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Posts posted by ucjohn

  1. 14 minutes ago, opentype said:

    I doubt this can be changed easily. The IPS carousel isn’t meant to show just one image. 

    It's not showing just 1 image, I have 6 to 7 images in rotation I just want it to display one at a time like other carousels not one right beside the other.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Davyc said:

    Just looking at the screenshot (link would be better) it appears that the images are not filling the width of the carousel - which would explain the left side not being fully moved along the line.  There is always some natural overlap (screenshot below shows similar but not as bad as yours):


    It can be sorted with some CSS, but your images are looking too narrow for the width of the carousel element.


    All my images are 1920 x 1080 for the banners, I want them to separate on each slide instead of like 2 inches till the next one... Which I've been trying to sort figured someone might know a simple fix..

  3. Hello,


    I've uploaded the images and added the links to them correctly. I want 1 image at a time but currently it's squeezing 2 together and looks not that appealing. Any idea's on how to correct this issue would be great this is the built in Carousel in invision.



  4. Discord would be very hard to do as it's a totally different structure it doesn't call from IP & Port it calles from unique ID numbers and is very API friendly but for this would be pointless.  Battlefield 1 should be able to but right now Hosting companies haven't heard to much if they are going to be able to provide hosting of the game to people that want to rent as of this time. But I'm sure if they do the developer will update and add it.

  5. I've uploaded it to plugins.. Nothing is working it's IPB 4.1.0 I'm running now not having much luck I put the block where I want and click edit and I get a error.. I try finding it inside admin panel there is no options am I missing something?

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