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newbie LAC

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Posts posted by newbie LAC

  1. Just now, Adriano Faria said:
    			$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Node( 'ct_forum', isset( $data['ct_forum'] ) ? $data['ct_forum'] : NULL, TRUE, array(
    							'url'					=> \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=forums&module=forums&controller=topic&id={$topic->tid}", 'front', 'forums_topic' ),
    							'class'					=> 'IPS\forums\Forum',
    							'permissionCheck'		=> function ( $forum ) { return $forum->sub_can_post and !$forum->redirect_url; },
    			) ) );


    Answered on your PM.

  2. Just now, Adriano Faria said:

    I can reproduce it but I don't see any error.

    'permissionCheck'		=> function ( $forum ) { return $forum->sub_can_post and !$forum->redirect_url; },

    What have you done ?

    Show the full code for forum selector

  3. On 13.10.2015 at 6:45 AM, DanInMS said:

    I just get a spinning icon and it never displays the child forum sections underneath.

    One of users had the same problem but for other IPS app. I fixed via PM.

  4. 15 hours ago, ABGenc said:

    Actually I have been requesting this filter option from IPS for months but still could not succeed. That is one of the most missed option from SMF :( 


    PM me and I'll send you new version for testing.

  5. Just now, ABGenc said:

    Hi @newbie LAC is it possible to add Exclude Forum option ? Cause I need this block and also need to put it by an exclution option. I have a forum that ppl introduce themselves and I dont want them to be seen in this block.

    I know it is not possible with most of the widgets but can it be used twice on the same sidebar ? :) 


    1. You can use setting "Include forums". Don't select the forum.

    2. Currently no.

  6. 5 hours ago, Jcdx said:

    @newbie LAC - I like the plugin very much :) but how can I get rid of spacing between lower badges? See the pic. I want spacing to be as between 1st and 2nd badge. Despite using CSS trick you mentioned earlier nothing helps for these lower badges.

    EDIT: fixed that by editing ipspad_bottom class, wonder what will look wonky now :D


    ipsPad_bottom is global class. I reverted changes and added 

    .nbSecGroupIconsPost {
        padding-bottom: 2px;



  7. 5 hours ago, Jcdx said:

    @newbie LAC - I like the plugin very much :) but how can I get rid of spacing between lower badges? See the pic. I want spacing to be as between 1st and 2nd badge. Despite using CSS trick you mentioned earlier nothing helps for these lower badges.

    EDIT: fixed that by editing ipspad_bottom class, wonder what will look wonky now :D


    ipsPad_bottom is global class. I reverted changes and added 

    .nbSecGroupIconsPost {
        padding-bottom: 2px;



  8. 8 minutes ago, Richard Davey said:

    Just bought this plugin and really like it. I would like to do the following:

    1. Remove the text 'Recent Forum Images' (just remove that whole bar)
    2. Have the thumbnails go to the 'Post Link' URL instead of opening up at all

    Either of these possible somehow?


    1. Edit the template nbRecentForumImagesAttaches. ACP - Customization - Themes - Skin - core - global - plugins - nbAttachmentsBlocksRows

    Find and remove 

    <h3 class='ipsWidget_title ipsType_reset'>{setting="nb_rfi_title"}</h3>

    2. See plugin settings


  9. 19 minutes ago, InsideEdge said:

    Hi Newbie,

    Is there a way to make the Recent Topics / Reply bar more obvious to click one or the other as a button option?  Thanks



    You can use css properties to customize or add some css classes into nbRecentTopicsPosts template.


  10. 6 hours ago, Joey_M said:

    Actually, I seem to be having issues with the pagination - If I click to view the next page, it sometimes just constantly spins 'loading'. I didn't experience this whilst I was at home but I haven't really had time to fully test things.


    Give me the link on problem page

  11. 14 hours ago, john west_516450 said:

    btw just 1 question, can i change the word replies into new posts, if so i do it in the xml file and re-upload the xml file?


    You can do it after installing also. Go to ACP - Customization - Languages - Translate - Use search

  12. 14 hours ago, john west_516450 said:

    edit, should it create a side bar itself? i use the stock IPB4.1 theme.


    For those who can face with such a problem.

    1. Install the plugin.


    2. Configure the plugin


    3. On public side click on "Manage Blocks"


    4. Select the widget and drag and drop on sidebar area


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