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Posts posted by Unlucky

  1. There is a problem if you try to merge 2 accounts when one of them has been adding videos in CJ media

    It's throwing an error and the background process for merging has hung, Tried running the process manually and it gives this error

    1S111/1 Unknown column 'media_edited_by' in 'field list'



    Also in the system log it reports

    UPDATE `cjmedia_media` cjmedia_media  SET `media_member`=1,`media_member_by`='referee',`media_edited_by`='referee' WHERE media_id=2
    Unknown column 'media_edited_by' in 'field list'


    Back trace

    #0 /home//public_html/system/Db/Db.php(990): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\cjmedia_h...', Array)
    #1 /home/5/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(492): IPS\_Db->update('`cjmedia_media`...', '`media_member`=...', 'WHERE media_id=...')
    #2 [internal function]: IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save()
    #3 /home//public_html/init.php(448) : eval()'d code(79): call_user_func_array('parent::save', Array)
    #4 /home//public_html/applications/cjmedia/sources/Media/Media.php(795): IPS\cjmedia_hook_content->save()
    #5 /home/public_html/system/Content/Content.php(1136): IPS\cjmedia\_Media->save()
    #6 /home//public_html/system/Content/Item.php(2236): IPS\_Content->changeAuthor(Object(IPS\Member))
    #7 /home//public_html/applications/core/extensions/core/Queue/MemberContent.php(114): IPS\Content\_Item->changeAuthor(Object(IPS\Member))
    #8 /home//public_html/system/Task/Task.php(47): IPS\core\extensions\core\Queue\_MemberContent->run(Array, 0)
    #9 /home//public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php(80): IPS\_Task::runQueue()
    #10 [internal function]: IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background->IPS\core\modules\admin\system\{closure}(Array)
    #11 /home//public_html/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(92): call_user_func(Object(Closure), Array)
    #12 /home//public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php(132): IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect->__construct(Object(IPS\Http\Url\Internal), Object(Closure), Object(Closure))
    #13 /home//public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background->process()
    #14 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #15 /home//public_html/init.php(448) : eval()'d code(14): call_user_func_array('parent::execute', Array)
    #16 /home/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php(37): IPS\Dispatcher\hook26->execute()
    #17 /home//public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background->execute()
    #18 /home//public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #19 {main}

  2. 1 hour ago, JTHastings said:

    Ouch! and this is what's showing in the Activity Stream...15 people won the first prize and got notified....not good. Everything worked good right up until the winners were auto selected.

    Dam I have a a raffle completing tomorrow - How can I avoid this happening?

    Please help Adriano as I cannot afford to give away lots of the same prize

  3. Hi,

    Will you be adding any member filters so we can choose to bulk pm only members who say have started a club, or have have a blog or have an album etc?

    Like we can in the bulk mailer filter section?


  4. On 12/10/2017 at 3:16 AM, Mike John said:

    Should be up within a few days.

    This is causing a lot of frustrations for our members - How much longer to fix?

    Can we please have a temporary fix if it is proving difficult to find a solution?

    The news app is a focal point of our site and I am getting so many complaints and support emails pointing out the navigation issue.


  5. Hi,

    I am using this to pull in gallery photos from IPgallery


    On the slider for two entries i get a  NO IMAGE image -  and I get the following error when clicking them


    DomainException:  (0)
    #0 /home//public_html/applications/gallery/modules/front/gallery/view.php(306): IPS\File\_FileSystem->getImageDimensions()
    #1 /home//public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\gallery\modules\front\gallery\_view->manage()
    #2 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #3 /home//public_html/init.php(448) : eval()'d code(14): call_user_func_array('parent::execute', Array)
    #4 /home//public_html/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\hook26->execute()
    #5 /home//public_html/applications/gallery/modules/front/gallery/view.php(61): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /home//public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\gallery\modules\front\gallery\_view->execute()
    #7 /home//public_html/index.php(12): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main

  6. Sorry to be a pain but my mod keep chasing me - dont forget your account has chat mod status to test and verify


    Sorry to pester you again about the mod controls but nothings resolved yet and I had the need to use the kick function but its not working, had a chatter in **** who got a right strop on because I was unable to help him. I directed him to the forum to contact yourself but just got a bit of sarcastic rudeness like typical jobsworth. He didnt want to listen to anything I had to say"

  7. On 12/4/2017 at 1:35 AM, Mike John said:

    Will have a reply up soon

    thanks - any idea how long?

    Also I notice that the categories right hand column widget sits lower than a widget if you add it to the top above the mains news section.

    What can I do so they site at the same height?

    Screenshot to show what I mean below


  8. Duplicate member logger seems completely broken apart from identifying the duplicate accounts.

    We have trouble on our board so I have set it to ban new duplicate accounts

    That is not working - i created a test account and registered fine without being banned

    And PM messages are not being sent to the main account when a duplicate is registered

    Can you look into these issues asap please as I have members threatening each other with legal action and I know one of them is creating duplicate accounts to stir things up.


  9. Just tried to PM all duplicate memebr accounts using the option in the acp for this

    Got this error

    INSERT INTO `core_message_topic_user_map` ( `map_user_id`, `map_topic_id`, `map_folder_id`, `map_read_time`, `map_user_active`, `map_user_banned`, `map_has_unread`, `map_is_system`, `map_is_starter`, `map_left_time`, `map_ignore_notification`, `map_last_topic_reply` ) VALUES ( NULL, 879, 'myconvo', 0, true, false, true, false, false, 0, false, 1512406019 )
    IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'map_user_id' cannot be null (1048)
    #0 /public_html/system/Db/Db.php(807): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\core\\Mess...', Array)
    #1 /public_html/applications/core/sources/Messenger/Conversation.php(616): IPS\_Db->insert('core_message_to...', Array)
    #2 /public_html/applications/cjdml/sources/Actions/Actions.php(204): IPS\core\Messenger\_Conversation->authorize(Array)
    #3 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\cjdml\modules\admin\acp\_duplicates->pm()
    #4 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #5/public_html/init.php(448) : eval()'d code(29): call_user_func_array('parent::execute', Array)
    #6 /public_html/applications/cjdml/modules/admin/acp/duplicates.php(48): IPS\Dispatcher\hook26->execute()
    #7 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\cjdml\modules\admin\acp\_duplicates->execute()
    #8 5/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #9 {main}

  10. 7 hours ago, Mike John said:

    I've sent you a PM to work around this for now. But ideally I would like to get a copy of the theme to test with it


    Just sent you a message to confirm the fix didn't work and the theme devs details.


  11. 43 minutes ago, Nebthtet said:

    That's a pity, I thought more people would ask for that because it seems as a good way to avoid all tax-related problems with charging for tickets. Anyway, then I'll just have to make a workaround with manual transaction accepts via admin panel.

    Hi, this does sound a a great idea to get around the issues selling tickets.

    What plugin are you using to add credits to a member account?

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