $params = http_build_query($post); $curl = curl_init($path . 'api' . $endpoint . '?' . $params); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "MyUserAgent/1.0", CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_USERPWD => $key )); curl_exec($curl);  

  17. Nathan Explosion's post in Question about best answer was marked as the answer   
    @Marc Stridgen
    It's early morning so happy to be wrong but I think the logic on the check for that section may be flawed if you are viewing your own topic and you are a Moderator.
    Here's the code:
    {{if $topic->canSolve() AND ! $topic->isSolved() AND $topic->isNotModeratorButCanSolve()}} <div class='cContentMessage cContentMessage_color ipsMessage_success ipsMargin_vertical' data-controller='forums.front.topic.solved'> <h3 class='cContentMessage__header'>{lang="solved_did_it_tho_title" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name"}</h3> <div class='ipsPadding'> {lang="solved_did_it_tho_desc"} {{if member.members_bitoptions['no_solved_reenage']}} <div class='ipsMargin_top'> <a href="#" data-action="mailSolvedReminders" class="ipsButton ipsButton_verySmall"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>&nbsp; {lang="solved_reengage_on"}</a> </div> {{endif}} </div> </div> {{endif}} If checks 3 things
    canSolve = true isSolved = false isNotModeratorButCanSolve = true If you are a moderator and have created a topic that can be solved, that message won't display to you. See attached video.
    My question is... - Questions - YNWA.TV (Test site) — Mozilla Firefox 2023-03-29 09-50-32.mp4    
  18. Nathan Explosion's post in How to hide pinned topics from fluid view - Am I missing something? was marked as the answer   
    Turn this off

  19. Nathan Explosion's post in Recommendations for user name when registering was marked as the answer   
    The above would be relevant for logging in - but the user isn't talking about that, they are talking about discouraging the use of the email address as the display name.
    Go to the following area in the ACP (Customization -> (Localization) Languages) and click 'Add phrase' and create an entry with username_desc as the key, and put your content into the default value field.

    Where to go in the ACP:


  20. Nathan Explosion's post in Where to add a script to add it to my footer? was marked as the answer   
  21. Nathan Explosion's post in Is there a newsletter sign-up widget? was marked as the answer   
    Yes...just take a look at the widgets/blocks that are available via the Block Manager

  22. Nathan Explosion's post in getting category id in database records was marked as the answer   
    OK - assumptions made:
    You are creating a custom manual HTML block that contains that code You are placing that block in the sidebar when viewing a record {{if request.app == 'cms' }} {{$databaseId = \IPS\cms\Databases\Dispatcher::i()->databaseId;}} {{$class = "\IPS\cms\Records".$databaseId;}} {{$record = $class::load(\IPS\Request::i()->id);}} {{$categoryId = $record->container()->id;}} {block="articles_related_articles_{$categoryId}"} {{endif}} If that doesn't work (and there is probably a better way of doing it, this was a quick throw-togehter) then I've got no idea where you are putting it.
  23. Nathan Explosion's post in Color @pseudo was marked as the answer   
    Edit your theme's settings, go to the "front-end colors" tab and modify the following:

  24. Nathan Explosion's post in Restore default theme was marked as the answer   
    Simple as that - create a new one = the current IPS theme.
  25. Nathan Explosion's post in Finding setting to show email address in messages was marked as the answer   
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