Community Answers
Nathan Explosion's post in Gallery: is it possible to set it so moderators need to approve every upload? was marked as the answer
Category setting
Nathan Explosion's post in Edit or add "Font Size" was marked as the answer
Unless I'm missing something...have you tried scrolling down in the font size box?
Nathan Explosion's post in CKEditor Plugin does not appear to be valid was marked as the answer
You don't - that's the full CKEditor package.
You download individual plugin zip files:
Nathan Explosion's post in Sum-total of Numerical Values of Data in Columns within a Row was marked as the answer
Page Builder: Text
Literally a copy/paste of the relevant code, with a slight modification to how the table is selected in the Javascript code. Free free to add your style to it.
<table id="thisismytable"> <thead> <tr> <th>Identifier/Product</th> <th>Column 1</th> <th>Column 2</th> <th>Total</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Item 1</td> <td>17</td> <td>24</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Item 2</td> <td>13</td> <td>2</td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <script> const table = document.querySelector('#thisismytable'); const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr'); const rowTotalCell = document.getElementById('rowTotal'); rows.forEach(row => { const cells = row.querySelectorAll('td'); let total = 0; cells.forEach((cell, index) => { if (index === 1 || index === 2) { total += parseFloat(cell.textContent); } }); const totalCell = row.querySelector('td:last-child'); totalCell.textContent = total.toFixed(2); }); </script>
Nathan Explosion's post in what is 'a closed system'? was marked as the answer
It refers to the type of tagging mode you have enabled:
Nathan Explosion's post in Google Crawlers/Bots was marked as the answer
Change the following items to suit...
"Restricted directory or URL" - provide the full URL of the area they can't access "Login URL" - change to your own site "auth" - change to the username or email address (I'd advise email address) for the account they are to use "password" - change thepassword to the password for the account Click 'Add login'
Nathan Explosion's post in Adding new templates to a theme does not work was marked as the answer
Instead of doing those things, why not add it using the tool already available for adding a template?
If you are developing an application though, then things are a little different - if this is the case, you'd create your template in the dev folder of your application and work from there.
Nathan Explosion's post in The math isn't mathing? was marked as the answer
A forfeited vote is still counted as a vote:
Nathan Explosion's post in Merging one post into an existing thread was marked as the answer
Option 1 - from the topic listing...when prompted after clicking the indicated icon, select the topic that you wish to keep (that would be the existing topic, in your case...not the new one) and then click Merge.
Option 2:
Go to the new topic Copy its URL from the address bar Go to the old topic
When prompted, paste the copied URL into the provided field and click Merge.
Nathan Explosion's post in After upgrading, how to get a default blank theme? was marked as the answer
Click the button and create one.
Nathan Explosion's post in Show members using each theme ? was marked as the answer
Don't install via ACP - download it (choose 4.3 or 4.4 as your version)
Nathan Explosion's post in Icon Disapear in ACP was marked as the answer
Find the language string for menutab__members_icon and ensure it is set to user
Nathan Explosion's post in Some features missing was marked as the answer
They are Cloud only features, so if you are self-hosted you won't be able to get them.
If you are Cloud hosted then you may not be on a plan that allows you to use them.
Nathan Explosion's post in Display the button Reject cookies was marked as the answer
You have to populate that field with the tag for cookies.
Nathan Explosion's post in Display List of one member group was marked as the answer[5]=1
Change the 5 to the ID of the group.
Found via Member Search on
Nathan Explosion's post in IPS included block template inconsistencies was marked as the answer
Or edit the template in the ACP... at <APP> -> Front -> Widgets
Upcoming Events = Calendar -> Front -> Widgets -> upcomingEvents
Members = Core -> Front -> Widgets -> members (note that "Today's Birthdays" is the title you gave that block, not the actual name of the block)
Nathan Explosion's post in Apostrophe in user name was marked as the answer
Easy resolution - add the character:
Nathan Explosion's post in Error searching user by e-mail (Cloud) was marked as the answer
That was patched a few weeks ago - check for patches on your Support page in the ACP. If you have none available then it may be a reoccurrence of the issue.
Nathan Explosion's post in Sign-ins on iPad OS (v16.4.1) are reported as being on Macinstosh instead of iPad was marked as the answer
And the true cause is the Safari setting "Request Desktop Website" is on by default. Toggle that off, and the user agent is now iPad.
Go Apple!!
Nathan Explosion's post in How to add a forum longer description was marked as the answer
The first image is the forum description.
The second image is description, plus the forum's rules: