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Black Zero

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Posts posted by Black Zero

  1. 6 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    You'll need something to handle the items that are not styled - I'm not a theme guy, so no idea what specific areas you'll have to modified in your theme.

    I think you can solve it. Can you please find the solution for me. I can wait for that.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    edit your globalTemplate template and add the following prior to the closing </body> and save your template.

    	if(typeof CKEDITOR !='undefined'){
    		CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text; font-size: 20px; font-family: Georgia;}");

    What does it do...

    1. If there is a CKEDITOR on the page then...
    2. It changes the CSS of the editor to be the font/font-size you want and then...
    3. It changes the label of the font dropdown box and...
    4. It changes the label of the font size dropdown box.


    Could contain: Page, Text, Plot, Chart

    Its amazing dear
    Its working now. Also tell me its left element so that it starts 😀 writing from default left

    and if set default colour etc ???

  3. Please move this topic in corect section 

    Can the default font and text size of the CKEditor text box be changed?

    Tell me how it will happen??  I want to change the CKEditor default font and size in my forum. My forum is hosted on self hosting.Please advise me

  4. 4 hours ago, Unlucky said:

    Have you installed this on the latest version and what exactly does not work?

    We used to use sendgrid but have stopped due to the service being really poor and not worth the continued cost.

    Yes . It is not usable for the latest version. The maker did not upgrade it.

  5. 11 hours ago, DSystem said:

    An option to work around this problem is to use this application ->  https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9000-sendmail-advanced/

    Of course, if we had a native email system that didn't force forum administrators to use paid services, it would be much better. The SMF with a very simple system manages to limit the emails per day without harming the most important emails such as password change or email confirmation and etc...

    But do what? The IPB team is always right.

    I have also installed and checked it. But even that doesn't work. It is best to have this option in the software. So that admin can easily mail members. And send the necessary information.

  6. My hosting service allows me to send 5000 emails daily and I have 20000 subscribers. If such a system is available then I can deliver email to everyone in just 4 to 5 days. But I can't do that. Because when you send so many emails at once, all of them get stuck in error logs. There should be a suitable option for this so that anyone who wants to use this option can do it easily.

  7. Hello

    Members who follow any thread receive a daily and weekly e-mail send known as Daily Digest emails. If we ban some members from the forum or this thread. Even then they receive the update post of this email bomb forum. In this way they get the updates of this thread even though they do not have it. I don't want them to send these emails. Or if they do, they don't include new forum posts. Tell me, how is that possible? How can an Email wrapper be edited because I don't understand much of the code there ? please reply


  8. Hello members

    I have moved from VB to Invision. VB had a tool to find duplicate members which helped admin a lot. Which is not available here. Nowadays I have a problem that my site's premium data is being stolen by a member and sealed by a WhatsApp group and unfortunately I have no way to find it and if it is found somehow then when If he comes back with a new account, how can he be found? In that sense, the admin is a helpless administrator. I think it would be a good addition if it was a matter of imposing sanctions and one person having one account

  9. At present, registration with mobile number is more common than e-mail. For example, WhatsApp, Facebook and other social sites also register with mobile number. And many apps require a mobile number when registering. Because email addresses are widely available and can make a large number of members, there is a high risk of spam and rules violations by this member. There is no way to stop or find this member by admin

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