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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. There are many skins with different 'post design'. You can get html and use it. Something like <article itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Comment" class="cPost ipsBox ipsComment ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone"> <aside class="ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium"> <h3 class="ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_blendLinks ipsType_break" itemprop="creator" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Person"> <strong itemprop="name">Advertisement</strong> </h3> <ul class="cAuthorPane_info ipsList_reset"> <li class="cAuthorPane_photo"> <span class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large'> <img src="%url_to_photo%" alt="Advertisement" itemprop="image"> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> <div class="ipsColumn ipsColumn_fluid"> <div class="ipsComment_content ipsType_medium ipsFaded_withHover"> <div class="cPost_contentWrap ipsPad"> <div data-role="commentContent" itemprop="text" class="ipsType_normal ipsType_richText ipsContained"> Advert after X posts </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> Change %url_to_photo% in code on photo link Result
  2. I can't reproduce. Maybe you have plugins related with reputation. Please test on default IPS theme also. I see you use a custom skin.
  3. Hello, My app is not linked with leaderboard. If you want to show "Top rated users" use widget It looks like "Top contributors" Use new setting "Disable reputation buttons"
  4. Hello, Where you found leaderboard? Not sure what you mean
  5. Hello, It should work. Yes If you have any problems with app tell me
  6. Hello, try { $geoData = \IPS\GeoLocation::getByIp( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->ip_address ); if ($geoData['country'] == 'DE') { // Show message } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { }
  7. Hello, Your post is suggestion. I need more info. Add "click limits" for all ads or set for every separately.
  8. Hello, 1. https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/429838-nb41-enhanced-advertisements/?do=findComment&comment=2638531 2. HTML {{if (\IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic')}} {{ try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::loadAndCheckPerms(\IPS\Request::i()->id); $forumId = $topic->forum_id; } catch(\Exception $e) { $forumId = 0; };}} {{if !in_array($forumId, array(14,15))}} Advert before last post {{endif}} {{endif}} Selector article.cPost:last() Position Insert advert before the chosen element(s)
  9. That plugin has wrong theme hook data 'selector' => 'html > body', 'type' => 'add_before', Simple output is <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> <title>Forums - IPS Community Suite</title> </head> <p>plugin code</p> <body> </body> </html> It's not valid Change 'type' => 'add_before', to 'type' => 'add_inside_start',
  10. Helo, Yes. Look like js files is broken. Try rebuild caches. Run "Something isn't working correctly" tool.
  11. Hello, No. I've mentioned @Joey_M Maybe he share the link.
  12. Hello, I added already a setting. CSS change is a bad solution. Use Bill Edwards trick or disable reputation and edit applications/nbcontentratings/hooks/nbContentRatingsContent.php find // Reputation disabled if (!\IPS\Settings::i()->reputation_enabled) { return false; } change to // Reputation disabled if (!\IPS\Settings::i()->reputation_enabled) { // return false; } But this hide reputation anywhere. Maybe add new setting "Hide rep buttons"?
  13. I haven't that version to test. If the code is different you will need to select the correct selectors.
  14. It seems your theme templates are modified. I've made a quick test (4.1.16) and all worked fine.
  15. Hello, Have you setup settings? Tab 'Post' Have you tested on default unmodified theme?
  16. Hello, There used popup with youtube video. We need to store a link to the video somewhere . Currently this is not possible.
  17. Hello, I didn't work with GA. It's a RSS. Example https://invisionpower.com/forums/forum/431-ips-marketplace-topics.xml/ If you can do it with this link you can do it with my rss.
  18. Hello, Sound like a bug. Temp fix Open applications/nbcontentratings/hooks/nbContentRatingsContent.php Find if ($rating > 0 and ($this->author()->member_id == $member->member_id) and !\IPS\Settings::i()->nbcontentratings_can_give_themselves) Change to if (($this->author()->member_id == $member->member_id) and !\IPS\Settings::i()->nbcontentratings_can_give_themselves)
  19. Hello, Similar question https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/416464-nb40-secondary-group-icons/?do=findComment&comment=2583910 Answer https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/416464-nb40-secondary-group-icons/?do=findComment&comment=2583912
  20. Hello, ACP - Members - Groups - Select any group - Group Icon
  21. 1. I selected 2 groups Moderators has a group icon Tester hasn't a group icon Result Displaying only 1 secondary group 2. I opened a template nbSecGroupIconsProfile, removed a condition, and changed a code Result Displaying 2 secondary groups I've added 2 groups, added your css, selected groups Result Displaying 2 secondary groups
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